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Last active January 16, 2019 19:52
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* snobol4 -d 100M scab-client.sno
-include 'random.sno'
-include 'http.sno'
-include 'host.sno'
dictfile = 'twl06.txt' ;* whole thing
* dictfile = 'twl06.txt.test' ;* part way through a
* dictfile = 'twl06.txt.test2' ;* through e
nums = '-0123456789'
rack_x = 1620
rack_y = 200
* sort letters of word
define('sortw(str)a,i,j') :(sortw_end)
sortw a = array(size(str))
sw1 i = i + 1; str len(1) . a<i> = :s(sw1)
a = sort(a)
sw2 j = j + 1; sortw = sortw a<j> :s(sw2)f(return)
* subpermutations
* find anagrams and sub-anagrams of str
define('subpermutations(str)strlen,sw,i,s1,s2,pat,res,res_i,anagrams,word') :(subpermutations_end)
* collect() ;* just gives an error about blowing the stack
* str = dict<str> ;* can't do this because a random jumble of rack letters probably won't be in the dictionary
str = sortw(str)
res = array('0:100')
i = 0 ;* index in to ana_dict, looking for matches
res_i = 0 ;* index in to res, recording results
pat = pos(0) ;* pattern gets built as a function of letters in the sorted word we're looking searching for matches for
str len(1) . s1 rem . str :f(subpermutations_2) ;* pick out the next letter from our sorted rack tiles
pat = pat ( s1 | '' ) :(subpermutations_1) ;* add a pattern to either match it or not
pat = pat pos( *strlen ) ;* force it to match through to the end. the * defers evaluation of strlen and we update this value each loop iteration. XXX probably a better way to match the end of the string.
i = i + 1
sw = ana_dict<i> :f(subpermutations_last)
strlen = size(sw)
sw pat :f(subpermutations_3)
anagrams = ana< sw > ;* add all of the anagrams to res
anagrams span(&lcase) . word span(' ') = '' :f(subpermutations_3)
res< res_i = res_i + 1 > = word :(subpermutations_4)
res<0> = res_i ;* record the index of the last match
subpermutations = res :(return)
* subpermutations2
* find anagrams and sub-anagrams of str that must also match another pattern
* match founds words, prefixed with prefix, against pat2, before including a result
* only returns up to 20 results
define('subpermutations2(str,prefix,pat2,line,exact_size)strlen,sw,i,s1,s2,pat,res,res_i,anagrams,word') :(subpermutations2_end)
* collect() ;* just gives an error about blowing the stack
str = sortw(str)
res = array('0:20')
i = 0 ;* index in to ana_dict, looking for matches
res_i = 0 ;* index in to res, recording results
pat = pos(0) ;* pattern gets built as a function of letters in the sorted word we're looking searching for matches for
str len(1) . s1 rem . str :f(subpermutations2_2) ;* pick out the next letter from our sorted rack tiles
pat = pat ( s1 | '' ) :(subpermutations2_1) ;* add a pattern to either match it or not
pat = pat pos( *strlen ) ;* force it to match through to the end. the * defers evaluation of strlen and we update this value each loop iteration. XXX probably a better way to match the end of the string.
i = i + 1
sw = ana_dict<i> :f(subpermutations2_last)
strlen = size(sw)
eq(strlen, exact_size) :f(subpermutations2_3)
sw pat :f(subpermutations2_3)
anagrams = ana< sw > ;* add all of the anagrams to res
anagrams ( span(&lcase) . word span(' ') ) = '' :f(subpermutations2_3)
output = 'XXX subpermutations2 trying to match >' prefix word '< against extra restriction pattern which looks like >' line '<'
* complicated and not working for some reason now
(prefix word '**************' ) pat2 :f(subpermutations2_4) ;* if user extra user supplied pat doesn't match the word prefixed with prefix, don't return it
res< res_i = res_i + 1 > = word :(subpermutations2_4)
res<0> = res_i ;* record the index of the last match
subpermutations2 = res :(return)
* http_get() modified from HTTP.OPEN() to add user headers
define("http_get(ioname,host,path,port,headers)") :(http_get_end)
port = ident(port) "80", host, port, HTTP.RECL) :f(freturn)
$ioname = "GET " path " HTTP/1.0" HTTP.CRLF
+ "User-Agent: " HOST() HTTP.CRLF
+ "Host: " host HTTP.CRLF
+ headers
+ HTTP.CRLF :(return)
* move_tile
* curl '' -H 'Host:' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; OpenBSD amd64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --compressed -H 'Referer:' -H 'Cookie: sid=42522100784659544515' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive'
define('move_tile(tile,x,y)') :(move_tile_end)
output = 'move tile...'
