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Created May 1, 2010 12:13
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bug with implicits and type inference
// Making Zero covariant in Z allows compilation
trait Zero[/*+*/Z] {
val zero: Z
object Zero {
implicit def IntZero: Zero[Int] = error("stub")
// removing UnitZero allows compilation
implicit def UnitZero: Zero[Unit] = error("stub")
object Scalaz {
def mzero[ZZ](implicit z: Zero[ZZ]): ZZ =
object test {
import Scalaz._
// Passing type argument Int explicitly allows compilation: mzero[Int]
mzero: Int
// (fragment of zero.scala):18: error: ambiguous implicit values:
// both method UnitZero in object Zero of type => this.Zero[Unit]
// and method IntZero in object Zero of type => this.Zero[Int]
// match expected type this.Zero[ZZ]
// mzero: Int
// ^
// one error found
typing (mzero: Int), pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true
typing Int, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true
typed scala.Int:Int, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted scala.Int:Int to ?, List()
typing mzero, pt = Int, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true
typed Scalaz.mzero:[ZZ](implicit z: Zero[ZZ])ZZ, undetparams = List(), pt = Int
typing implicit with undetermined type params: List(type ZZ)
typed impl?? UnitZero:=> Zero[Unit] ==> Zero.UnitZero with pt = Zero[ZZ], wildpt = Zero[?]
typing Zero, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false
typed Zero:Zero.type with underlying object Zero, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted Zero:object Zero to ?, List()
typed implicit Zero.UnitZero:=> Zero[Unit], pt = Zero[?]
adapted implicit method UnitZero:Zero[Unit] to Zero[?]
tvars = List(?ZZ)/List([ _>:(Unit) | _<:(Unit) ] _= <notype>)
RESULT = SearchResult(Zero.UnitZero, TreeTypeSubstituter(List(type ZZ),List(Unit)))
typed impl?? IntZero:=> Zero[Int] ==> Zero.IntZero with pt = Zero[ZZ], wildpt = Zero[?]
typing Zero, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false
typed Zero:Zero.type with underlying object Zero, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted Zero:object Zero to ?, List()
typed implicit Zero.IntZero:=> Zero[Int], pt = Zero[?]
adapted implicit method IntZero:Zero[Int] to Zero[?]
tvars = List(?ZZ)/List([ _>:(Int) | _<:(Int) ] _= <notype>)
RESULT = SearchResult(Zero.IntZero, TreeTypeSubstituter(List(type ZZ),List(Int)))
typing mzero, pt = ?, undetparams = List(type ZZ), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true
typed Scalaz.mzero:[ZZ](implicit z: Zero[ZZ])ZZ, undetparams = List(type ZZ), pt = ?
typing implicit with undetermined type params: List(type ZZ, type ZZ)
typed impl?? UnitZero:=> Zero[Unit] ==> Zero.UnitZero with pt = Zero[ZZ], wildpt = Zero[?]
typing Zero, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false
typed Zero:Zero.type with underlying object Zero, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted Zero:object Zero to ?, List()
typed implicit Zero.UnitZero:=> Zero[Unit], pt = Zero[?]
adapted implicit method UnitZero:Zero[Unit] to Zero[?]
tvars = List(?ZZ, ?ZZ)/List([ _>:() | _<:() ] _= <notype>, [ _>:(Unit) | _<:(Unit) ] _= <notype>)
RESULT = SearchResult(Zero.UnitZero, TreeTypeSubstituter(List(type ZZ),List(Unit)))
typed impl?? IntZero:=> Zero[Int] ==> Zero.IntZero with pt = Zero[ZZ], wildpt = Zero[?]
typing Zero, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false
typed Zero:Zero.type with underlying object Zero, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted Zero:object Zero to ?, List()
typed implicit Zero.IntZero:=> Zero[Int], pt = Zero[?]
adapted implicit method IntZero:Zero[Int] to Zero[?]
tvars = List(?ZZ, ?ZZ)/List([ _>:() | _<:() ] _= <notype>, [ _>:(Int) | _<:(Int) ] _= <notype>)
RESULT = SearchResult(Zero.IntZero, TreeTypeSubstituter(List(type ZZ),List(Int)))
caught$TypeError: ambiguous implicit values:
both method UnitZero in object Zero of type => Zero[Unit]
and method IntZero in object Zero of type => Zero[Int]
match expected type Zero[ZZ] in typed: mzero
zero.scala:18: error: ambiguous implicit values:
both method UnitZero in object Zero of type => Zero[Unit]
and method IntZero in object Zero of type => Zero[Int]
match expected type Zero[ZZ]
mzero: Int
adapted Scalaz.mzero:[ZZ](implicit z: Zero[ZZ])ZZ to Int, List()
typed (<error: <none>>: Int):Int, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
typing (mzero: Int), pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true
typing Int, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true
typed scala.Int:Int, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted scala.Int:Int to ?, List()
typing mzero, pt = Int, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true
typed Scalaz.mzero:[ZZ](implicit z: Zero[ZZ])ZZ, undetparams = List(), pt = Int
typed impl?? IntZero:=> Zero[Int] ==> Zero.IntZero with pt = Zero[Int], wildpt = Zero[Int]
typing Zero, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false
typed Zero:Zero.type with underlying object Zero, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted Zero:object Zero to ?, List()
typed implicit Zero.IntZero:=> Zero[Int], pt = Zero[Int]
adapted implicit method IntZero:Zero[Int] to Zero[Int]
tvars = List()/List()
RESULT = SearchResult(Zero.IntZero, TreeTypeSubstituter(List(),List()))
typing Scalaz.mzero[Int](Zero.IntZero), pt = Int, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent
= false
typing Scalaz.mzero[Int], pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = false
typed Scalaz.mzero[Int]:(implicit z: Zero[Int])Int, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted Scalaz.mzero[Int]:(implicit z: Zero[Int])Int to ?, List()
typing Zero.IntZero, pt = Zero[Int], undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = false
typed Zero.IntZero:Zero[Int], undetparams = List(), pt = Zero[Int]
adapted Zero.IntZero:Zero[Int] to Zero[Int], List()
typed Scalaz.mzero[Int](Zero.IntZero):Int, undetparams = List(), pt = Int
adapted Scalaz.mzero[Int](Zero.IntZero):Int to Int, List()
adapted Scalaz.mzero:[ZZ](implicit z: Zero[ZZ])ZZ to Int, List()
typed (Scalaz.mzero[Int](Zero.IntZero): Int):Int, undetparams = List(), pt = ?
adapted (Scalaz.mzero[Int](Zero.IntZero): Int):Int to ?, List()
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