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Last active April 25, 2018 15:47
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Simplest example of concurrency with Schedulers
(ns rx.example.schedulers
[monads.core :refer [Monad] :as monad]
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[disposables.core :as disposable]
[ :as tio]
[rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
[clj-http.client :as http])
[java.util.concurrent Executors]
[com.spotify.docker.client.messages ContainerConfig]
[rx.schedulers Schedulers]
[rx Subscription]
[rx Observable]))
;; Rx scheduler example
(defn scheduler-concurrency-test []
(let [scheduler (Schedulers/from (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 2))
observable (.observeOn (rx/range 1 10) scheduler)
subscribe-fn #(do (Thread/sleep (* 1000 1))
(println %1 "-"
"input:" %2 "-"
"thread:" (.getId (Thread/currentThread)) "-"
"millis:" (System/currentTimeMillis)))]
(rx/subscribe observable #(subscribe-fn "subscriber-A" %))
(rx/subscribe observable #(subscribe-fn "subscriber-B" %))
(rx/subscribe observable #(subscribe-fn "subscriber-C" %))))
;; Either example
(declare right)
(declare either)
(defrecord Either [inner-value]
(do-result [_ v] (right v))
(bind [mv f]
(either (fn [_] mv) f mv)))
(defn right [v] (Either. [:right v]))
(defn left [err] (Either. [:left err]))
(defn either [err-fn success-fn val]
{:pre [(instance? Either val)]}
(match (:inner-value val)
[:right v]
(success-fn v)
(catch Exception err
(err-fn err)))
[:left err]
(err-fn err)))
(def either-m right)
(defn either-monad-example []
;; Monadic do for either value using the either-monad
(monad/do either-m
[v1 (right 1)
v2 (right 3)
;; v2 (left "error message")
(+ v1 v2)))
(defn either-lift-example []
;; Make + work on Either land
;; ((monad/lift +) (right 1) (right 2))
((monad/lift +) (right 1) (left "error happened here")))
;; Rx async example (manifold style)
(defn observable-m [v]
(Observable/just v))
(extend-protocol Monad
(do-result [_ v] (observable-m v))
(bind [mv f]
(rx/flatmap f mv)))
;; IO a -> (..Args -> Observable a)
(defn to-observable [io-action]
(fn [& args]
(fn -to-observable [observer]
(rx/on-next observer (apply io-action args))
(rx/on-completed observer)
(catch Exception e
(rx/on-error observer e)))))))
;; String -> IO String
(defn fetch-weather [city-name]
(let [response
(http/get (str "" city-name)
{:as :auto
:accept :json})
weather (-> response
(get-in [:body :weather])
(nth 0))]
(str city-name " weather is " (:description weather))))
;; We transform a function from (String -> IO String)
;; into (String -> Observable String)
(def fetch-weather-obs
(to-observable fetch-weather))
;; This is a pure function of signature (String -> String -> String)
(defn vs-string [option-a option-b]
(str "'" option-a "' vs '" option-b "'"))
;; This is an observable value of type (Observable String)
(defn observable-monad-example [city-1 city-2]
(monad/do observable-m
[city-1 (fetch-weather-obs city-1)
city-2 (fetch-weather-obs city-2)]
(vs-string city-1 city-2)
;; ^ get values out of observables, and apply them
;; to a pure function, the result is going to be wrapped
;; back to the Observable value under the covers
;; This is an observable value of type (Observable String)
(defn observable-lift-example [city-1 city-2]
(let [vs-str-obs (monad/lift vs-string)]
;; ^ We lift the pure vs-str function into the Observable context.
(fetch-weather-obs city-1)
(fetch-weather-obs city-2))))
;; On REPL Run:
;; 1) Valid values:
;; (rx/subscribe (observable-lift-example "Vancouver, BC" "Toronto, On")
;; #(println %)
;; #(println "ERROR:" %))
;; 2) Invalid values:
;; In this particular example, the service doesn't return a status 404 for
;; cities that don't exist :-(, try changing the URL of the weather service
;; to be invalid, and check how the observable manages that.
;; (rx/subscribe (observable-lift-example "FooFooBar, McMuffin" "Toronto, On")
;; #(println %)
;; #(println "ERROR:" %))
;; Docker Attach Observable implementation
;; Need an RxDisposable to make compatible disposables and
;; Rx.Subscription API
(defrecord RxDisposable [inner-disposable]
(verbose-dispose [_] (disposable/verbose-dispose inner-disposable))
(to-disposable [_] inner-disposable)
(unsubscribe [_] (disposable/dispose inner-disposable))
(isUnsubscribed [_] false))
(defn new-disposable* [desc f]
(RxDisposable. (disposable/new-disposable* desc f)))
(def default-cmd ["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..10}; do echo $i; sleep 1; done;"])
(def attach-settings
(defn new-docker-client []
(connectionPoolSize 10)
;; Either + Rx.Observable example (First Attempt)
;; This implementation uses Either to manage errors on the
;; start-container function, then we can lift the attach-to-container
;; function inside the Either context, in case start-container returns
;; a Right value, the inner value is going to be used in
;; attach-to-container and the result value is going to be of type
;; (Either Exception (Observable String))
;; Once we have this value, we use the either function on the
;; test-docker-observable to execute a function if the returned value
;; (Either Exception (Observable String) is a Left (Exception in this
;; case), and another function if it is Right (Observable in this
;; case).
