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Created February 22, 2019 20:40
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Progressive Multijittered (0, 2) Sequence
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
/* This implements the pseudo-code from
/* replace with your desired random number generator */
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 rng(rd());
static std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0, 1);
static float rnd() {
float f;
do {
f = dis(rng);
while(!(f < 1.0f));
return f;
typedef struct float2 {
float x, y;
} float2;
class PMJ02_Generator {
static std::vector<float2> generate_2D(int size) {
std::vector<float2> points;
PMJ02_Generator g;
float2 point;
point.x = rnd();
point.y = rnd();
int N = 1;
while (N < size) {
g.extend_sequence_even(points, N);
g.extend_sequence_odd(points, 2 * N);
N = 4 * N;
return points;
PMJ02_Generator() {}
void extend_sequence_even(std::vector<float2> &points, int N) {
int n = sqrtf(N);
mark_occupied_strata(points, N);
for (int s = 0; s < N; ++s) {
float2 oldpt = points[s];
float i = floorf(n * oldpt.x);
float j = floorf(n * oldpt.y);
float xhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.x - i));
float yhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.y - j));
xhalf = 1.0f - xhalf;
yhalf = 1.0f - yhalf;
generate_sample_point(points, i, j, xhalf, yhalf, n, N);
void extend_sequence_odd(std::vector<float2> &points, int N) {
int n = sqrtf(N / 2);
mark_occupied_strata(points, N);
std::vector<float> xhalves(N / 2);
std::vector<float> yhalves(N / 2);
for (int s = 0; s < N / 2; ++s) {
float2 oldpt = points[s];
float i = floorf(n * oldpt.x);
float j = floorf(n * oldpt.y);
float xhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.x - i));
float yhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.y - j));
if (rnd() > 0.5f) {
xhalf = 1.0f - xhalf;
} else {
yhalf = 1.0f - yhalf;
xhalves[s] = xhalf;
yhalves[s] = yhalf;
generate_sample_point(points, i, j, xhalf, yhalf, n, N);
for (int s = 0; s < N / 2; ++s) {
float2 oldpt = points[s];
float i = floorf(n * oldpt.x);
float j = floorf(n * oldpt.y);
float xhalf = 1.0f - xhalves[s];
float yhalf = 1.0f - yhalves[s];
generate_sample_point(points, i, j, xhalf, yhalf, n, N);
void generate_sample_point(std::vector<float2> &points, float i, float j,
float xhalf, float yhalf, int n, int N) {
int NN = 2 * N;
float2 pt;
do {
pt.x = (i + 0.5f * (xhalf + rnd())) / n;
pt.y = (j + 0.5f * (yhalf + rnd())) / n;
} while (is_occupied(pt, NN));
mark_occupied_strata1(pt, NN);
void mark_occupied_strata(std::vector<float2> &points, int N) {
int NN = 2 * N;
int num_shapes = log2f(NN) + 1;
for (int shape = 0; shape < num_shapes; ++shape) {
for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
occupiedStrata[shape][n] = false;
for (int s = 0; s < N; ++s) {
mark_occupied_strata1(points[s], NN);
void mark_occupied_strata1(float2 pt, int NN) {
int shape = 0;
int xdivs = NN;
int ydivs = 1;
do {
int xstratum = xdivs * pt.x;
int ystratum = ydivs * pt.y;
occupiedStrata[shape][ystratum * xdivs + xstratum] = true;
shape = shape + 1;
xdivs = xdivs / 2;
ydivs = ydivs * 2;
} while (xdivs > 0);
bool is_occupied(float2 pt, int NN) {
int shape = 0;
int xdivs = NN;
int ydivs = 1;
do {
int xstratum = xdivs * pt.x;
int ystratum = ydivs * pt.y;
if (occupiedStrata[shape][ystratum * xdivs + xstratum]) {
return true;
shape = shape + 1;
xdivs = xdivs / 2;
ydivs = ydivs * 2;
} while (xdivs > 0);
return false;
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> occupiedStrata;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
constexpr int num_points = 1024;
std::vector<float2> points = PMJ02_Generator::generate_2D(num_points);
for (auto point : points) {
std::cout << point.x << ", " << point.y << "\n";
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