;* getting scab-client.sno:127: Error 4 in statement 165 at level 2 Null string in illegal context on the http_get() line
output = ident(tile) 'tile is null'
http_get( .webfh, '', '/?action=move&id=' '&x=' x '&y=' y, 11704, cookies ) :f(http_error)
tmp = webfh :s(move_read)
* move_tile_to_board
define('move_tile_to_board(tile,x,y)') :(move_tile_to_board_end)
move_tile( tile, 204 + ( ( x - 1 ) * 62), 268 + ( ( y - 1 ) * 61 ) ) ;* placing tiles on the board may need tweaking XX
* dump_rack
define('dump_rack()') :(dump_rack_done)
output = 'rack:'
i = 0
i = i + 1
tile = rack<i> :f(return)
letter = differ(tile) tile.letter( tile ) ;* if tile isn't null, get the letter off of it XXX put this in a subroutine maybe
letter = ident(tile) ' ' ;* if tile is null, use ' '
output = i ': ' letter :(dump_rack_next)
* dump_board
define('dump_board(board)') :(dump_board_done)
y = 0
y = lt(y, 15) y + 1 :f(return)
x = 0
out = ''
tile = board<x = x + 1, y>
letter = differ(tile) tile.letter( tile ) ;* if tile isn't null, get the letter off of it
letter = ident(tile) ' ' ;* if tile is null, use ' '
out = out letter
output = eq(x, 15) out
lt(x, 15) :s(dump_board_x)f(dump_board_y)
* find_tile_in_rack
define('find_tile_in_rack(letter),i,tile') :(find_tile_in_rack_end)
i = 0
tile = rack< i = i + 1 > :f(freturn) ;* out of positions in the rack to look at
differ(tile) :f(find_tile_in_rack_next) ;* skip to the next tile if this one is null
ident( tile.letter(tile), letter ) :f(find_tile_in_rack_next) ;* skip to the next tile if this isn't the one being searched for
find_tile_in_rack = tile
rack< i > = ''
* draw_rack
* draw tiles as needed but return a string listing the letters we do have.
* caller needs to reload the board and call again to see what was drawn if we did draw things, so generally you'll do draw_rack(); read_board(); letters = draw_rack()
* takes from the tile pile (the sushi bag) unless we found tiles in our rack area that weren't in their exact spots, then we use those first
define('draw_rack()i,random_sushi,letters') :(draw_rack_done)
output = "drawing tiles..."
i = 0
random_sushi = -1
letters = ''
tile = rack< i = i + 1 > :f(draw_rack_last)
differ(tile) :f(draw_rack_1) ;* branch if tile is empty
letters = letters tile.letter(tile) :(draw_rack_next)
output = "drawing a tile for slot " i " last_sushi = " last_sushi
gt(last_rack_area) :f(draw_rack_1a)
output = "taking a tile from our rack area"
move_tile( rack_area< last_rack_area >, rack_x, rack_y + ( ( i - 1 ) * 60 ) )
last_rack_area = last_rack_area - 1 :(draw_rack_next) ;* in this case, the caller needs to reload the board and call us again
gt(last_sushi) :s(draw_rack_2)
output = "no more sushi to draw!" :(draw_rack_next) ;* returning less than 7 letters is fine so this is just debug
random_sushi = 1 + remdr( random(), last_sushi )
output = ident( sushi< random_sushi > ) 'draw_rack: expected sushi in slot ' random_sushi ' but there is none'
move_tile( sushi< random_sushi >, 10, 10 ) ;* turn it over before moving it to our rack
move_tile( sushi< random_sushi >, rack_x, rack_y + ( ( i - 1 ) * 60 ) )
;* shuffle sushi array down to fill the gap
sushi< random_sushi > = sushi< last_sushi >
sushi< last_sushi > =
last_sushi = last_sushi - 1 ;* in this case, the caller needs to reload the board and call us again
:(draw_rack_next) ;* we don't get told what the letter is until we reload the board (else subscribe events)
draw_rack = letters :(return)
* read_board
* request the board from the server, and update rack, board, and sushi arrays, their sizes, and board_is_empty.
