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Outline the Computational Media graduate program at UC Santa Cruz.


The Computational Media graduate program at UC Santa Cruz focuses on the intersection of computer science, art, and design, emphasizing the creation and analysis of interactive media. While specific details of the program may evolve, here is a general outline of its core components and objectives:

  1. Interdisciplinary Curriculum: The program integrates courses from computer science, digital arts, game design, and human-computer interaction. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that students gain a broad understanding of computational media from both technical and creative perspectives.

  2. Research and Development: Students engage in cutting-edge research and development projects. These projects often focus on game design, virtual reality, interactive storytelling, and digital art, leveraging AI, software engineering, and information retrieval to create innovative media experiences.

  3. Technical Skills: The program emphasizes the development of strong technical skills in programming, AI, software engineering, and information retrieval. Students learn to apply these skills in the context of media creation, using tools and techniques like game hacking and reverse engineering.

  4. Creative Expression: Alongside technical proficiency, the program encourages creative expression. Students explore how interactive media can be used for storytelling, art, and game design, learning to think critically about the design and impact of digital media.

  5. Ethical Considerations: A significant aspect of the curriculum involves understanding the social, ethical, and cultural implications of computational media. This includes discussions on decolonization, decarbonization, and the potential for technology to impact social power dynamics.

  6. Collaborative Projects: The program promotes collaboration among students from diverse backgrounds. Projects often require teamwork, combining skills from different disciplines to create comprehensive media solutions.

  7. Professional Development: Students are prepared for careers in the tech and media industries, academia, or as entrepreneurs. The program provides networking opportunities, industry connections, and insights into career paths within computational media.

  8. Final Project or Thesis: Graduates are required to complete a significant project or thesis that demonstrates their ability to apply what they've learned to create innovative computational media.

The program is designed for students with a variety of backgrounds, including those with undergraduate degrees in computer science, digital arts, game design, or related fields. It aims to produce graduates who are capable of leading the future of interactive media design and technology.


Close. The three pillars of knowledge in this program are (interactive) media making, (technical) system building, and (humanistic) interpretation. Games are just one example form of computational media, but we also include board games, immersive digital theater experiences, and interactive training software.


Thank you for clarifying the core pillars of the Computational Media graduate program at UC Santa Cruz. Here's a refined outline that integrates these three foundational areas:

Interactive Media Making

  • Focus: This pillar emphasizes the creation and design of various forms of interactive media beyond digital games, including board games, immersive digital theater experiences, and interactive training software.
  • Curriculum: Courses cover the principles of design, storytelling, and user experience in creating engaging interactive media. This includes workshops and studios where students conceptualize, prototype, and refine their media projects.
  • Objectives: Equip students with the creative skills to innovate in the field of interactive media, focusing on originality, user engagement, and aesthetic considerations.

Technical System Building

  • Focus: Under this pillar, the emphasis is on the development of the technical infrastructure and software systems that underpin interactive media. This includes game engines, interactive software, and digital platforms.
  • Curriculum: Includes advanced programming, software engineering, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, and data analysis. Courses are designed to teach students how to build robust, efficient, and scalable technical systems.
  • Objectives: Prepare students to tackle complex technical challenges, emphasizing coding proficiency, system architecture design, and the integration of advanced technologies in media projects.

Humanistic Interpretation

  • Focus: This area explores the cultural, social, and ethical implications of computational media. It involves critical analysis and theoretical frameworks for understanding the impact of interactive media on society.
  • Curriculum: Courses in this pillar blend media theory, cultural studies, ethics, and critical game studies. Students engage with readings, discussions, and projects that encourage them to critically assess media artifacts and their broader implications.
  • Objectives: Foster a deep understanding of the role of computational media in culture, including considerations of decolonization, decarbonization, and the dynamics of power and representation. Encourage students to envision and create media that contribute positively to society.

Integration and Application

The program is structured to ensure that students not only gain expertise in each of these pillars but also learn to integrate knowledge across disciplines. Collaborative projects, interdisciplinary seminars, and capstone experiences encourage students to apply their skills in real-world contexts, bridging media making, system building, and humanistic interpretation.

Through this comprehensive approach, the Computational Media graduate program at UC Santa Cruz aims to produce graduates who are not only skilled in the creation and technical development of interactive media but also thoughtful about its implications and potential for societal impact.


Alright, let's talk about the design of CMPM 202, Computational Media Research, a course that will be required to take by all first-year graduate students in the program. Here is the catalog text for the course: "Overview of computational media research strategies. Includes case studies of how particular projects were defined and completed and how interdisciplinary concerns have been successfully integrated. Considers the expressive and authorial affordances of different system architecture approaches. Prerequisite(s): course 201, or by permission of the instructor. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students."


Designing CMPM 202, Computational Media Research, involves structuring the course to align with the program's interdisciplinary ethos, emphasizing research strategies, project case studies, and system architecture's role in media creation. Here's a proposed design outline that reflects these objectives:

Course Description

CMPM 202 is a foundational course for first-year graduate students in the Computational Media program. It offers an in-depth exploration of research methodologies in computational media, focusing on the integration of technical, creative, and theoretical approaches. Through analyzing case studies, students will learn how to define and complete interdisciplinary projects, considering both the expressive potential and the technical underpinnings of various system architectures.

Course Objectives

  • Understand Research Methodologies: Familiarize students with diverse research strategies in computational media, including experimental, qualitative, and design-based methods.
  • Analyze Case Studies: Examine real-world projects to understand how interdisciplinary concerns are integrated and how challenges are addressed in project conceptualization and execution.
  • Explore System Architectures: Investigate how different technical frameworks and system designs influence the authorial and expressive capabilities of computational media projects.
  • Interdisciplinary Integration: Encourage students to think critically about the intersection of technical development, creative design, and humanistic inquiry in media research.

