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Forked from anonymous/
Created August 20, 2012 02:25
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just another inlet to tributary
var cx = 430;
var cy = 263;
var circle = g.append("circle")
var x = 356;
var y = 353;
createCircle(g,x,y,'arcCirc' ,'1',10);
createCircle(g,x,y,'arcCirc3' ,'2',10);
function createCircle(g,x,y,name,text,r){
var group = g.append("g")
var circle = group.append("circle")
var circle = group.append("text")
rotateGroup("arcCirc3",17,360 ,-195);
function rotateGroup(id,start,end,r){
//change r for different radius
var r = r;
//change theta to see text rotate
var thetas = [start,end];
//turn theta into radians
var degrees = Math.PI/180;"#"+id)
.attrTween("transform", function(d) {
//we interpolate between our start and end angle
//by creating an interpolation function
var theta = d3.interpolateNumber(thetas[0], thetas[1]);
return function(t) {
var x = cx + r * Math.cos(theta(t) * degrees);
var y = cy + r * Math.sin(theta(t) * degrees);
//function(t) is called for every step of the transition
//giving us a value of theta inbetween our start and end angle
//at each time step
return "translate(" + [x,y] + ")";
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