* we do this after moving tiles instead of trying to model our own concept of the game board across changes.
define('read_board()i,x,y') :(read_board_last)
output = "re-reading board..."
board = array('1:15,1:15')
sushi = array(100)
rack = array(7)
rack_area = array(7) ;*
last_board = 0
last_tiles = 0
last_sushi = 0
last_rack_area = 0
board_is_empty = 1
dog_placed = ''
http_get( .webfh, '', '/?action=board', 11704, cookies ) :f(http_error)
line = webfh :f(read_board_done)
* output = line
* <img id="card095" alt="card095" src="/jpg/_.png" style="position:absolute; left: 616px; top: -9px; z-index: 1396; width: 57px; height: 57px;" onload="Drag.init(this);" >
line '<img id="' arb . id '" alt="' arb '" src="/jpg/' arb . letter '.png" style="position:absolute; left: '
+ span(nums) . x 'px; top: ' span(nums) . y 'px; z-index'
+ :f(read_board_again)
* output = "found letter " letter " x " x " y " y " id " id
* the dog token
ident(id, 'dog') :f(board_sort_tiles_0)
dog_x = x; dog_y = y
output = "dog found"
dog ='#', 'dog')
lt(y, 85) gt(x, 1050) lt(x, 1211) :f(board_sort_tiles_0) ;* if the dog token is found and it is on its pad
output = "dog found and on the pad"
dog_placed = 1 :(read_board_again)
* undrawn tiles still in the pile
lt( x, 750 ) lt( y, 125 ) gt( y, -30 ) :f(board_sort_tiles_1)
sushi< last_sushi = last_sushi + 1 > =, id)
* tiles on the board
gt( x, 195 ) gt( y, 252 ) lt( x, 1104 ) lt( y, 1137 ) :f(board_sort_tiles_2)
* output = "board: prelim: tile " letter " is at " x " " y
x = 1 + ( ( x - 195 ) / 60 );
y = 1 + ( ( y - 252 ) / 59 );
* output = "board: tile " letter " is at " x " " y
board<x, y> =, id)
board_is_empty = 0
* tiles in our rack
* eq( x, rack_x ) ge( y, rack_y ) le( y, rack_y + 60 * 7) :f(board_sort_tiles_3)
ge( x, rack_x - 30 ) le( x, rack_x + 30 ) ge( y, rack_y - 60 ) le( y, rack_y + 60 * 7 + 60 ) :f(board_sort_tiles_3)
output = "found a tile on our rack at y " y
eq( x, rack_x ) eq( remdr( y - rack_y, 60 ), 0 ) :f(board_sort_tiles_2a)
y = 1 + ( y - rack_y) / 60
output = " that's rack at position " y
rack<y> =, id) :(read_board_again)
* okay, we have a tile in our rack area but it's misaligned
* make a note of it and then use it first when we next go to draw, which might be right away if there aren't 7 letters in the exact positions on the board to be in our rack
output = " in our rack area but not aligned"
rack_area< last_rack_area = last_rack_area + 1 > =, id) :(read_board_again)
output = 'XXX tile out of range: ' x ' ' y ' ' letter :(read_board_again) ;* unless bugs appear, this is fine... any out of range tile is just in someone's rack
http.close(.webfh) :(return)
* build_board_lines_arrays
define('build_board_lines_arrays(board)x,y,tile,pat,latter') :(build_board_lines_arrays_end)
board_lines_pat = array(30, pos(0)) ;* 15 rows then 15 columns; play validation pattern
board_lines_text = array(30) ;* 15 rows then 15 columns; text of what's already on the board
y = 0
y = lt(y, 15) y + 1 :f(return)
x = 0
tile = board<x = x + 1, y>
pat = differ(tile) ( tile.letter(tile) | '*' ) ;* if tile isn't null, get the letter off of it and match that or '*'
pat = ident(tile) len(1) ;* if tile is null, use len(1)
board_lines_pat<y> = board_lines_pat<y> pat ;* rows
board_lines_pat<15 + x> = board_lines_pat<15 + x> pat ;* columns
letter = differ(tile) tile.letter( tile )
letter = ident(tile) ' '
board_lines_text<y> = board_lines_text<y> letter
board_lines_text<15 + x> = board_lines_text<15 + x> letter
* output = "debug: datatype board_lines y = " y " is " datatype(board_lines<y>)
lt(x, 15) :s(crawl_board_x)f(crawl_board_y)
* count_invalid_words
* count the number of words arrays of strings that aren't in the dictionary.
