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Created November 12, 2015 19:00
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Stacked bar chart - elections in Poland
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<title>Parliamentary elections</title>
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<h1>Polish Parliamentary Elections<br />2015</h1>
<div class="text">
Results of parliamentary elections in Poland by <a href="">voivodeship</a>.
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var headerRow = ["PiS", "PO", "PSL", "Kukiz", "Nowoczesna", "Others"];
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<p class="source">
Data source: <a href="">PKW</a>
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woj PiS PO PSL Kukiz Nowoczesna Others
Dolnośląskie 32.63 29.26 3.14 9.03 8.69 17.25
Kujawsko-pomorskie 31.86 27.74 6.4 8.04 6.91 19.05
Lubelskie 47.76 14.83 9.24 9.79 4.22 14.16
Lubuskie 28.27 28.21 5.12 8.75 9.99 19.66
Łódzkie 38.35 23.15 5.93 8.65 6.7 17.22
Małopolskie 48.18 19.43 4.19 8.14 6.58 13.48
Mazowieckie 38.3 22.61 4.84 7.89 9.53 16.83
Opolskie 27.77 26.23 3.68 12.57 7.14 22.61
Podkarpackie 55.09 13.37 5.69 9.23 4.09 12.53
Podlaskie 45.38 16.74 8.07 9.07 5.37 15.37
Pomorskie 30.45 34.06 3.13 7.6 8.67 16.09
Śląskie 34.82 25.56 2.52 10.69 8.06 18.35
Świętokrzyskie 42.81 17.25 9.51 9.41 4.98 16.04
Warmińsko-mazurskie 30.91 28.38 7.69 8.66 6.39 17.97
Wielkopolskie 29.61 28.45 6.62 7.77 9.32 18.23
Zachodniopomorskie 28.91 31.25 3.97 8.78 8.44 18.65
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