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Created March 31, 2009 13:06
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# Author:: Paweł Wilk (
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Paweł Wilk
# License:: LGPL
# This module is intended to be used as extension
# (class level mixin) for classes using some buffers
# that may be altered by calling certain methods.
# It automates resetting of buffers by installing
# wrappers for invasive methods you choose. It rewrites
# selected methods by adding to them code that calls
# buffer(s) flushing method created by you.
# === Markers
# To select which methods are invasive for your buffer(s)
# you should use markers which in usage are similar to
# accessors, e.g:
# attr_affects_buffers :domain
# Markers may be placed anywhere in the class. Wrapping
# routine will wait for methods to be defined if you
# mark them too early in your code.
# ==== Marking methods
# To mark methods which should trigger reset operation
# when called use method_affects_buffers which takes
# comma-separated list of symbols describing names
# of these methods.
# ==== Marking attributes (setters)
# The marker attr_affects_buffers is similar but it takes
# instance members not methods as arguments. It just installs
# hooks for corresponding setters.
# === Buffers flushing method
# Default instance method called to reset buffers should be
# defined under name +reset_buffers+
# You may also want to set up your own name by calling
# buffers_reset_method class method. The name of your
# buffers flushing method is passed to subclasses but
# each subclass may redefine it.
# Be aware that sub-subclass
# will still need redefinition since it's kind of one-level
# inheritance.
# Buffers flushing method may take none or exactly one argument.
# If your method will take an argument then a name of calling
# method will be passed to it as symbol.
# === Inherited classes
# This module tries to be inheritance-safe but you will have to
# mark methods and members in subclasses if you are going
# to redefine them. The smooth way is of course to use +super+
# in overloaded methods so it will also do the job.
# === Caution
# This code uses Module#method_added hook. If you're going
# to redefine that method in class using this module remember
# to wrap and call original version or add one line to your
# definition: +ba_check_method(name)+
# === Example
# class Main
# extend BufferAffects
# buffers_reset_method :reset_path_buffer
# attr_affects_buffers :subpart
# attr_accessor :subpart, :otherpart
# def reset_path_buffer(name)
# @path = nil
# p "reset called for #{name}"
# end
# def path
# @path ||= @subpart.to_s + @otherpart.to_s
# end
# end
# obj =
# obj.subpart = 'test'
# p obj.path
# obj.subpart = '1234'
# p obj.path
module BufferAffects
@@__ba_wrapped__ = {}
@@__ba_reset_m__ = nil
# This method sets name of method that will be used to reset buffers.
def buffers_reset_method(name)
name = name.to_s.strip
raise'method name cannot be empty') if name.empty?
@__ba_reset_method__ = name.to_sym
@@__ba_reset_m__ ||= @__ba_reset_method__
private :buffers_reset_method
# This method sets the marker for hook to be installed.
# It ignores methods for which wrapper already exists.
def method_affects_buffers(*names)
@__ba_methods__ ||= {}
names.collect! { |name| name.to_sym }
names.delete_if { |name| @__ba_methods__.has_key?(name) }
private :method_affects_buffers
# This method searches for setter methods for given
# member names and tries to wrap them into buffers
# resetting hooks usting method_affects_buffers
def attr_affects_buffers(*names)
names.collect! { |name| :"#{name}=" }
private :attr_affects_buffers
# This method installs hook for given methods or puts their names
# on the queue if methods haven't been defined yet. The queue is
# tested each time ba_check_hook is called.
# Each processed method can be in one of 2 states:
# * false - method is not processed now
# * true - method is now processed
# After successful wrapping method name (key) and object ID (value) pairs
# are added two containers: @@__ba_wrapped__ and @__ba_methods__
def ba_methods_wrap(*names)
names.delete_if { |name| @__ba_methods__[name] == true } # don't handle methods being processed
kmethods = public_instance_methods +
private_instance_methods +
install_now = { |name| kmethods.include?(name) } # select methods for immediate wrapping
install_now.delete_if do |name| # but don't wrap already wrapped
@@__ba_wrapped__.has_key?(name) && # - wrapped by our class or other class
!@__ba_methods__.has_key?(name) # - not wrapped by our class
install_later = names - install_now # collect undefined and wrapped methods
install_later.each { |name| @__ba_methods__[name] = false } # and add them to the waiting queue
install_now.each { |name| @__ba_methods__[name] = true } # mark methods as currently processed
installed = ba_install_hook(*install_now) # and install hooks for them
install_now.each { |name| @__ba_methods__[name] = false } # mark methods as not processed again
installed.each_pair do |name,id| # and note the object IDs of wrapped methods
@@__ba_wrapped__[name] = id # shared container
@__ba_methods__[name] = id # this class's container
private :ba_methods_wrap
# This method checks whether method which name is given
# is now available and should be installed.
def ba_check_method(name)
name = name.to_sym
@__ba_methods__ ||= {}
if @__ba_methods__.has_key?(name)
private :ba_check_method
# This method installs hook which alters given methods by wrapping
# them into method that invokes buffers resetting routine. It will
# not install hook for methods beginning with __ba, which signalizes
# that they are wrappers for other methods.
def ba_install_hook(*names)
@__ba_reset_method__ ||= @@__ba_reset_m__
@__ba_reset_method__ ||= 'reset_buffers'
installed = {}
names.uniq.each do |name|
new_method = name.to_s
next if new_method[0..3] == '__ba'
orig_id = instance_method(name.to_sym).object_id
orig_method = '__ba' + orig_id.to_s + '__'
reset_method = @__ba_reset_method__.to_s
module_eval %{
alias_method :#{orig_method}, :#{new_method}
private :#{orig_method}
def #{new_method}(*args, &block)
if method(:#{reset_method}).arity == 1
return #{orig_method}(*args, &block)
installed[name] = orig_id
return installed
private :ba_install_hook
# Hook that intercepts added methods.
def method_added(name)
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