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Created April 17, 2015 18:35
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(ns sieve.core
(defn doto-last [coll f & args]
(let [idx (dec (count coll))
args (conj args (coll idx))]
(assoc coll idx (apply f args))))
(defn prime-gaps [gk-1]
"return the next constealltion of gaps between primes given the previous
(let [k (inc (first gk-1))]
(loop [in (drop 2 (flatten (repeat k gk-1)))
cum-diff (map #(* %1 k) gk-1)
sum (nth gk-1 1)
out [(+ (first gk-1) sum)]]
(if (empty? in)
(sequence out)
(let [n (first in)
t (first cum-diff)
in (rest in)]
(if (= sum t)
(recur in (next cum-diff) n (doto-last out + n))
(recur in cum-diff (+ sum n) (conj out n))))))))
(defn prime-cand
"quick and dirty wheel for testing, an infinite wheel using G(7)"
(let [g3 '(4 2)
w (cycle (prime-gaps (prime-gaps g3)))] ;; g7
(prime-cand (+ 1 (first w)) (rest w))))
([n w]
(cons n (lazy-seq (prime-cand (+ n (first w))
(rest w))))))
(defn adjust [comp-map n]
"enforce invariant: n <= all enties in the map, allows wheel optimization"
(let [k (key (peek comp-map))
v (val (peek comp-map))]
(if (<= n v)
(recur (assoc comp-map k (+ k v)) n))))
(defn sieve [candidates comp-map]
(let [n (first candidates)
comp-map (adjust comp-map n)
v (val (peek comp-map))]
(if (= n v)
(recur (rest candidates) comp-map)
(cons n (lazy-seq (sieve (rest candidates)
(assoc comp-map n (* n n))))))))
(defn primes
"yeilds an unbounded sequence of primes with a priotiry map (with wheel optimization)
([] (conj (primes (prime-cand)) 7 5 3 2))
(let [n (first cand)]
(cons n (lazy-seq (sieve (rest cand)
(priority-map n (* n n))))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(println (take 5000 (primes))))
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