Course Components

1. Lectures and Readings

  • Lectures will cover theoretical foundations, research methodologies, and an overview of various system architectures used in computational media.
  • Readings will include scholarly articles, project postmortems, and case studies showcasing successful integration of interdisciplinary approaches.

2. Case Study Analysis

  • Students will analyze selected case studies of computational media projects, focusing on project development, problem-solving strategies, and the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge.
  • Discussions will emphasize critical thinking about project goals, research methods, and outcomes.

3. Practical Workshops

  • Workshops on system architecture design, focusing on how different architectures can be used to achieve specific expressive and functional goals in media projects.
  • Activities will include prototyping exercises, where students apply theoretical concepts to design challenges.

4. Research Proposal Development

  • Over the course of the semester, students will develop their own research proposal for a computational media project. This will include defining research questions, choosing appropriate methodologies, and outlining a project plan that integrates technical and creative aspects.
  • Proposals will be presented and peer-reviewed, simulating the academic research process and providing feedback.

5. Guest Lectures and Panels

  • Inviting practitioners and researchers from different areas of computational media to share their experiences and insights on integrating interdisciplinary knowledge in their projects.


  • Case Study Analyses: Written analyses of case studies, evaluating the integration of interdisciplinary approaches.
  • Research Proposal: A comprehensive proposal that demonstrates the ability to conceive and plan an interdisciplinary computational media project.
  • Participation: Active participation in discussions, workshops, and peer reviews.


  • Successful completion of CMPM 201 or permission from the instructor. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students, ensuring that participants have a foundational understanding of computational media.

This course design aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct interdisciplinary research in computational media, fostering a deep understanding of how technical, creative, and theoretical elements converge in the creation of innovative media projects.


Let's talk about the major categories of assignments (what students will do to earn points in the course).


For CMPM 202, Computational Media Research, the major categories of assignments can be designed to foster a comprehensive understanding of research methodologies, interdisciplinary integration, and system architecture design in computational media. Here's a breakdown of the assignment categories and their objectives:

1. Analytical Essays on Case Studies

  • Objective: Encourage students to critically engage with existing computational media projects, analyzing how interdisciplinary concerns were integrated and the impact of system architecture decisions on the project's expressive and authorial affordances.
  • Description: Students will select from a list of computational media case studies and write essays that dissect these projects' research strategies, design processes, and outcomes. These essays will evaluate the successes and challenges faced by the projects, providing insights into effective interdisciplinary research practices.

2. Research Proposal Development

  • Objective: Guide students through the process of conceptualizing and planning their own computational media research project, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches and thoughtful system architecture design.
  • Description: This multi-part assignment involves drafting, revising, and finalizing a research proposal. The proposal will include a project overview, literature review, research questions, methodology, and proposed system architecture. This culminates in a presentation to the class, simulating a real-world research pitch or grant application process.

3. Technical and Creative Prototyping Workshops

  • Objective: Offer hands-on experience in applying technical skills to creative media projects, focusing on how different system architectures can be leveraged to achieve specific project goals.
  • Description: In these workshops, students will participate in short, intensive prototyping challenges. These might involve creating small-scale projects or components that illustrate key concepts from the lectures, such as utilizing AI for interactive storytelling or developing a unique game mechanic. The aim is to bridge theory and practice, showing how technical choices impact creative outcomes.

4. Discussion and Reflection Papers

  • Objective: Foster reflective thinking about the course content, discussions, and students' own learning and project development processes.
  • Description: Students will periodically write short reflection papers or discussion posts responding to lecture topics, readings, or workshop experiences. These assignments encourage students to articulate their thoughts on the interdisciplinary nature of computational media research and reflect on their personal growth and challenges in the course.

5. Peer Review and Feedback

  • Objective: Develop critical evaluation skills and contribute to the learning community by providing constructive feedback on peers' project proposals and prototypes.
  • Description: Students will engage in structured peer review sessions, assessing each other's research proposals and prototypes. This process not only helps improve the quality of the projects but also builds students' abilities to critically assess computational media work and articulate constructive criticism.

Assessment and Grading

The course's grading structure will balance these assignment categories, with a mix of individual and collaborative tasks designed to assess students' analytical abilities, creativity, technical skills, and capacity for interdisciplinary research. Each category will contribute to the final grade, reflecting the diverse skill set that students are expected to develop in the course. Participation in discussions and workshops will also be a key component of the assessment, ensuring that students are actively engaged with the course material and their peers.


The course will involve three major categories of assignments: (1) reading discussion posts where, twice a week, students will read/watch/play an assigned item and then respond with a personal story as a Canvas discussion post; (2) technical challenge assignments roughly once every two weeks that will get students to develop skills around creating interactive media, building software to advance scholarly arguments, and building up informed opinions about emerging media forms; (3) small-team research projects where students propose, develop, write up, and present results of an original CM research project.


Given the specified major categories of assignments for CMPM 202, Computational Media Research, let's detail how each category can be effectively designed and integrated into the course structure.

1. Reading Discussion Posts

  • Objective: Encourage engagement with the course material and foster personal connection to the themes of computational media research. This assignment aims to promote critical thinking and reflective learning by connecting personal experiences to theoretical concepts.
  • Description: Twice a week, after engaging with an assigned reading, video, or interactive media piece, students will write a discussion post on the course's Canvas page. Each post should connect a personal story or experience to the content, highlighting how the material resonates with or challenges their understanding of computational media. This exercise encourages students to relate course concepts to real-world experiences and diverse perspectives.
  • Assessment Criteria: Posts will be evaluated based on depth of reflection, connection to course material, originality of thought, and engagement with personal experiences. Quality of writing and adherence to any given prompts or questions will also be considered.

