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Last active January 1, 2016 04:39
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(ns explore-overtone.beethoven
(:use []))
;; Beginning with some of the ideas in Sam Aaron's example[1],
;; let's see about trying to get rid of the limitation on sequence
;; length.
;; I'd like to create a composition outside the server in "beat space"
;; (play note N at beat B). This should allow for composing notes via
;; an abstraction that a library like Leipzig [2] provides. But,
;; there can be java-side timing troubles that will come when there
;; are two time bases (java vs. scsynth). So, I want to send some
;; notes just ahead of time to the server which plays them with
;; precise timing.
;; I think something like this provides realtime control of
;; tempo/timing with clojure abstraction:
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; [compose/create notes] clojure process
;; | "composer"
;; V
;; [conduct notes] "conductor"
;; ^ |
;; -------|-------|-----------------------------
;; | V scsynth process
;; timing | [FIFO buffer] "player"
;; & | |
;; ctl | V
;; sigs +->[note-synth]
;; | |
;; | V
;; +->[audio-synth]
;; |
;; V
;; audio
;; To start, you'd create and send a few notes to the fifo, until it
;; was full. You would want to schedule them to be played slightly in
;; the future so the note synth does not get confused. The scsynth
;; process would watch for valid data and play the notes from the
;; fifo. The performer side uses a FIFO "full" signal to communicate
;; with the the conductor. When the fifo has room, add more notes
;; until your song is complete. So, now you have the ability to
;; stream an endless song.
;; You are not limited by sending data through the fifo only. You may
;; adjust the tempo and other performance information in real time, by
;; using ctl signals.
;; [1]
;; [2]
;; ======================================================================
;; these are the buffers containing the notes in the sequence played by
;; max (:control-rate (server-info)) => 689.0625
(def TICKS-PER-SEC 300) ;; 500 had issues. FIXME--what are limits?
(def NOTES-PER-FIFO 4) ;; FIFO size
(defn beats-per-tick
(/ TICKS-PER-SEC (/ tempo 60)))
;; conductor communicates via a fifo of note-on/off/value tuples
(defonce note-on-fifo-buf (buffer NOTES-PER-FIFO))
(defonce note-off-fifo-buf (buffer NOTES-PER-FIFO))
(defonce note-val-fifo-buf (buffer NOTES-PER-FIFO))
(defonce fifo-wr-ptr-buf (buffer 1)) ;; cur write index. use modulo
;; for actual index
;; Next let's create some global timing buses.
(defonce tick-trg-bus (control-bus)) ;; global metronome pulse
(defonce tick-cnt-bus (control-bus)) ;; global metronome count
(defonce beat-trg-bus (control-bus)) ;; beat pulse
(defonce beat-cnt-bus (control-bus)) ;; beat count
;; these are per-voice, not global
(defonce fifo-trg-bus (control-bus)) ;; move to next in fifo
(defonce fifo-cnt-bus (control-bus)) ;; fifo read index counter. use
;; modulo for actual index
(defonce note-gate-bus (control-bus)) ;; tell the audio synth to turn on/off
(defonce note-val-bus (control-bus)) ;; tell the audio synth what note to play
;; Here we design synths that will drive our pulse buses.