* used so that we can make sure that something we're looking at isn't an illegal play.
* takes the output build_board_lines_arrays(), output the board_lines_text array.
define('count_invalid_words(arr),x,y,i,row,word') :(count_invalid_words_end)
num_invalid_words = 0 ;* we don't have to challenge the player but for now we don't want to add invalid plays
i = 0
row = arr<i = i + 1> :f(verify_rows_done)
row arb ( any(&lcase) span(&lcase) ) . word = '' :f(verify_rows_next_row)
output = "word to validate = " word
output = ident( dict<word> ) "invalid word >" word "<" ;* if dict<word> is null; debugging
num_invalid_words = ident( dict<word> ) num_invalid_words + 1 ;* if dict<word> is null
output = "XXX number invalid words: " num_invalid_words
count_invalid_words = num_invalid_words :(return)
* longest_word
define('longest_word(arr)word,i') :(longest_word_end)
i = 0
longest_word = ''
word = arr< i = i + 1 > :f(return)
longest_word = gt( size(word), size(longest_word) ) word :(longest_word_next)
* join_array
define('join_array(arr,sep)out,i') :(join_array_done)
sep = ident(sep) ' '
out = ''
i = 0
out = differ(out) out sep ;* if not empty, add a space
out = out arr< i = i + 1 > :s(join_array_next)
join_array = out :(return)
* play_on_board
* i 1-15 indexes the board as rows, and i 16-30 indexes the board was columns.
* that's squirrely, but it simplifies word fitting.
* coordinates and directions rotate 90 degrees for i > 15.
define('play_on_board(board,word,x,y,i,offset,go)next_letter,tile') :(play_on_board_done)
x = i - 15
x = le(i, 15) offset + 1
y = offset + 1
y = le(i, 15) i
x_delta = 0
x_delta = le(i, 15) 1 ;* i 0-15 indexes rows which correspond to moving left to right on the board
y_delta = 0
y_delta = gt(i, 15) 1 ;* i 15-30 indexes cols which correspond to moving from the top downwards on the board
word len(1) . next_letter = '' :f(return)
output = 'XXX putting letter ' next_letter ' at ' x ',' y
ident(go) :s(play_on_board_3) ;* if the go flag isn't set, skip actually moving the tile on the server
ident(board<x, y>) :f(play_on_board_4) ;* if the board is already occupied there, don't place a tile or change the board
move_tile_to_board( find_tile_in_rack(next_letter), x, y ) ;* if it is go time, update the actual server
board<x, y> =, '')
x = x + x_delta
y = y + y_delta :(play_on_board_1)
* main
* figure out how many words are in the dictionary so we can allocate arrays for them
input('dictfh', 10, '', dictfile) :f(end)
dictsize = dictsize + 1
tmp = dictfh :s(read_dict0)
output = dictsize - 1 ' words in the dictionary'
* build dict, ana, ana_dict, dict_table from the dictionary
dict = table() ;* quickly lookup whether a word exists
ana = table() ;* given an anagram-normalized word (letters sorted), a space separated string of all possible anagrams
ana_dict = array(dictsize) ;* each word in anagram-normalized format with its letters sorted lexigraphically, used to find words for a set of tiles
dictsize = 1 ;* index into ana_dict while we're reading
rewind(10) ;* re-read the file. since arrays don't dynamically expand, this is done in two passes, and now we have arrays to put this in.