2. Technical Challenge Assignments

  • Objective: Develop practical skills in creating interactive media and software that can be used to advance scholarly arguments or critique emerging media forms. These assignments aim to enhance technical proficiency while fostering critical analysis and creativity.
  • Description: Roughly every two weeks, students will undertake a technical challenge that requires them to apply programming, design, or analysis skills to a specific task. This could involve creating a small interactive application, developing a tool that aids in media analysis, or experimenting with new forms of digital expression. Challenges will be designed to progressively build on each other, encouraging students to develop a robust skill set over the course of the semester.
  • Assessment Criteria: Submissions will be assessed based on technical execution, creativity, relevance to the assignment prompt, and the effectiveness of the solution in addressing the intended scholarly argument or critique. Documentation explaining the development process, challenges faced, and the rationale behind design choices will also be evaluated.

3. Small-Team Research Projects

  • Objective: Enable students to apply interdisciplinary research methodologies to develop, execute, and present an original computational media research project. This assignment promotes collaboration, project management, and scholarly communication skills.
  • Description: In small teams, students will propose an original research project that investigates a specific aspect of computational media. This project will involve defining research questions, conducting a literature review, choosing appropriate methodologies, and executing the project. Teams will document their process, analyze their findings, and present their results to the class. The project will culminate in a written report or a digital artifact that encapsulates the research findings and insights.
  • Assessment Criteria: Projects will be evaluated based on originality, depth of research, integration of interdisciplinary methods, quality of analysis, and effectiveness of the presentation. The clarity and coherence of the final report or artifact, as well as the team's ability to work collaboratively and manage the project effectively, will also be considered.

Integration into Course Structure

These assignment categories will be interleaved throughout the semester to provide a balanced workload and ensure that students are continually engaged with both the theoretical and practical aspects of computational media research. Discussion posts will facilitate ongoing reflection and engagement with course materials, technical challenges will build practical skills and critical thinking, and the research project will allow students to apply what they have learned in a comprehensive, real-world context. This structure supports a holistic approach to learning, balancing individual reflection, technical skill development, and collaborative research.


If I want to turn the result of our conversation so far into a syllabus, what are the other areas of detail we should work out first? Don't work out the details, just list the names of the areas of detail required.


To turn the conversation into a comprehensive syllabus for CMPM 202, Computational Media Research, you'll need to work out the following areas of detail:

  1. Course Information

    • Course title, number, and description
    • Instructor information (name, contact information, office hours)
  2. Course Schedule

    • Weekly topics and readings
    • Assignment due dates
    • Special events (guest lectures, workshops)
  3. Assignment Details

    • Detailed instructions for each category of assignments
    • Submission guidelines
    • Grading criteria
  4. Grading Policy

    • Breakdown of how each assignment category contributes to the final grade
    • Description of the grading scale
  5. Required and Recommended Materials

    • List of textbooks, software, and other resources
    • Access instructions for digital materials
  6. Policies

    • Attendance and participation expectations
    • Academic integrity and plagiarism
    • Late submission policy
    • Inclusion and accessibility accommodations
  7. Learning Outcomes

    • Specific skills and knowledge students are expected to acquire
  8. Classroom Etiquette

    • Expectations for behavior during class and online discussions
  9. Support Resources

    • Information on tutoring, counseling, and technical support
  10. Feedback and Evaluation

  • Methods for students to provide feedback on the course
  • Evaluation procedures for student performance and progress
  1. Emergency Procedures
  • Guidelines for responding to emergencies during in-person sessions

This list covers the essential components of a syllabus that would provide students with a clear understanding of the course structure, expectations, and resources available to them.


Let's talk about the course schedule. What's the 10-week schedule for this course, identifying major themes and assignment dates. You may assume the course meets twice per week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and that there is a special week at the end of the quarter typically reserved for final exams that can be repurposed for other activities.


For a 10-week course schedule for CMPM 202, Computational Media Research, meeting twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays), with an additional special week for final activities, here's a proposed outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Computational Media Research

  • Tuesday: Course overview, introduction to computational media
  • Thursday: Research methodologies in computational media
  • Assignment: Initial discussion post due Thursday

Week 2: Interdisciplinary Research Methods

  • Tuesday: Interdisciplinary research strategies
  • Thursday: Case study analysis techniques
  • Assignment: First technical challenge assigned on Thursday

Week 3: Analyzing System Architectures

  • Tuesday: Overview of system architecture in computational media
  • Thursday: Expressive and authorial affordances
  • Assignment: Discussion post due Thursday

Week 4: Design and Prototyping in Computational Media

  • Tuesday: Principles of design in computational media
  • Thursday: Prototyping and iteration
  • Assignment: Technical challenge due Thursday

Week 5: User Experience and Interaction Design

  • Tuesday: User-centered design in computational media
  • Thursday: Interaction design and user testing
  • Assignment: Discussion post due Thursday

Week 6: Emerging Media Forms and Technologies

  • Tuesday: Exploration of new media forms
  • Thursday: Impact of emerging technologies on media
  • Assignment: Second technical challenge assigned on Thursday

Week 7: Narrative and Storytelling in Computational Media

  • Tuesday: Storytelling techniques and narrative structures
  • Thursday: Interactive storytelling and narrative design
  • Assignment: Discussion post due Thursday

Week 8: Ethical Considerations in Computational Media Research

  • Tuesday: Ethics in research and design
  • Thursday: Social implications and responsible innovation
  • Assignment: Technical challenge due Thursday

Week 9: Collaborative Projects and Team Dynamics

  • Tuesday: Effective teamwork and collaboration in research
  • Thursday: Project management and communication strategies
  • Assignment: Small-team research project proposals due

Week 10: Finalizing Research Projects

  • Tuesday: Work session for research projects
  • Thursday: Presentation preparation and peer feedback
  • Assignment: Final discussion post due Thursday

Special Week: Presentation and Evaluation

  • Tuesday: Final presentations of small-team research projects
  • Thursday: Course wrap-up, evaluations, and feedback session

This schedule balances theoretical instruction, practical assignments, and collaborative project work. Assignments are strategically placed to encourage continuous engagement and application of concepts. The final week allows for the culmination of students' work in a presentation format, providing a comprehensive overview of their learning and research outcomes.


