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Last active April 5, 2019 11:09
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Steps in Gradient
* GradientArray • Steps gradient.
* @author Siamak Mokhtari <>
* @date 06/21/16.
class GradientArray {
// Convert a hex color to an RGB array e.g. [r,g,b]
// Accepts the following formats: FFF, FFFFFF, #FFF, #FFFFFF
hexToRgb(hex) {
let r, g, b, parts;
// Remove the hash if given
hex = hex.replace('#', '');
// If invalid code given return white
if(hex.length !== 3 && hex.length !== 6){
return [255,255,255];
// Double up charaters if only three suplied
if(hex.length == 3){
hex = hex[0]+hex[0]+hex[1]+hex[1]+hex[2]+hex[2];
// Convert to [r,g,b] array
r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16);
g = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16);
b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16);
return [r, g, b];
// Converts an RGB color array e.g. [255,255,255] into a hexidecimal color value e.g. 'FFFFFF'
rgbToHex(color) {
// Set boundries of upper 255 and lower 0
color[0] = (color[0] > 255) ? 255 : (color[0] < 0) ? 0 : color[0];
color[1] = (color[1] > 255) ? 255 : (color[1] < 0) ? 0 : color[1];
color[2] = (color[2] > 255) ? 255 : (color[2] < 0) ? 0 : color[2];
return this.zeroFill(color[0].toString(16), 2) + this.zeroFill(color[1].toString(16), 2) + this.zeroFill(color[2].toString(16), 2);
// Pads a number with specified number of leading zeroes
zeroFill(number, width) {
width -= number.toString().length;
if (width > 0){
return [width + (/\./.test(number) ? 2 : 1)].join('0') + number;
return number;
// Generates an array of color values in sequence from 'colorA' to 'colorB' using the specified number of steps
generateGradient(colorA, colorB, steps) {
const result = [];
let rInterval;
let gInterval;
let bInterval;
colorA = this.hexToRgb(colorA); // [r,g,b]
colorB = this.hexToRgb(colorB); // [r,g,b]
steps -= 1; // Reduce the steps by one because we're including the first item manually
// Calculate the intervals for each color
let rStep = (Math.max(colorA[0], colorB[0]) - Math.min(colorA[0], colorB[0])) / steps;
let gStep = (Math.max(colorA[1], colorB[1]) - Math.min(colorA[1], colorB[1])) / steps;
let bStep = (Math.max(colorA[2], colorB[2]) - Math.min(colorA[2], colorB[2])) / steps;
// Set the starting value as the first color value
let rVal = colorA[0], gVal = colorA[1], bVal = colorA[2];
// Loop over the steps-1 because we're includeing the last value manually to ensure it's accurate
for (let i = 0; i < (steps-1); i++) {
// If the first value is lower than the last - increment up otherwise increment down
rVal = (colorA[0] < colorB[0]) ? rVal + Math.round(rStep) : rVal - Math.round(rStep);
gVal = (colorA[1] < colorB[1]) ? gVal + Math.round(gStep) : gVal - Math.round(gStep);
bVal = (colorA[2] < colorB[2]) ? bVal + Math.round(bStep) : bVal - Math.round(bStep);
result.push(`#${this.rgbToHex([rVal, gVal, bVal])}`);
return result;
gradientList(colorA, colorB, steps) {
const colorArray = this.generateGradient(colorA, colorB, steps);
for(let i in colorArray) {
* Colors extends from GradientArray
let colors = new GradientArray();
* Step by Step
* @param {String} "#FFF"
* @param {String} "#000"
* @param {Integer} 10
colors.gradientList("#23e", "#111", 20);
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roydigerhund commented Mar 4, 2018

Hi, I've noticed a mistake in your code. If the step is small than 0.5, your color value will not increase.
Instead use something like this (I changed the output to RGB):

generateGradient(colorA, colorB, steps) {
let result = [];
let rInterval;
let gInterval;
let bInterval;

colorA = hexToRgbArray(colorA); // [r,g,b]
colorB = hexToRgbArray(colorB); // [r,g,b]
steps = steps - 1; // we begin at zero

// Calculate the intervals for each color
let rStep = (colorB[0] - colorA[0]) / steps;
let gStep = (colorB[1] - colorA[1]) / steps;
let bStep = (colorB[2] - colorA[2]) / steps;

// Set the starting value as the first color value
let rVal = colorA[0], gVal = colorA[1], bVal = colorA[2];

for (let i = 0; i <= steps; i++) {
rVal = Math.round(colorA[0] + (rStep * i));
gVal = Math.round(colorA[1] + (gStep * i));
bVal = Math.round(colorA[2] + (bStep * i));
result.push(rgb(${rVal}, ${gVal}, ${bVal}));

return result;

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