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Created March 15, 2021 12:50
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Basic and silly implementation of conduit in Rust
pub enum Conduit<I, O, R> {
Send(O, Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Conduit<I, O, R>>),
Recv(Box<dyn FnOnce(Option<I>) -> Conduit<I, O, R>>),
Leftover(I, Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Conduit<I, O, R>>),
use Conduit::*;
impl <I, O> Conduit<I, O, ()> {
pub fn send(o: O) -> Self {
Send(o, Box::new(|| Done(())))
impl<I, O> Conduit<I, O, Option<I>> {
pub fn recv() -> Self {
Recv(Box::new(|oi| Done(oi)))
impl<I: 'static, O: 'static, R1: 'static> Conduit<I, O, R1> {
pub fn and_then<R2: 'static>(self, next: impl FnOnce(R1) -> Conduit<I, O, R2> + 'static) -> Conduit<I, O, R2> {
match self {
Send(_, _) => todo!(),
Recv(f) => Recv(Box::new(move |oi| {
Done(r1) => next(r1),
Leftover(_, _) => todo!(),
impl<R> Conduit<(), (), R> {
pub fn run(self) -> R {
use Conduit::*;
let mut conduit = self;
loop {
match conduit {
Recv(f) => {
conduit = f(None);
Done(r) => {
return r;
Send(_, _) => unreachable!(),
Leftover(_, _) => unreachable!(),
impl<O: Clone + 'static> Conduit<(), O, ()> {
pub fn repeat(o: O) -> Self {
Conduit::Send(o.clone(), Box::new(move || Conduit::repeat(o)))
impl<A> Conduit<A, A, ()> {
pub fn take(count: usize) -> Self {
if count == 0 {
} else {
Conduit::Recv(Box::new(move |oa| {
match oa {
None => Conduit::Done(()),
Some(a) => Conduit::Send(a, Box::new(move || Conduit::take(count - 1))),
impl<A: 'static> Conduit<A, (), Vec<A>> {
pub fn sink_vec() -> Self {
fn sink_vec_helper(mut v: Vec<A>) -> Self {
Conduit::Recv(Box::new(move |oa| {
match oa {
None => Conduit::Done(v),
Some(a) => {
impl<I: 'static, O: 'static> Conduit<I, O, ()> {
pub fn map<F: FnMut(I) -> O + 'static>(mut f: F) -> Self {
Conduit::Recv(Box::new(move |oa| {
match oa {
None => Done(()),
Some(i) => {
let o = f(i);
Send(o, Box::new(move || Conduit::map(f)))
impl<A: 'static, B: 'static> Conduit<A, B, ()> {
pub fn fuse<C: 'static, R: 'static>(self, c: Conduit<B, C, R>) -> Conduit<A, C, R> {
match c {
Done(r) => Done(r),
Send(b, right) => {
let rest = move || self.fuse(right());
Send(b, Box::new(rest))
Recv(f) => match self {
Send(a, left) => {
Recv(_) => todo!(),
Done(()) => Done(()).fuse(f(None)),
Leftover(_, _) => todo!(),
Leftover(_, _) => todo!(),
mod tests {
use super::Conduit;
fn simple_vec() {
let expected = vec![42, 42, 42];
let actual = Conduit::repeat(42).fuse(Conduit::take(3)).fuse(Conduit::sink_vec()).run();
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn with_map() {
let expected = vec![44, 44, 44];
let actual = Conduit::repeat(42).fuse(Conduit::take(3)).fuse(Conduit::map(|x| x + 2)).fuse(Conduit::sink_vec()).run();
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn with_two_maps() {
let expected = vec![47, 47, 47];
let actual = Conduit::repeat(42)
.fuse(Conduit::map(|x| x + 2))
.fuse(Conduit::map(|x| x + 3))
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn use_and_then() {
let expected = vec![Some("Alice")];
let actual = Conduit::repeat("Alice")
.fuse(Conduit::recv().and_then(|x| Conduit::send(x)))
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
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