(defn start-container [client image-name cmd]
{:post [(instance? Either %)]}
(let [config (.. (ContainerConfig/builder)
(image image-name)
(cmd (into-array cmd))
container (.createContainer client config)
container-id (.id container)]
(.startContainer client container-id)
(new-disposable* (str "Docker Container " container-id)
(println "disposing container")
(.killContainer container)))]))
(catch ImageNotFoundException e
(left e))))
(defn attach-to-container [client [container-id container-disposable]]
(fn -attach-to-container [observer]
(let [attach-disposable (disposable/new-single-assignment-disposable)
on-next #(rx/on-next observer (String. %))
on-completed #(do (rx/on-completed observer)
(disposable/dispose attach-disposable))
std-out (tio/split-emit-output-stream \newline on-next on-completed)
std-err (tio/split-emit-output-stream \newline on-next)
(new-disposable* (str "docker attach (container id: " container-id ")")
(fn attach-disposable []
(println "disposing attachment")
(.close std-out)
(.close std-err)))
(disposable/set-disposable attach-disposable
(disposable/to-disposable attach-disposable))]
(.add observer attach-disposable)
(.add observer container-disposable)
;; This will block up until the attach std-out is done (via
;; on-completed callback)
(.. client
(attachContainer container-id attach-settings)
(attach std-out std-err))
(catch Exception e
(rx/on-error observer e)
(disposable/dispose attach-disposable)))))))
;; type ImageName = String
;; type ErrorMessage = String
;; type Command = [String]
;; run-image :: DockerClient -> ImageName -> Command -> Either ErrorMessage (Observable String)
(defn run-image [client image-name cmd]
{:post [(instance? Either %)] }
(monad/fmap (partial attach-to-container client)
(start-container client image-name cmd)))
(defn test-docker-observable [callback]
(let [client (new-docker-client)
#(callback (str "ERROR: " %))
(fn [observable]
(rx/subscribe observable
#(callback "DONE.")))]
;; either works as a pattern match function, when value is left
;; we are going to call the 1st arg function (on-error in this example)
;; in case the value is right, we are going to call the 2nd arg function,
;; the third argument is the actual Either value
(either #(.printStackTrace %) ;; on-error
(run-image client "unbounce/base" default-cmd))))
;; Using Rx only example (Second Attempt)
;; Given that Rx API already provides for error handling, why not
;; just transform the start-container to return (Observable ContainerId),
;; the disposable generated by this function will be handled by the Rx API
;; and in case of an exception, the onError is going to be performed.
;; We use a monadic binding (flatmap) between start-container-1 and
;; attach-to-container-1, this is going to return a stream of output
;; that is going to be returned as is in the run-image-1 function
(defn start-container-1 [client image-name cmd]
(fn -start-container-1 [observer]
(let [config (.. (ContainerConfig/builder)
(image image-name)
(cmd (into-array cmd))
container (.createContainer client config)
container-id (.id container)]
(.add observer
(new-disposable* (str "Docker Container " container-id)
(println "disposing container")
(.killContainer container))))
(.startContainer client container-id)
(when-not (rx/unsubscribed? observer)
(rx/on-next observer container-id))))))
(defn attach-to-container-1 [client container-id]
(fn -attach-to-container-1 [observer]
(let [sad-attach-disposable (disposable/new-single-assignment-disposable)
on-next #(when-not (rx/unsubscribed? observer)
(rx/on-next observer (String. %)))
on-completed #(do (rx/on-completed observer)
(disposable/dispose sad-attach-disposable))
std-out (tio/split-emit-output-stream \newline on-next on-completed)
std-err (tio/split-emit-output-stream \newline on-next)
(new-disposable* (str "docker attach (container id: " container-id ")")
(fn attach-disposable []
(println "disposing attachment")
(.close std-out)
(.close std-err)))
(disposable/set-disposable sad-attach-disposable
(disposable/to-disposable attach-disposable))]
;; add cleanup
(.add observer attach-disposable)
;; blocking up until std-out calls on-completed
(.. client
(attachContainer container-id attach-settings)
(attach std-out std-err))))))
(defn run-image-1 [client image-name cmd]
(monad/do observable-m
[ container-id (start-container-1 client image-name cmd)
output (attach-to-container-1 client container-id) ]
(defn test-docker-observable-1 [callback]
(let [client (new-docker-client)
observable (run-image-1 client "unbounce/base" default-cmd)]
(rx/subscribe observable
#(callback (str "ERROR: " %))
#(callback "DONE."))))
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