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Created July 3, 2023 11:00
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Downgrade / switch gnupg version in homebrew and pin it
#!/bin/bash -e
# Summary: Executes commands to...
# * Check/output currently installed version of gnupg
# * Change into the brew repo/install directory
# * Find the git commit-id of the specified version of gnupg
# * git branch/switch to the commit-id
# * replace the brew installed version with the specified version (and pin it)
# * clean up the branch, switch back to master, and remove cached files
# * Check/output the newly installed version of gnupg
# Usage:
# [version-to-install]
# Example:
# 2.4.0
# Reference:
# Indirect Reference:
# Reference:
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 [version of gnupg to install - e.g. '1.20.4_1']"
kill -INT $$
# show what is installed currently via brew
brew list
# this does not work any more...
# brew install
# Note: look into this more: brew install kubectx && brew install asdf
# See:
# show the path to the gpg command currently executed by default
which gpg
# see what version of gnupg is currently linked/installed
# Note: || true just ignores errors if the default server config can't connect or something like that.
gpg --version || true
# see what versions of gnupg _can_ be installed using brew
# Note: when this script was written only one previous version (1.22) was available as a Formula
# and it wasn't "previous enough" to fall within the +/- 1 version required by k8s for use with
# the cluster version (1.20)
brew search gnupg
pushd $(brew --repo homebrew/core)
echo "Target gnupg version number: $1"
# Assuming the only regex-special characters in the version number will be ".", just escape those using sed
VERSION_ARG_AS_REGEX=$(echo $1 | sed "s/\./\\\./g")
# Extract the commit id matching the specified version from the git commit logs.
COMMIT_ID_FOR_VERSION=$(git --no-pager log --max-count=1 --grep="$VERSION_ARG_AS_REGEX bottle" Formula/gnupg.rb |grep ^commit | cut -d ' ' -f2)
# In case this was already done for a different version of the tool... unpin it first.
brew unpin gnupg
# Switching versions requires a full delete/uninstall or the brew install command
# will skip over download/install and just say to brew link instead, which doesn't
# have the desired result of switching to a totally different binary.
# TODO: Find a combination of unlink, link, etc. that will avoid re-downloading.
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies gnupg
git checkout -b gnupg-$1 $COMMIT_ID_FOR_VERSION
brew install --formula Formula/gnupg.rb
# tell bash to clear its cache of executable files
# See:
# ATTENTION: This is something you might not know bash does, but it's worth being aware of it.
hash -r
brew pin gnupg
brew info gnupg
# verify that the new version of gnupg is linked/installed
gpg --version || true
# Restore brew's git local clone status to master branch so it functions normally for other stuff again
git checkout master
git branch -d gnupg-$1
# Clean up cached files related to installing the specific version of gnupg
brew cleanup gnupg
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