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Last active October 29, 2017 01:27
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Create a map of sets in Elm
Some Elm code for a map of sets. This maps prices to the set of items
with that price.
Run at
import Html exposing (text, div, br)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Set exposing (Set)
type alias ItemSet = Set String -- set of named items
type alias ItemsByPrice = Dict Int ItemSet -- map prices to sets of item names
-- Add item to existing set for that price, or create a new set if there are no existing ones
addItem: String -> Maybe ItemSet -> Maybe ItemSet
addItem newItem existingItems =
case existingItems of
Just existingItems -> Set.insert newItem existingItems |> Just
Nothing -> Set.fromList [newItem] |> Just
initial: ItemsByPrice
initial = Dict.empty
-- add $2 apple and $3 pear
-- Note that (addItem "value") is a curried function in the form that update expects
-- in this case of type: Maybe ItemSet -> Maybe ItemSet
couple = Dict.update 2 (addItem "apple") initial
|> Dict.update 3 (addItem "pear")
-- add fruit with similar prices
similar = Dict.update 2 (addItem "banana") couple
|> Dict.update 3 (addItem "orange")
main = div [] [
"initial: " ++ toString initial |> text, br[][],
"couple: " ++ toString couple |> text, br[][],
"similar: " ++ toString similar |> text, br[][]
Should see the following output:
initial: Dict.fromList []
couple: Dict.fromList [(2,Set.fromList ["apple"]),(3,Set.fromList ["pear"])]
similar: Dict.fromList [(2,Set.fromList ["apple","banana"]),(3,Set.fromList ["orange","pear"])]
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