Reformat this as a table with columns for "theme" "reading" "technical challenge" and "research project".


Below is the course schedule for CMPM 202 reformatted into a table format with columns for "Theme", "Reading", "Technical Challenge", and "Research Project". This table outlines the major themes and activities for each week of the course.

Week Theme Reading Technical Challenge Research Project
1 Introduction to Computational Media Research Course overview, computational media introduction - -
2 Interdisciplinary Research Methods Interdisciplinary research strategies, case study techniques Technical Challenge 1 Assigned -
3 Analyzing System Architectures System architecture, expressive and authorial affordances - -
4 Design and Prototyping in Computational Media Design principles, prototyping Technical Challenge 1 Due -
5 User Experience and Interaction Design User-centered design, interaction design - -
6 Emerging Media Forms and Technologies New media forms, emerging technologies Technical Challenge 2 Assigned -
7 Narrative and Storytelling in Computational Media Storytelling techniques, interactive storytelling - -
8 Ethical Considerations in Computational Media Research Ethics in research and design, social implications Technical Challenge 2 Due -
9 Collaborative Projects and Team Dynamics Teamwork and collaboration, project management - Research Project Proposals Due
10 Finalizing Research Projects - - Finalize Projects, Prepare Presentations
Special Week Presentation and Evaluation - - Final Presentations, Course Wrap-up

This table provides a structured overview of the course, highlighting the progression from foundational concepts to the application and presentation of a comprehensive research project. Each week is designed to build on the previous, culminating in a final presentation that showcases the students' research and learning outcomes.


How many tokens have been used by our conversation so far?


Our conversation so far has used 3,362 tokens. ​​


Condense our most important course design decisions and the context of their assumptions into a compact block of text I can store for later reference.


The CMPM 202, Computational Media Research course at UC Santa Cruz, is structured around a 10-week schedule, designed to introduce first-year graduate students to the foundational and advanced concepts of computational media research. It aims to blend technical skill development with theoretical understanding and practical application. The course emphasizes three major assignment categories: reading discussion posts to foster critical engagement and personal connection to computational media, technical challenges to develop hands-on skills in interactive media creation and software development, and small-team research projects to encourage original research and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Key assumptions underlying the course design include the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in computational media, the necessity of balancing theoretical knowledge with practical skill development, and the value of collaborative learning and research. The course is structured to progress from introductory topics to more complex concepts, ensuring students are equipped with both the knowledge and skills needed to undertake original research projects. Assignments are spaced to encourage continuous learning and application, with technical challenges and reading discussions alternating to maintain engagement. The course culminates in a special week dedicated to the presentation and evaluation of the small-team research projects, reflecting the program's commitment to integrating technical, creative, and theoretical dimensions of computational media.


Beyond those details, is is important to remember that the technical challenge assignments stop before the research project assignments begin. Don't rewrite the summary, just acknowledge the detail.


Acknowledged. The technical challenge assignments are scheduled to conclude before the initiation of the research project assignments, ensuring a clear distinction and focused attention on each major component of the course.


Organize the result of our course design session as a draft syllabus that I can share with my colleagues. Don't skip over any details when producing this.


CMPM 202: Computational Media Research

Draft Syllabus

Course Information

  • Instructor: [Instructor Name, Contact Information, Office Hours]
  • Meeting Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, [Time]
  • Location: [Classroom Location]

Course Description

CMPM 202 introduces first-year graduate students to computational media research, blending technical skill development with theoretical understanding. The course emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches, practical application, and collaborative research. Students will engage in reading discussion posts, technical challenges, and small-team research projects.

Course Objectives

  • Develop an understanding of research methodologies in computational media.
  • Analyze and critique computational media projects through interdisciplinary lenses.
  • Gain hands-on experience in creating interactive media and software to advance scholarly arguments.
  • Conduct original research in computational media, culminating in a small-team project.

Course Schedule

Week Theme Reading Technical Challenge Research Project
1 Introduction to Computational Media Research Course overview, computational media introduction - -
2 Interdisciplinary Research Methods Interdisciplinary research strategies, case study techniques Technical Challenge 1 Assigned -
3 Analyzing System Architectures System architecture, expressive and authorial affordances - -
4 Design and Prototyping in Computational Media Design principles, prototyping Technical Challenge 1 Due -
5 User Experience and Interaction Design User-centered design, interaction design - -
6 Emerging Media Forms and Technologies New media forms, emerging technologies Technical Challenge 2 Assigned -
7 Narrative and Storytelling in Computational Media Storytelling techniques, interactive storytelling - -
8 Ethical Considerations in Computational Media Research Ethics in research and design, social implications Technical Challenge 2 Due -
9 Collaborative Projects and Team Dynamics Teamwork and collaboration, project management - Research Project Proposals Due
10 Finalizing Research Projects - - Finalize Projects, Prepare Presentations
Special Week Presentation and Evaluation - - Final Presentations, Course Wrap-up

Assignments and Grading

  • Reading Discussion Posts: 20%
  • Technical Challenges: 30%
  • Research Project: 50%


  • Attendance: Expected for all class sessions.
  • Academic Integrity: Strictly enforced according to university guidelines.
  • Late Submission: May result in grade penalties unless prior arrangements are made.
  • Inclusion and Accessibility: Accommodations will be made to ensure all students can fully participate.

Required Materials

  • A list of required readings and resources will be provided on the course Canvas page.

Support Resources

  • University tutoring, counseling, and technical support services are available to all students.

Instructor's Notes

This syllabus is a draft and may be subject to changes. The course is designed to be highly interactive, with a significant emphasis on hands-on learning and real-world application. Feedback and collaboration among peers are encouraged to enhance the learning experience.


Outline the Computer Science & Engineering BS program at UC Santa Cruz.


The Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) Bachelor of Science program at UC Santa Cruz is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in both computer science and engineering, preparing them for careers in software development, systems engineering, digital design, and more. While specifics can vary over time, the program generally includes the following components:

  1. Core Courses: These form the foundation of the program, covering topics such as programming (often in languages like Python, C, or Java), data structures, algorithms, computer organization, systems programming, and principles of computer engineering.

  2. Mathematics and Science: Essential math courses including calculus, linear algebra, and statistics, along with science courses (physics or chemistry) that are fundamental for engineering principles.

  3. Engineering Fundamentals: Courses that introduce students to engineering principles, digital systems, and circuit design, bridging the gap between theoretical computer science and practical engineering.

  4. Advanced Topics: As students progress, they have the opportunity to take advanced courses in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, software engineering, networks, database systems, and security. These courses often allow for a deeper dive into specific areas of interest.

  5. Design and Project Courses: These courses emphasize engineering design principles and often involve team-based projects where students apply what they've learned to solve real-world problems. They culminate in a capstone project in the final year, demonstrating the students' ability to undertake comprehensive projects.

  6. General Education and Electives: To ensure a well-rounded education, students are also required to take courses outside of their major, including humanities and social sciences. Electives within the major allow students to explore additional areas of interest more deeply.

  7. Senior Capstone Project: A significant project that typically takes place in the final year, allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills on a comprehensive project, often with a team.

The program is designed to not only impart technical knowledge and skills but also to develop problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and communication skills that are crucial in the workplace. Students are encouraged to participate in internships, research projects, and extracurricular activities related to computer science and engineering to enhance their learning experience.

For the most current information, including specific course requirements and elective options, it's best to consult the UC Santa Cruz's official website or contact the engineering department directly. This outline gives a broad overview, but course offerings and requirements can change to keep pace with advancements in the field and shifts in industry demand.


Alright, let's talk about the design of CSE 111, Advanced Programming, an elective course taken by senior-level undergraduate students. Here is the current catalog text: "An introduction to object-oriented techniques of software development including data abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, and object-oriented design. Extensive practice using a computer to solve problems, including construction of graphical user interfaces and a multithreaded client/server applications. Prerequisite(s): CSE 15 and CSE 15L, or CSE 13S and CMPM 35; or CSE 13E and CMPM 35, or CSE 101."


Designing a course like CSE 111, Advanced Programming, with a focus on object-oriented techniques, involves structuring the curriculum to build upon the foundational knowledge students have acquired from prerequisite courses such as CSE 15 (Introduction to Data Structures) and CSE 101 (Algorithms and Abstract Data Types), or equivalent experiences. Given your background and interests, I'll incorporate elements that emphasize practical application, particularly in interactive media and game development contexts, while also considering broader societal impacts. Here's a proposed outline for the course:

Course Overview

  • Objective: To deepen understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles and their application in software development, with an emphasis on data abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, and object-oriented design. The course will include hands-on practice in constructing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and multithreaded client/server applications, with applications in game development and interactive media.
  • Prerequisites: CSE 15 and CSE 15L, or CSE 13S and CMPM 35; or CSE 13E and CMPM 35, or CSE 101.
  • Programming Language: While Java is traditionally used for teaching OOP concepts, considering its widespread use in GUI and network programming, other languages like Python or C++ could be incorporated to provide a broader perspective.

Weekly Module Themes

  1. Review of Object-Oriented Programming Concepts: Quick recap of OOP fundamentals, focusing on how these concepts are applied in software engineering and game development.
  2. Advanced Data Abstraction: Designing complex systems using abstract classes and interfaces, with examples from game settings and interactive applications.
  3. Inheritance and Polymorphism: Deep dive into inheritance hierarchies, interface implementation, and polymorphism in designing flexible and reusable game components.
  4. Object-Oriented Design Patterns: Introduction to design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory, Observer) with game development scenarios illustrating their use in creating more maintainable and scalable software.
  5. GUI Development: Techniques for building intuitive and responsive user interfaces for games and interactive media, using relevant frameworks.
  6. Multithreading in Games and Interactive Applications: Exploring multithreading for performance improvements in games, including parallel execution of game logic and UI rendering.
  7. Network Programming: Building client/server applications for multiplayer games, including socket programming and handling concurrency issues.
  8. Advanced Topics in Game Programming: Incorporating AI techniques, game physics, and asset management into game projects.
  9. Project Workshops: Guided sessions where students work on their projects, receive feedback, and learn from peer review.
  10. Ethical Considerations in Software Development: Discussing the social impact of software, including games, focusing on privacy, inclusivity, and the potential for addiction.
  11. Capstone Project Introduction: Guidelines for the final project, emphasizing the integration of OOP principles in a comprehensive software or game development project.
  12. Capstone Project Development and Presentation: Students work in teams to develop their projects, culminating in a presentation and demonstration session.

Assessment Methods

  • Weekly Assignments: Practical coding assignments focusing on the week's topics.
  • Midterm Project: A smaller-scale project to apply concepts learned in the first half of the course.
  • Capstone Project: A significant, team-based project that integrates course concepts into a functional software or game, with an emphasis on object-oriented design and implementation.
  • Participation and Peer Review: Active participation in discussions and constructive peer reviews of project work.

Course Materials

  • Textbook: Selection of chapters from standard OOP and design patterns books, supplemented with articles and tutorials specific to game development and interactive media.
  • Software Tools: Depending on the programming languages chosen, relevant IDEs, game engines (e.g., Unity for C#), and GUI frameworks.

Ethical and Societal Considerations

Given your interest in how technology projects impact social power dynamics, the course will include discussions on ethical software development practices, the societal impact of interactive media and games, and considerations for building inclusive and accessible software. These discussions aim to prepare students to think critically about the broader implications of their work in the field of computer science and engineering.


Pretty good, but the course is going to be focused on the Rust language and also cover some reverse engineering topics that will help students see how high-level structure can be recovered from inspection of low-level binary details. Also, this course fits in a 10-week quarter, so it doesn't give as much detail as you previously suggested.