(defsynth tick-trg [rate TICKS-PER-SEC]
(out:kr tick-trg-bus (impulse:kr rate)))
(defsynth tick-cnt [reset 0]
(out:kr tick-cnt-bus (pulse-count:kr (in:kr tick-trg-bus) reset)))
(defsynth beat-trg [div 100]
(out:kr beat-trg-bus (pulse-divider (in:kr tick-trg-bus) div)))
(defsynth beat-cnt [reset 0]
(out:kr beat-cnt-bus (pulse-count (in:kr beat-trg-bus) reset)))
(defsynth fifo-cnt [reset 0]
(out:kr fifo-cnt-bus (pulse-count (in:kr fifo-trg-bus) reset)))
;; This synth watches the fifo and controls the audio synth
(defsynth note-synth []
(let [fifo-wr-ptr (buf-rd:kr 1 fifo-wr-ptr-buf 0.0 0 1)
fifo-rd-ptr (in:kr fifo-cnt-bus)
_ (tap "wr-ptr" 10 fifo-wr-ptr)
_ (tap "rd-ptr" 10 fifo-rd-ptr)
fifo-rd-index (mod (in:kr fifo-cnt-bus) NOTES-PER-FIFO)
fifo-empty (= fifo-wr-ptr fifo-rd-ptr)
_ (tap "empty" 10 fifo-empty)
fifo-vld (- 1.0 fifo-empty)
_ (tap "valid" 10 fifo-vld)
fifo-full (= (- fifo-wr-ptr fifo-rd-ptr) NOTES-PER-FIFO)
_ (tap "full" 10 fifo-full) ;; this is the only
note-on (buf-rd:kr 1 note-on-fifo-buf fifo-rd-index 0 1)
note-off (buf-rd:kr 1 note-off-fifo-buf fifo-rd-index 0 1)
note-val (buf-rd:kr 1 note-val-fifo-buf fifo-rd-index 0 1)
beat-trg (in:kr beat-trg-bus)
beat-cnt (in:kr beat-cnt-bus)
_ (tap "beat" 10 beat-cnt)
gate-note (set-reset-ff:kr (and fifo-vld (>= beat-cnt note-on))
(>= beat-cnt note-off))
_ (tap "gate" 10 gate-note)
fifo-trg (and fifo-vld (>= beat-cnt note-off))]
(out:kr fifo-trg-bus fifo-trg) ;; increment read pointer
(out:kr note-gate-bus gate-note) ;; turn on the note
(out:kr note-val-bus note-val)))
;;(show-graphviz-synth note-synth)
;; A simple audio synth.
(defsynth audio-synth [lp-freq 1200 lp-res 0.25]
(let [gate-note (in:kr note-gate-bus)
note-val (in:kr note-val-bus)
env (env-gen (asr 0.1 1.0 0.1) :gate gate-note)
snd (pulse:ar (midicps note-val) 0.6)
snd (mix [snd (pulse:ar (midicps (- note-val 24)) 0.4)])
snd (rlpf snd lp-freq lp-res)
snd (* env snd)]
(out:ar 0 (pan2 snd))))
;;(show-graphviz-synth audio-synth)
;; ======================================================================
;; during debug, the conductor could go into a loop waiting forever
;; for the fifo to drain. This helps you get things back to normal.
(def conductor-alive (atom true))
(defn start-conductor []
(swap! conductor-alive (fn [_] true)))
(defn stop-conductor []
(swap! conductor-alive (fn [_] false)))
;; handy for debug. Almost all taps are strictly for debug. Only
;; "full" is really necessary.
(defn print-status
(println "rd-ptr" @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "rd-ptr"])
"wr-ptr" @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "wr-ptr"])
;;"wr-ptr" (nth (buffer-read fifo-wr-ptr-buf) 0)
"empty" @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "empty"])
"full" @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "full"])
"valid" @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "valid"])
"gate" @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "gate"])
"beat" @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "beat"]))
;;(println "notes" (map #(nth (buffer-read note-val-fifo-buf) %) (range 4)))
;;(println "ons " (map #(nth (buffer-read note-on-fifo-buf) %) (range 4)))
;;(println "offs " (map #(nth (buffer-read note-off-fifo-buf) %) (range 4)))
(defn tap-tap-tap
"get the conductor & performer back to a good initial condition"
[beat-counter fifo-counter]
(buffer-write! fifo-wr-ptr-buf [0])
(ctl beat-counter :reset 1) ;; beat-count => 0
(ctl fifo-counter :reset 1) ;; rd-ptr => 0
(Thread/sleep 100) ;; need to wait a while in order to work
(ctl beat-counter :reset 0)
(ctl fifo-counter :reset 0)
(Thread/sleep 100))
(defn performer-has-room?
"is the fifo full or does it have room?"
