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Created November 7, 2019 12:48
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A PID class (with methods) implemented for Principles of Engineering, Olin College of Engineering.
class PID_Controller {
// initialize variables used in the loop
float previousError = 0;
float error = 0;
float integral = 0;
float derivative = 0;
float output = 0;
// tuning params
float setPoint;
float Kp;
float Ki;
float Kd;
float wheelBase = 10; // cm
unsigned long lastRun;
// linear velocity
float linVel = 50.0; // hey how fast is this?
// initialization function for tuning PID
PID_Controller(float setPoint, float Kp, float Ki, float Kd);
// empty constructor for initialization
void setPIDConstants(float setPoint, float Kp, float Ki, float Kd);
// Defines a function that steps the motor speeds based on PID
float loopStep(float leftSensor, float rightSensor, Speeds *motor_speed);
// ...
PID_Controller::PID_Controller(float setPoint_new, float Kp_new, float Ki_new, float Kd_new) {
// construct!
// PID_Controller PID = PID_Controller(5.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0)
setPoint = setPoint_new;
Kp = Kp_new;
Ki = Ki_new;
Kd = Kd_new;
lastRun = micros();
void PID_Controller::setPIDConstants(float setPoint_new, float Kp_new, float Ki_new, float Kd_new) {
// change the PID constants used in the live loop
setPoint = setPoint_new;
Kp = Kp_new;
Ki = Ki_new;
Kd = Kd_new;
float PID_Controller::loopStep(float leftSensor, float rightSensor, Speeds *motor_speed) {
// Takes in the current left and right sensor values every loop
// Runs a step to update the motor speeds (speed) based on the error in the PID loop
// output represented as an angular velocity
// timing math
unsigned long now = micros();
unsigned long dt = now - lastRun;
lastRun = now;
// run the loop
// error = setpoint - measured_value <- difference btw sensors
error = setPoint - (leftSensor - rightSensor); // +- 1023
// integral = integral + error * dt
integral = integral + (error * dt);
// derivative = (error - previous_error) / dt
derivative = (error - previousError) / dt;
// output = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative
output = (Kp * error) + (Ki * integral) + (Kd * derivative);
// previous_error = error
previousError = error;
// set speed with speed.left // speed.right = output;
// idea: output of PID as angular velocity
// Vl = s - (w d)/2
// vr = s + (w d)/2
// minimum of output: 0
// maximum of output:
motor_speed->left = linVel - (output * wheelBase) / 2;
motor_speed->right = linVel + (output * wheelBase) / 2;
return output;
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