word = dictfh :f(read_dict2)
* dict<dictsize> = word ;* this used to be an array
sw = sortw(word)
dict<word> = sw
ana_dict<dictsize> = sw
ana<sw> = ana<sw> word ' ' ;* all possible words for a sorted set of letters
dictsize = dictsize + 1 :(read_dict1)
output = "dictsize: " dictsize
output = "host: " host()
http_get( .webfh, '', '/', 11704, 'Cookie: sid=' sid HTTP.CRLF ) :f(http_error)
tmp = webfh :f(login_page_read_done)
;* Set-Cookie: sid=83062304708249829056; path=/; expires=Sun, 13-Jan-2019 21:09:41 GMT
tmp "Set-Cookie: sid=" span(nums) . sid ';' :f(login_page_read)
output = "sid = " sid :(login_page_read)
cookies = 'Cookie: sid=' sid HTTP.CRLF
output = "login page..."
http_get( .webfh, '', '/?player_id=computer&password=fred&gamepass=wee', 11704, cookies ) :f(http_error)
tmp = webfh :s(login_read)
* output = webfh :s(login_read)
output = "welcome page..."
http_get( .webfh, '', '/', 11704, cookies ) :f(http_error)
tmp = webfh :s(welcome_page_read)
* output = webfh :s(welcome_page_read)
* start of main play loop
* we read the board, draw tiles as needed, make a play, then draw tiles again
output = "board page..."
differ(dog_placed) :s(board_read_1)
output = "dog not in place, waiting" :(wait_for_the_human)
move_tile(dog, dog_x + 15, dog_y + 10 ) ;* move the little dog figurine just a little just so that the player knows we're here
output = "dog in place, playing"
* draw as needed
read_board() ;* if draw_rack() did draw, then we need to update our rack, etc from the board
letters = draw_rack() ;* what we have in our hand after possibily drawing and reloading
output = "rack: " letters
gt(size(letters)) :f(end_of_game)
* dump the board
output = "board:"
* all possible plays with the letters in our rack
words = subpermutations(letters)
* smack something down onto the board if it's the first turn
eq(board_is_empty, 1) :f(board_is_not_empty)
output = "board is empty"
output = "all possible words: " join_array(words)
* word = subwords<1,1>
word = longest_word( words )
output = "playing " word
play_len = size(word)
y = 8
x = 8 - convert(play_len / 2, 'integer')
word pos(0) len(1) . letter = '' :f(first_play_last)
tile = find_tile_in_rack(letter) :f(tile_not_found_error)
output = "moving " letter " to " x " , " y
move_tile_to_board( tile, x, y )
x = x + 1 :(first_play)
* board isn't empty so have to try to fit a play on somewhere
* start with a window size of 7 (or less, if our rack is smaller) -- we're looking for spans of blank tiles this big to play the same number of tiles in
* move left to right, top to bottom, looking for horizontal plays, then top to bottom, left to right, looking for vertical plays
* for any window we look at, if it borders letters on either side, include those letters but restrict results to things with letters in those positions
* if the word fits, make sure we haven't introduced non-words in the other play direction, then play it
* if we get to the end without fitting a word, try a smaller window size
output = "board is not empty"
output = "all possible words with just what's in our rack: " join_array(words)
build_board_lines_arrays(board) ;* updates board_lines_pat, board_lines_text
* output = 'build_board_lines board_lines_text' join_array(board_lines_text, char(10) char(13)) ;* rows come first (moving left to right), then the columns (top downwards)
board_lines_text_cp = copy(board_lines_text) ;* we go back to these every time we mess things up
board_lines_pat_cp = copy(board_lines_pat)
num_invalid_words_pre = count_invalid_words(board_lines_text)
window_size = size(letters) ;* gets iteratively reduced
i = 0
offset = 0
i = i + 1
line_text = board_lines_text<i> :f(play_no_more_lines)
line_pat = board_lines_pat<i>
output = &line ' offset ' offset ' line ' i ' window_size ' window_size
le( offset + window_size, 15 ) :f(play_next_line)
word_leading_window = ''
line_text pos(0) len( offset ) span( &lcase ) . word_leading_window
word_trailing_window = ''
line_text pos(0) len( offset ) len( size(word_leading_window) ) len( window_size ) span( &lcase ) . word_trailing_window
