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Last active February 4, 2017 04:59
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Redux with reduced boilerplate


I would recommend @acdlite's redux-actions over the methods suggested in this Gist.

The methods below can break hot-reloading and don't support Promise-based actions.

Even though 'redux-actions' still uses constants, I've come to terms with the fact that constants can be good, especially in bigger projects. You can reduce boilerplate in different places, as described in the redux docs here:

Redux is super it may be useful to add some helper utils on top of it to reduce some boilerplate. The goal of Redux is to keep these things in user-land, and so most likely these helpers (or anything like them) wouldn't make it into core.

It's important to note that this is just ONE (and not particularly thoroughly tested) way to accomplish the goal of reducing boilerplate in Redux. It borrows some ideas from Flummox and the way it generates action creator constants.

This will evolve, I'm sure, as time goes on and as Redux's API changes.

Some helper functions to reduce some boilerplate in Redux:

import _ from 'lodash';
import uniqueId from 'uniqueid';

// Create actions that don't need constants :)
export const createActions = (actionObj) => {
  const baseId = uniqueId();
  return _.zipObject(, (actionCreator, key) => {
    const actionId = `${baseId}-${key}`;
    const method = (...args) => {
      const result = actionCreator(...args);
      return {
        type: actionId,
        ...(result || {})
    method._id = actionId;
    return [key, method];

// Get action ids from actions created with `createActions`
export const getActionIds = (actionCreators) => {
  return _.mapValues(actionCreators, (value, key) => {
    return value._id;

// Replace switch statements in stores (taken from the Redux README)
export const createStore = (initialState, handlers) => {
  return (state = initialState, action) =>
    handlers[action.type] ?
      handlers[action.type](state, action) :

They can be used like this:


import {createActions} from 'lib/utils/redux';

export const SocialPostActions = createActions({
  loadPosts(posts) {
    return { posts };


import {default as Immutable, Map, List} from 'immutable';
import {createStore, getActionIds} from 'lib/utils/redux';

import {SocialPostActions} from 'lib/actions';

const initialState = Map({
  isLoaded: false,
  posts: List()

const actions = getActionIds(SocialPostActions);

export const posts = createStore(initialState, {
  [actions.loadPosts]: (state, action) => {
    return state.withMutations(s =>
      s.set('isLoaded', true).set('posts', Immutable.fromJS(action.posts))
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faassen commented Jun 25, 2015

I think 'addons' has the wrong implications. Either make this a full part of Redux itself and maintain it as such, or distribute it as its own package entirely. See also how the React devs in fact want to get rid of addons into separately maintained packages.

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faassen commented Jun 25, 2015

Anyway, to get started I think it would make sense to put this code (and the worked out example in the other gist) in a git repo. @vjpr, do you need help with this? I'd also like to help out writing tests if needed.

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skevy commented Jun 29, 2015

Not sure why I wasn't notified on comments on this.

@vjpr thanks for your examples. I had run into this problem of it not supporting promises as well...and I ended up with something similar to what you did.

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cassus commented Jul 5, 2015

It would be great to have this on npm, also maybe under the redux github org.

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