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Created April 1, 2020 08:54
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Complete snapshot layer
resolver: lts-15.5
- pantry-
- casa-client-0.0.1
- casa-types-0.0.1
- hackage-security-
- hpack-0.33.0
- lukko-
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver foo.yaml script
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Pantry
import RIO
import Path
import Path.IO
import Data.Yaml (encodeFile)
:: FilePath -- ^ input
-> FilePath -- ^ output
-> RIO PantryApp ()
complete inputFP outputFP = do
-- This make-a-resolved-path logic can move into Pantry itself
inputRel <- parseRelFile inputFP
inputAbs <- canonicalizePath inputRel
let inputRP = ResolvedPath
{ resolvedRelative = RelFilePath $ fromString inputFP
, resolvedAbsolute = inputAbs
ersl <- loadSnapshotLayer $ SLFilePath inputRP
rsl <-
case ersl of
Left _ -> throwString "We don't complete compiler-only layers"
Right rsl -> pure rsl
sl <- completeSnapshotLayer rsl
liftIO $ encodeFile outputFP sl
:: RawSnapshotLayer
-> RIO PantryApp SnapshotLayer
completeSnapshotLayer RawSnapshotLayer {..} = do
slParent <- completeSnapshotLocation rslParent
slLocations <- for rslLocations $ \rawLoc -> do
cpl <- completePackageLocation rawLoc
if cplHasCabalFile cpl
then pure $ cplComplete cpl
else throwString $ "We're no longer supporting packages without cabal files: " ++ show rawLoc
let slCompiler = rslCompiler
slDropPackages = rslDropPackages
slFlags = rslFlags
slHidden = rslHidden
slGhcOptions = rslGhcOptions
slPublishTime = rslPublishTime
pure SnapshotLayer {..}
main :: IO ()
main = runPantryApp $ complete "foo.yaml" "bar.yaml"
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