output = 'XXX window size: ' window_size ' offset: ' offset ' line ' i ' possible word leading our window: ' word_leading_window
+ ' possible word trailing: ' word_trailing_window
effective_window_size = window_size + size(word_leading_window) + size(word_trailing_window)
line_text pos(0) len( offset ) len( effective_window_size ) . subline_text :f(play_next_line) ;* window_size chars worth of spaces on the board in to subline_text
output = 'XXX play area >' subline_text '<'
play_2 subline_text span(' ') = '' :s(play_2) ;* for the sake of adding those letters to our effective rack, remove spaces
* XXX for now, require that we abut a word on the start or end or span a word or both, before trying to play a word in this location
* XXX ideally, letters on the previous or next line at least partially overlapping the play location would be adequate assuming the play doesn't add non-words to the board
output = 'XXX size of characters in window: ' size(subline_text) ' exact_size specified to subpermutations2: ' window_size + size(subline_text)
gt(size(subline_text)) :f(play_advance_offset)
;* also pass the pattern in and pre-filter by that
line_text len( offset ) . offset_text ;* offset_text is text of stuff already there before our offset
words = subpermutations2( letters subline_text, offset_text, line_pat, line_text, window_size + size(subline_text) )
output = "num words found: " words<0>
output = "words found that fit with those postfixes/prefixes: " join_array(words)
gt(words<0>) :f(play_advance_offset)
* XXX sort these descending by length? sort() will sort by a field in a multidim array.
* or else for now just iterate over them in their current arbitrary order trying to find one that fits at all.
word = longest_word( words )
* XXX yes, iterate on those
output = "okay, at least one word found... going to try to play " word
* this uses window_size instead of size(letters) because with shrunk window sizes, we won't use all of our letters
eq(size(word), window_size + size(subline_text)) :f(play_advance_offset) ;* XXX should maybe loop on other possible words instead
output = 'XXX trying to play word: ' word ' at offset ' offset ' line ' i
* can't do this unless unless we update both rows and cols at the same time
* so instead, we're putting the play on a copy of the board without updating the server, rebuilding board_lines_text from that,
* and then validating the play with count_invalid_words()
* board_lines_text_cp<i> pos(0) len(offset) len(word) = word
board_cp = copy(board)
play_on_board(board_cp, word, x, y, i, offset)
output = 'XXX board after experimental play:'
num_invalid_words_post = count_invalid_words(board_lines_text)
output = 'XXX post test-play num_invalid_words: ' num_invalid_words_post
eq(num_invalid_words_pre, num_invalid_words_post) :s(play_success)
* abort the play
board_lines_pat = board_lines_pat_cp
board_lines_text = board_lines_text_cp
:f(play_advance_offset) ;* XXXXX iterate over words instead, then play_advance_offset if exhausted
;* when moving the offset, move it past any letters that might appear on the board at that position
offset = offset + 1 + size(word_leading_window) :(play_next_offset)
window_size = window_size - 1
ge(window_size, 1) :s(play_start)
output = "well, guess we didn't find anything." :(wait_for_the_human)
play_on_board(board, word, x, y, i, offset, 1)
output = "success!?"
* wait for the human
* output = "press enter..."
* tmp = input ;* wait for the human
ne(dog_x, 900) ne(dog_y, 10) move_tile(dog, 900, 10) ;* move the little dog figurine off the pad so that next loop, unless there is human intervention, we don't run... but if the dog is already there, don't create extra events
dog_placed = ''
output = "waiting..."
* host(1, 'sleep 10') ;* this returns instantly if we've gobbled up all available memory. yup, can't get this to work worth a damn.
generation = ident(generation) 0 ;* default to 0. server tells us the current value, which is the number of tile moves to date.
