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library(ggdist) # for stat_histinterval()
############# make the dataset ###################
# 1 sample per subject per condition
data_per_subject_condition = expand_grid(
subjectID = paste0("S", 1:50),
independent_variable_A = c("circle", "square"),
independent_variable_B = 1:3
) %>%
mutate(speed = (independent_variable_A=="circle") * (independent_variable_B / 5) + rnorm(n(), 0, 0.5))
# normalize values relative to each subject's performance
baseline = data_per_subject_condition %>%
filter(independent_variable_A == "circle") %>%
filter(independent_variable_B == 1) %>%
select(-independent_variable_A, -independent_variable_B) %>%
rename(baseline = speed)
data_per_subject_condition = data_per_subject_condition %>%
left_join(baseline) %>%
mutate(relative_speed = speed - baseline)
# sanity check (ignores subjects)
ggplot(data_per_subject_condition) + aes(x=independent_variable_B, y=speed, color=independent_variable_A) + geom_smooth()
################ bootstrapped means #################
# put into purrr's nested table format and make bootstrap copies
boots = data_per_subject_condition %>%
## reshape dependent variables into separate rows
# pivot_longer(accuracy:speed, "dependent_variable") %>%
# get one tibble per condition and DV
group_by(independent_variable_A, independent_variable_B) %>%
nest() %>%
# duplicate each based on number of bootstrap iterations
expand_grid(boot_index = 1:BOOT_COUNT)
# bootstrapped means: randomly sample each set with replacement and compute the mean
boots = boots %>%
#randomly sample with replacement
mutate(data = map(data, ~slice_sample(., prop = 1, replace = TRUE))) %>%
# get the mean of your column of choice
mutate(relative_speed = map(data, ~mean(.$relative_speed))) %>%
mutate(data = NULL) %>%
################# graph it ######################
boots %>% filter(independent_variable_A != "circle" | independent_variable_B != 1) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = relative_speed, y = paste(independent_variable_A, independent_variable_B), fill = paste(independent_variable_A, independent_variable_B)) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dotted") +
stat_histinterval(.width=c(.95, .99), breaks=seq(-1, 1, 0.05), point_size=0, interval_size_range = c(1.5,3), justification = -0.1, scale=0.8) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
theme_classic(20) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +
guides(fill = "none") +
labs(title = "Relative Speed", x=NULL, y=NULL)
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