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hail, traveler.

rvvvt rvvvt

hail, traveler.
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rvvvt / ajax-JSON.js
Created February 25, 2023 20:12 — forked from Jiantastic/ajax-JSON.js
All about AJAX and JSON
// Learn all about AJAX - post on public github
// first, the vanilla JavaScript approach ( before jQuery )
// initialise new XMLHttpRequest() object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// check if AJAX request is completed
// state 4 = completed request
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xhr.readyState === 4){
rvvvt / scrappe.js
Created February 16, 2023 16:00 — forked from KMurphs/scrappe.js
Save JS Object as file from DevTools
* Given some Javascript object, the function will have the browser download it as a
* json file (exactly like if it was downloaded from some server).
* The content of the file downloaded by the browser would be the "data" object input.
* One could also pass a name for the file to be downloaded to the function.
* References:
* -
* -
* @date 2021-06-18
* @param {object} data
rvvvt / Service KMS
Created January 11, 2023 03:02 — forked from judero01col/Service KMS
Volume License Activation Key Service - KMS
## Find Available Target Editions
DISM.exe /Online /Get-TargetEditions
## Convert Server Standard 2019 Evaluation to Server Standard 2019
DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C /AcceptEula
## How To Activate
slmgr /skms [server]:[port]
slmgr /ato
# Usage: ./ <list_of_domain_names.txt>
import dns.resolver
import requests
import re
import json
import sys
resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
resolver.timeout = 5
resolver.lifetime = 5
rvvvt / CheckGmailExists.txt
Created December 8, 2022 22:02
Validate email GMAIL
import sys
import argparse
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from functools import partial
import requests
def check(email, verbose = 'no'):
url = "{0}".format(email)
r = requests.get(url)
rvvvt / LootPack.cs
Created October 9, 2022 02:36
random wand drop
public void OnDeath(Container c) // (random chance)
if (1.0 > Utility.RandomDouble()) // 0.1=10% chance to drop
switch (Utility.Random(3))
rvvvt / form.js
Created August 25, 2022 06:28
dynamic user registration form selectable users
$(document).ready(function() {
$('select#license_qty').change(function() {
var sel_value = $('option:selected').val();
if (sel_value == 1) {
} else {
$("#form_submit").append($("<button type='submit'>Register " + sel_value + " users</button>"))
rvvvt / index.html
Created August 25, 2022 06:26
dynamically create form fields based on selection w jquery
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="manifest" href="site.webmanifest">
rvvvt / index.js
Created February 2, 2022 03:41 — forked from arnoclr/index.js
Instagram JS images scraper by tag
const IMAGES_NUM = 250
let imgSrcs = new Set()
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function appendImages() {
var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img")
rvvvt /
Created March 23, 2021 04:42 — forked from grenade/
Correct file permissions for ssh keys and config.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "" -f ~/.ssh/github_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "" -f ~/.ssh/mozilla_rsa