Adjusting the course design for CSE 111, Advanced Programming, to focus on Rust and include reverse engineering topics within a 10-week quarter format necessitates a more compact and focused approach. Rust, with its emphasis on safety, concurrency, and performance, offers an excellent platform for teaching advanced programming concepts, and integrating reverse engineering provides a unique perspective on software development. Here's a revised outline tailored to these requirements:

Course Overview

  • Objective: Equip students with advanced object-oriented programming skills in Rust, emphasizing data abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, and object-oriented design, with a unique twist on reverse engineering to understand and apply high-level structures in low-level binary contexts.
  • Prerequisites: Same as previously stated.
  • Programming Language: Rust, due to its relevance in system-level programming, performance-critical applications, and safe concurrency.

10-Week Course Structure

  1. Introduction to Rust for OOP: Overview of Rust's features relevant to OOP; memory safety, ownership, and borrowing principles that underpin Rust's approach to safe system programming.
  2. Rust's Take on OOP Concepts: Exploring how Rust implements OOP concepts like data abstraction, inheritance through traits and polymorphism, and leveraging these in software design.
  3. Design Patterns in Rust: Introduction to common design patterns within the Rust ecosystem, adapting OOP design patterns to Rust's paradigms.
  4. Advanced Rust Programming: Focus on advanced features of Rust, including lifetimes, error handling, generics, and trait bounds, for creating robust applications.
  5. GUI Development in Rust: Building graphical user interfaces in Rust, exploring libraries such as Druid or gtk-rs, with applications in game and interactive media development.
  6. Concurrency in Rust: Understanding Rust's powerful concurrency features, creating multithreaded applications that are memory-safe without data races.
  7. Introduction to Reverse Engineering: Basic concepts of reverse engineering, tools (e.g., Ghidra, Radare2), and how high-level constructs map to low-level binary.
  8. Reverse Engineering with Rust: Applying reverse engineering techniques to understand Rust binaries, emphasizing the recovery of object-oriented structures from compiled code.
  9. Network Programming and Reverse Engineering Network Protocols: Developing client/server applications in Rust and reverse engineering simple network protocols to understand their operation.
  10. Capstone Project: Integrating the course's concepts into a comprehensive project that includes both development and reverse engineering aspects, focusing on object-oriented design, GUI, and network programming in Rust.

Assessment Methods

  • Weekly Labs: Hands-on coding exercises to reinforce weekly topics, with an emphasis on Rust syntax, OOP principles in Rust, and reverse engineering techniques.
  • Mid-quarter Project: A smaller, individual project focusing on GUI development or concurrency in Rust, incorporating basic reverse engineering to understand underlying mechanisms.
  • Final Capstone Project: A group project that combines Rust programming with reverse engineering, culminating in a presentation that demonstrates both the developed application and insights gained from reverse engineering tasks.

Course Materials and Tools

  • Textbook: A selection of online resources, Rust documentation, and reverse engineering tutorials tailored to the course's focus.
  • Software Tools: Rust toolchain, IDEs with Rust support (e.g., Visual Studio Code with Rust extension), reverse engineering tools like Ghidra or Radare2.

Ethical Considerations

The course will include discussions on the ethical implications of reverse engineering, such as privacy, security, and legal considerations, preparing students to responsibly use these skills in their careers.

This streamlined structure is designed to fit within a 10-week quarter, ensuring that students gain both depth and breadth of knowledge in advanced programming with Rust, object-oriented principles, and reverse engineering techniques.


The course will involve three major categories of assignments: (1) reading discussion posts where, twice a week, students will read/watch/play an assigned item and then respond with a personal story as a Canvas discussion post; (2) technical challenge assignments roughly once every two weeks that will get students to develop skills writing, debugging, and reversing advanced programs (3) small-team creative projects where students propose, develop, write up, and present results of an original advanced programming project.


Given the course structure for CSE 111, focusing on Rust and reverse engineering, and the specified assignment categories, we can structure the coursework to maximize learning outcomes and engagement within the 10-week quarter. Here's how each category of assignments can be integrated into the course:

1. Reading Discussion Posts

  • Frequency: Twice a week.
  • Format: Students are assigned readings, videos, or interactive media related to advanced programming concepts, Rust-specific techniques, or reverse engineering case studies. This material could include documentation, scholarly articles, tutorials, or case studies of well-known software projects.
  • Response: Students are required to post a response on the course's Canvas discussion board, linking a personal story or previous experience to the assigned material. This could involve drawing parallels between a concept learned and its application in a project they've worked on, how a particular programming challenge could have been approached differently with the new knowledge, or speculative application of reverse engineering techniques in understanding and improving existing software.
  • Objective: Encourage reflection on the material, foster a personal connection to the concepts, and stimulate peer learning through discussion.

2. Technical Challenge Assignments

  • Frequency: Roughly every two weeks.
  • Assignment Types:
    • Rust Programming Challenges: Tasks that require students to implement, debug, and optimize complex algorithms or systems using Rust, focusing on safety, concurrency, and efficient memory use.
    • Reverse Engineering Exercises: Practical exercises where students analyze binaries (possibly written in Rust), understand their structure and functionality, and maybe even identify and exploit vulnerabilities.
    • Debugging Assignments: Students receive a piece of software with intentional bugs related to concepts discussed in class. Their task is to debug and fix the issues, documenting their process and learning.
  • Objective: Develop hands-on skills in Rust programming, debugging complex applications, and applying reverse engineering techniques to real-world scenarios.

