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Last active October 18, 2023 05:14
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Whova Google Calendar Links

Whova Google Calendar Links

This will go through each of the agenda items in Whova and produce an Add To Google Calendar link.


Copy / paste the Javascript code below into your browser console once you've logged in.

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Find me ( Shane Reustle ) at the event and ask me about Tech Janitor

const LIST_GOING_ONLY = true;
// Change this to false if you'd like to see all events, instead of
// just those that you've marked as Attending.
function fixDate(dateTimeStr) {
const dateTimeWithTimezone = `${dateTimeStr} UTC+0700`;
const dateObj = new Date(dateTimeWithTimezone);
if (isNaN(dateObj.getTime())) {
return null;
return dateObj;
function createGoogleCalendarLink(event) {
const baseUrl = '';
const start = new Date(event.start).toISOString().replace(/-|:|\.\d\d\d/g, "");
const end = new Date(event.end).toISOString().replace(/-|:|\.\d\d\d/g, "");
const title = encodeURIComponent(event.title);
const location = encodeURIComponent(event.loc);
const description = encodeURIComponent(event.desc.substring(0, 500));
const calendarUrl = `${baseUrl}&text=${title}&dates=${start}/${end}&details=${description}&location=${location}`;
return calendarUrl;
async function grabSessions() {
console.log('Grabbing sessions...');
let userAgenda = await fetch('');
let agendaDataJson = await userAgenda.json();
let agendaData = agendaDataJson?.result?.sessions;
let sessions = session => {
return {
going: (session.added === "yes"),
title: session.title,
loc: session.loc,
start_ts: session.start_ts,
start: fixDate(session.start_ts),
end_ts: session.end_ts,
end: fixDate(session.end_ts),
desc: session.desc,
return null;
}).filter(sesh => { return sesh != null })
return sessions.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);
function printLinks(sessions, options) {
sessions.forEach(session => {
if(options?.goingOnly && !session.going){ return; }
console.log(`%c${session.start_ts} %c- ${session.loc}`, `font-weight: bold; color: #1a60ab`, `font-weight: inherit; color: default;`);
let sessions = await grabSessions();
printLinks( sessions, { goingOnly: LIST_GOING_ONLY });
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