;* /updator?action=updator returns immediately if our generation is less than current, waits until something moves
http_get( .webfh, '', '/updator?action=updator&player_id=computer&generation=' generation, 11704, cookies ) :f(http_error)
tmp = webfh :f(wait_read_done)
* output = tmp
tmp 'sync: ' span(nums) . generation ;* matches: Alpha/testing Illuminati server / sync: 100
output = 'generation ' generation
:(board_read) ;* loop
* error messages
output = "no more tiles! good game!" :(wait_for_the_human) ;* soft-error as the player can always reset the board and ask us to go again
output = "HTTP something failed" :(end) ;* would be nice to deal with this more gracefully... at least we could re-try the play
output = "find_tile_in_rack couldn't locate the tile we wanted" :(end) ;* shouldn't happen
* snobol4 -d 100M scab.sno
-include 'random.sno'
-include 'host.sno'
* dictfile = 'twl06.txt'
dictfile = 'twl06.txt.test'
* sort letters of word
define('sortw(str)a,i,j') :(sortw_end)
sortw a = array(size(str))
sw1 i = i + 1; str len(1) . a<i> = :s(sw1)
a = sort(a)
sw2 j = j + 1; sortw = sortw a<j> :s(sw2)f(return)
* subpermutations
define('subpermutations(str,res,stop)i,s1,s2') :(subpermutations_end)
i = size(str)
gt(i, 1) :f(subpermutations_last)
str len(1) . s1 rem . s2
* output = "XXX s1 = " s1 " s2 = " s2 ;* XXX still need to make sure we're doing all permutations
sorted_s2 = sortw(s2)
eq( res< sorted_s1 >, 1 ) :s(subpermutations_next) ;* don't recurse in to here again if we've already done so once
res< sorted_s2 > = 1
str = s2 s1 ;* stuff the character we picked off of the front back on to the end
subpermutations(s2, res, stop) ;* recurse
i = i - 1
gt(i, 0) :s(subpermutations_again)
subpermutations = res :(return) ;* return the table of all anagram stems
* subpermutations2
define('subpermutations2(str)strlen,sw,i,s1,s2,pat,res') :(subpermutations2_end)
res = table()
i = 0
pat = pos(0) ;* pattern gets built as a function of letters in the sorted word we're looking searching for matches for
str len(1) . s1 rem . str :f(subpermutations2_2)
* output = "subpermutations2 s1 = " s1
* pat = pat arbno(s1) :(subpermutations2_1) ;* really want 0-1 of these instead of 0+
pat = pat ( s1 | '' ) :(subpermutations2_1)
pat = pat pos( *strlen ) ;* force it to match through to the end. the * defers evaluation of strlen and we update this value each loop iteration.
i = i + 1
sw = ana_dict<i> :f(subpermutations2_last)
strlen = size(sw)
sw pat :f(subpermutations2_3)
res< sw > = 1 :(subpermutations2_2)
subpermutations2 = res :(return)
* main
input('dictfh', 10, '', dictfile)
dictsize = dictsize + 1
tmp = dictfh :s(read_dict0)
output = dictsize - 1 ' words in the dictionary'
dict = array(dictsize)
ana_dict = array(dictsize) ;* the dictionary but each word in anagram-normalized format with its letters sorted lexigraphically
dictsize = 1
ana = table() ;*
* input('dictfh', 10, '', dictfile) ;* set doesn't seem to work so just re-open it
rewind(10) ;* XXXX trying this instead
word = dictfh :f(read_dict2)
dict<dictsize> = word
sw = sortw(word)
ana_dict<dictsize> = sw
ana<sw> = ana<sw> word ' ' ;* all possible words for a sorted set of letters
dictsize = dictsize + 1 :(read_dict1)
output = "dictsize: " dictsize
* pick a random word
rand = random()
rand = rand - dictsize * convert( rand / dictsize, 'integer' ) ;* modulo XXXX use remdr() function
word = dict< rand >
* output = "word: " word
output = ''
output = "tiles: " sortw(word)
tmp = input
output = ana< sortw(word) >
host(1, "dict " word)
* list all of the different words that could be made from those letters
* subwords = subpermutations(word, table())
subwords = subpermutations2(sortw(word))
subwords = convert( subwords, 'ARRAY' )
* output = "subwords datatype2: " datatype(subwords)
i = 0
outstr = ''
i = i + 1
subwords<i,1> :f(subwords_last)
* output = "looking up anagrams for " subwords<i,1> ;* should already be in sorted order...
* lt(i, size(subwords)) :s(next_subword) ;* no function to easily find array dimension other than prototype? guess not!
outstr = outstr ana< subwords<i,1> > ' ' :s(next_subword)
outstr ' ' = ' ' :s(subwords_last) ;* we accumulated a lot of extra spaces so fold those down to single spaces between words
output = "all possible words: " outstr
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