3. Small-Team Creative Projects

  • Project Phases:
    • Proposal: In small teams, students propose an original project that incorporates advanced programming techniques in Rust, potentially with a component of reverse engineering. Proposals should outline the project's goals, expected challenges, and the relevance to the course material.
    • Development: Teams work on their projects, applying best practices in software development, collaboration, and project management learned throughout the course.
    • Write-Up: Upon completion, teams write a detailed report on their project, emphasizing the design decisions, challenges faced, solutions developed, and lessons learned.
    • Presentation: Teams present their projects to the class, showcasing their work and sharing insights gained. This may include live demonstrations, code walkthroughs, and a Q&A session.
  • Objective: Encourage creativity, teamwork, and the practical application of course concepts in a comprehensive project. This allows students to explore areas of personal or professional interest within the framework of advanced programming and reverse engineering.

Assessment and Feedback

  • For Discussion Posts: Provide feedback on students' ability to connect concepts to personal experiences, encouraging deeper engagement with the material.
  • For Technical Challenges: Offer detailed feedback on code quality, efficiency, and adherence to best practices in Rust programming and reverse engineering.
  • For Creative Projects: Assess based on originality, complexity, adherence to proposed objectives, quality of the write-up, and effectiveness of the presentation. Peer feedback can also be incorporated to foster a collaborative learning environment.

Incorporating these assignments into CSE 111 will ensure that students not only understand advanced programming and reverse engineering concepts theoretically but also apply them practically, fostering a deep and engaging learning experience.


Let's look at what once of those technical challenges would look like. Show me an example of a small rust program that incorrectly uses an iterator to find the average value of a number of elements (dividing by n-1 instead of n, for example). Show how it might look in x86_64, how it might be patched, and what the resulting behavior would be.


Creating an example for this scenario involves several steps. First, I'll provide a simple Rust program that calculates the average of a list of numbers but incorrectly divides by n−1n-1n−1 instead of nnn, showcasing a common mistake in handling iterators. Next, I'll describe how such a program might be represented in x86_64 assembly, indicate a possible way to patch the mistake at the assembly level, and discuss the resulting behavior after the patch.

Rust Program: Incorrect Average Calculation

rustfn main() {
    let numbers = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; // Example vector of integers
    let sum: i32 = numbers.iter().sum(); // Summing the elements
    let count: usize = numbers.len() - 1; // Incorrectly calculating count
    let average = sum / (count as i32); // Calculating average
    println!("Incorrect Average: {}", average);

This program incorrectly calculates the average by dividing the sum of the numbers by n−1n-1n−1 instead of nnn, where nnn is the length of the vector.

Representation in x86_64 Assembly

In x86_64 assembly, the calculation part of this program might look something like this (simplified for illustration):

asm; Assuming sum is in rax, and the count (n-1) is in rbx
mov rdx, rbx ; Move count (n-1) into rdx for division
idiv rdx ; Divide sum by (n-1), result in rax
; Further instructions to store/use the result

This is a highly simplified representation. Real assembly code would include instructions for loading values into registers, handling the vector, and more.

Patching the Mistake in Assembly

To correct the mistake, we need to adjust the division to use nnn instead of n−1n-1n−1. This means we need to increase the value in rbx (or whatever register holds the count) by 1 before the division:

asm; Before the division operation
inc rbx ; Increment rbx to correct the count from (n-1) to n
mov rdx, rbx
idiv rdx

Resulting Behavior After Patch

After patching, the program correctly divides the sum by nnn, resulting in the correct average calculation. For the Rust program example provided, the output would change to accurately reflect the average of the input numbers.

Reflecting Changes Back to Rust

To reflect these changes back into the Rust program (and assuming we're correcting the logic directly in Rust, which is more typical and straightforward), we would simply remove the - 1 from the len() call:

rustlet count: usize = numbers.len(); // Correctly calculating count
let average = sum / (count as i32); // Now calculating the correct average
println!("Correct Average: {}", average);

This example illustrates a common programming error (off-by-one error) and how it might be addressed both at the source code level and at the assembly level, providing a practical example for understanding the relationship between high-level programming constructs and their low-level implementation. Such exercises can enhance students' understanding of programming, debugging, and reverse engineering concepts.


So what would students actually submit on the LMS to get credit for this assignment?


For an assignment focused on writing, debugging, and reversing advanced programs, like the example involving the incorrect calculation of an average in Rust and its correction at both the source and assembly levels, students could submit a comprehensive report through the Learning Management System (LMS) that includes several key components. This approach not only assesses their technical skills but also their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. Here's what the submission might entail:

1. Source Code Analysis

  • Original Rust Program: The initial Rust code provided for the assignment, clearly commenting on the intentional mistake (e.g., dividing by n−1n-1n−1 instead of nnn for average calculation).
  • Corrected Rust Program: The corrected version of the Rust program, with an explanation of the fix (i.e., dividing by nnn to correctly calculate the average).

2. Assembly Level Explanation

  • Assembly Representation: A detailed explanation of how the incorrect average calculation is represented in x86_64 assembly code, based on the original Rust program. This doesn't need to be the complete assembly code but should highlight the critical parts related to the error.
  • Patching the Assembly: An explanation of how to patch the assembly code to correct the average calculation error, including the specific assembly instructions used and why.

3. Reverse Engineering Process

  • Analysis: A description of the reverse engineering process used to identify the mistake in the assembly code derived from the Rust program. This should include the tools and techniques employed (e.g., using a disassembler or debugger).
  • Corrective Steps: Detailed steps on how the error was corrected at the assembly level, potentially including before-and-after snippets of the assembly code.

4. Reflection and Learning Outcomes

  • Technical Reflection: A reflective analysis of what the student learned from correcting the mistake, both at the source code and assembly levels. This might include insights into common programming errors, the importance of accurate calculations, and the complexities of low-level programming.
  • Broader Implications: A brief discussion on the importance of understanding both high-level programming languages and low-level assembly for software development, debugging, and reverse engineering. They might also reflect on how such skills can be applied in real-world scenarios.

5. Additional Elements

  • Screenshots or Code Snippets: Include screenshots or snippets of the code, assembly, and any reverse engineering tools used, to illustrate the process and findings.
  • References: Any references to external documentation, textbooks, or resources that were consulted to understand or solve the assignment.