(let [full @(get-in performer-note-synth [:taps "full"])]
(not= full 1.0)))
(defn get-note-ons-offs
"given a list of durations, calculate the times for the note on/off"
[start-beat cur-lens cur-durs]
(let [ons (butlast (reductions + start-beat cur-lens))
offs (map + ons cur-durs)]
[ons offs]))
(defn send-note
"the performer has room, send some notes. return remaining notes, lengths & durations"
[cur-notes cur-note-ons cur-note-offs]
(let [wr-ptr (nth (buffer-read fifo-wr-ptr-buf) 0)
wr-index (mod (int wr-ptr) NOTES-PER-FIFO)]
;;(println " send a note")
(buffer-write! note-val-fifo-buf wr-index (take 1 cur-notes))
(buffer-write! note-on-fifo-buf wr-index (take 1 cur-note-ons))
(buffer-write! note-off-fifo-buf wr-index (take 1 cur-note-offs))
(buffer-write! fifo-wr-ptr-buf [(inc wr-ptr)])
;; return remaining notes
[(drop 1 cur-notes) ;; FIXME rest vs. drop 1?
(drop 1 cur-note-ons)
(drop 1 cur-note-offs)]))
(defn try-send-note
"try sending note to the performer. return remaining notes, lengths & durations"
[performer-note-synth cur-notes cur-ons cur-offs]
(if (performer-has-room? performer-note-synth)
(send-note cur-notes cur-ons cur-offs)
[cur-notes cur-ons cur-offs]))
(defn beethoven
[beat-counter fifo-counter performer-note-synth]
(let [;; a bit of "ode to joy"
all-notes (map note [:e4 :e4 :f4 :g4
:g4 :f4 :e4 :d4
:c4 :c4 :d4 :e4
:e4 :d4 :d4])
;; ! use integer values that match with beat-counter
;; length is distance from note-on to next note-on (?name?)
all-lens [4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
4 4 8]
;; duration is distance from note-on to note-off (?name?)
;; this is a mono synth, so dur < len
;; FIXME--the integer resolution is a bit of a limitation
;; that would be nice to overcome.
all-durs [2 2 3 3
2 2 3 3
2 2 3 3
2 2 7]
;; simple tune for debug
;;all-notes [60 64 67 69 60 64 67 69]
;;all-lens [2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2]
;;all-durs [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
;; let's start on beat 4...
[all-ons all-offs] (get-note-ons-offs 4 all-lens all-durs)]
(println "beethoven start")
(tap-tap-tap beat-counter fifo-counter)
(loop [cur-notes all-notes
cur-ons all-ons
cur-offs all-offs]
;;(print-status performer-note-synth)
;;(println "loop" cur-notes cur-lens cur-durs)
(assert (== (count cur-notes) (count cur-ons) (count cur-offs)))
(if (or (not @conductor-alive) (empty? cur-notes))
(println "beethoven done") ;; be done, else play your notes
(let [_ (println (count cur-notes) "notes remain")
[nxt-notes nxt-ons nxt-offs] (try-send-note
cur-notes cur-ons cur-offs)]
(recur nxt-notes nxt-ons nxt-offs))))))
(def tick-trigger (tick-trg))
(def tick-counter (tick-cnt [:after tick-trigger]))
(def beat-trigger (beat-trg [:after tick-trigger] (beats-per-tick 120)))
(def beat-counter (beat-cnt [:after beat-trigger]))
(def note-performer (note-synth))
(def snd-performer (audio-synth [:after note-performer]))
(def fifo-counter (fifo-cnt [:after note-performer]))
(tap-tap-tap beat-counter fifo-counter))
;; put conductor in another thread to allow for realtime control
(def bp (future (beethoven beat-counter fifo-counter note-performer)))
;; realtime control of tempo
(ctl beat-trigger :div (beats-per-tick 120))
(ctl beat-trigger :div (beats-per-tick 240))
(ctl beat-trigger :div (beats-per-tick 480))
;; realtime control of audio synth
(ctl snd-performer :lp-freq 800)
(ctl snd-performer :lp-freq 2800)
(print-status performer-note-synth)
beethoven start
15 notes remain
14 notes remain
13 notes remain
12 notes remain
11 notes remain
10 notes remain
9 notes remain
9 notes remain
8 notes remain
8 notes remain
7 notes remain
7 notes remain
6 notes remain
6 notes remain
5 notes remain
5 notes remain
4 notes remain
4 notes remain
3 notes remain
2 notes remain
1 notes remain
beethoven done
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