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Adds AgnosticUI

Libraries and Tools for React

Components and Component Libraries

If you're developing an application based on React it can be helpful if you don't need to develop all the basic UI components yourself. Here you can find a list with various components, component libraries and complete design systems developed with and for React.

Component libraries and Design Systems

Brands (official design systems by various companies and products)

  • Fluent UI by Microsoft: The official front-end framework for Office and Office 365. (formerly known as Fabric UI)
  • Atlas Kit: Atlassian's official UI library, built according to the Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG)
  • Spectrum: Implementation of Spectrum, Adobe’s design system
  • Primer Components: React Components for GitHub Design System called "Primer"
  • Gestalt: Pinterest design language components
  • Elastic UI framework: Design Library by Elastic used by their own products
  • Shopify Polaris: Shopify’s product component library
  • Carbon: IBMs Design System
  • react-stripe-elements: React components for Stripe.js and Stripe Elements
  • Google Pay Button: "Google Pay" Button as React Component
  • Base Web: Uber React component library


  • PrimeReact: Official PrimeFaces components for React
  • Reactivesearch: React UI components for Elasticsearch
  • AgnosticUI - Accessible React component primitives that also work with Vue 3, Svelte, and Angular!
  • Ant Design: A complete Design System (and implementation in React)
  • Blueprint: A react-based UI Toolkit for the Web
  • Grommet: A design system made for React.js
  • Evergreen: Design system with React Components
  • Rebass: Functional React UI component library, built with styled-components
  • React-Elemental: Modern, flat UI library for React
  • Semantic UI: Semantic UI integration for React
  • Formatic UI: community fork of Semantic UI
  • RBX: Bulma UI Framework for React
  • Onsen UI: React components for hybrid mobile apps (Android, iOS)
  • Reakit: Accessible UI components for React
  • Chakra UI: modular and accessible component library for React
  • React Suite: suite of React components
  • Kendo UI: React components for Kendo UI
  • Radix UI: Radix Primitives is a low-level UI component library with a focus on accessibility

Styling (CSS-in-JS)

Material UI

Bootstrap and Foundation


Data Grids and Tables

Specialized components


Charts and Diagrams


Icon Libs


  • React Admin: A frontend Framework for building admin applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs with React and Material Design (v2 of admin-on-rest, which is now in maintenance mode)
  • Airframe React: Dashboard, Admin, Analytics template for React (based on Bootstrap)
  • ThemeUI: Build themeable apps with React
  • Admin-on-Rest: A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design (old; use its successor React Admin instead)
  • React Render React components to Sketch
  • Ink: React components React for interactive command-line apps


  • FormatJS: libraries for internationalization (contains react-intl by yahoo)
  • react-i18next: internationalization based on *i18next
  • LinguiJS: internationalization in Javascript
  • fbt: internationalization library by facebook


  • aHooks: Library with various hooks for different purposes
  • useHooks: Example hooks with source code examples


  • React Aria: Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives by Adobe

(External) Statemanagement

  • Redux: Predictable State Container
  • Redux Toolkit: official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux
  • Mobx: Simple, scalable state management
  • Recollect, a state management library for React, an alternative to Redux
  • Overmind: frictionless state management
  • Recoil: statemanagement library for React (by Facebook)
  • Apollo GraphQL Client: React state in client-side GraphQL
  • Stately: Hooks that provides cross-platform state management for your design system
  • Satchel: dataflow framework based on the Flux architecture by Microsoft (works with MobX)
  • Zustand: small statemanagement library

Data Fetching

  • React Query: Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
  • SWR: Hooks library for data fetching ("stale-while-revalidate")



I try to add more links to the list as soon I discover something interessting. If you find something, please let me know and I'll add it to the list. You can follow me on Twitter: @nilshartmann. Need help with React, TypeScript, GraphQL? Find more informations on (in german only).

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