This comprehensive report structure encourages students to engage deeply with the assignment, applying theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, and reflecting on their learning process. It also allows instructors to assess students' understanding of the material, their problem-solving skills, and their ability to communicate technical information clearly.


Let's talk about the course schedule. What's the 10-week schedule for this course, identifying major themes and assignment dates. You may assume the course meets twice per week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and that there is a special week at the end of the quarter typically reserved for final exams that can be repurposed for other activities. Format this as a table with columns for 'theme', 'reading', 'technical challenge' and 'research project'.


To create a 10-week course schedule for CSE 111, focused on advanced programming in Rust with an emphasis on object-oriented techniques and reverse engineering, we'll structure the course to meet twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). The schedule will incorporate major themes, reading assignments, technical challenges, and the progression of a small-team creative project, culminating in a final presentation during the exam week. Here's how the schedule could be laid out:

Week Theme Reading Assignment Technical Challenge Due Research Project Milestone
1 Introduction to Rust Rust basics and setup - Teams form, project brainstorm
2 Rust for OOP OOP concepts in Rust - Project proposal due
3 Advanced Data Structures Rust collections and generics Challenge #1 -
4 Error Handling & Debugging Error patterns in Rust - Initial research review
5 Concurrency in Rust Concurrency models in Rust Challenge #2 Progress check-in
6 GUI Development Building GUIs with Rust - -
7 Network Programming Network programming in Rust Challenge #3 Prototype demonstration
8 Introduction to Reverse Engineering Reverse engineering basics - -
9 Reverse Engineering with Rust Analyzing binaries with Rust Challenge #4 Final project development
10 Project Polish and Presentations Preparing for presentations - Final project completion
Exam Week Final Presentations - - Final presentations


  • Reading Assignment: Assigned at the beginning of each week to be discussed in the first meeting of the week (Tuesday), with a focus on understanding concepts before applying them in practice.
  • Technical Challenge Due: Roughly every other week, aligning with the course's progression through Rust's features and reverse engineering topics. These challenges are designed to reinforce the week's learning objectives and prepare students for their projects.
  • Research Project Milestone: Key points in the project timeline where students must meet certain goals, starting from team formation and proposal submission in the first weeks, to progress check-ins, prototype demonstrations, and final project development leading up to the presentations during the exam week.

This schedule balances theoretical learning with practical application, providing a comprehensive overview of advanced programming in Rust, object-oriented programming principles, and an introduction to reverse engineering. The final week repurposed for project presentations offers students an opportunity to showcase their work, facilitating a deeper understanding of the course content through peer learning and feedback.


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Organize the result of our course design session as a draft syllabus that I can share with my colleagues. Don't skip over any details when producing this.


Draft Syllabus for CSE 111: Advanced Programming in Rust

Course Description

CSE 111 offers an in-depth exploration of advanced programming concepts using Rust, focusing on object-oriented programming techniques, concurrency, and an introduction to reverse engineering. This course is designed for senior-level undergraduate students who have completed foundational courses in computer science and engineering. Through a combination of lectures, reading assignments, technical challenges, and a small-team research project, students will develop a strong understanding of Rust's safety and performance features, apply object-oriented design principles, and gain introductory experience with reverse engineering.


CSE 15 and CSE 15L, or CSE 13S and CMPM 35; or CSE 13E and CMPM 35, or CSE 101.

Course Objectives

  • Master Rust's unique approach to memory safety, concurrency, and error handling.
  • Apply object-oriented programming principles in Rust for software design.
  • Develop graphical user interfaces and understand network programming in Rust.
  • Gain introductory skills in reverse engineering through analysis of Rust binaries.
  • Complete a significant, original project that demonstrates the integration of course concepts.

Course Format

  • Duration: 10 weeks
  • Meeting Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Final Exam Week: Reserved for final project presentations

Weekly Schedule

Week Theme Reading Assignment Technical Challenge Due Research Project Milestone
1 Introduction to Rust Rust basics and setup - Teams form, project brainstorm
2 Rust for OOP OOP concepts in Rust - Project proposal due
3 Advanced Data Structures Rust collections and generics Challenge #1 -
4 Error Handling & Debugging Error patterns in Rust - Initial research review
5 Concurrency in Rust Concurrency models in Rust Challenge #2 Progress check-in
6 GUI Development Building GUIs with Rust - -
7 Network Programming Network programming in Rust Challenge #3 Prototype demonstration
8 Introduction to Reverse Engineering Reverse engineering basics - -
9 Reverse Engineering with Rust Analyzing binaries with Rust Challenge #4 Final project development
10 Project Polish and Presentations Preparing for presentations - Final project completion
Exam Week Final Presentations - - Final presentations

Assignments and Grading

  • Reading Discussion Posts (20%): Twice a week, students respond to assigned readings with personal insights on the course's Canvas discussion board.
  • Technical Challenges (30%): Four hands-on coding assignments throughout the quarter, designed to reinforce Rust programming and reverse engineering skills.
  • Research Project (50%): A small-team project including a proposal, progress milestones, a prototype demonstration, and a final presentation. Evaluated on originality, technical depth, and presentation quality.

Course Materials

  • Textbook: No single textbook; course materials include a curated list of online resources, official Rust documentation, and selected readings on reverse engineering.
  • Software: Rust programming language toolchain, Visual Studio Code with the Rust extension, and reverse engineering tools (e.g., Ghidra).


  • Collaboration: Encouraged for research projects but must adhere to UC Santa Cruz's honor code for individual assignments.
  • Late Submissions: Accepted with a penalty unless accompanied by an approved extension request.
  • Academic Integrity: Strictly enforced according to university guidelines.

Instructor Information

  • Name: [Instructor Name]
  • Office Hours: TBD
  • Contact Info: TBD

This syllabus is a draft and may be subject to changes based on departmental requirements or student feedback. The final version will be provided at the beginning of the course.

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