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Actions not firing on dynamically added content
Hitting a problem that actions aren't firing from markup dynamically added inside a controller with `insertAdjacentHTML`. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions?
We have a controller that lets the user edit the heights of air conditioners on a roof (its for a solar panel app). For each air conditioner, we have an "air conditioner div" that has has a target ("heightContainer") and an input with an action ("input->heights-form#updateHeight").
The air conditioner div looks like:
.form-group.col-6{ data: { layout_editor__air_conditioner_heights_form_target: "heightContainer", uuid: ac.uuid }}
%div{ class: class_names('field_with_errors': ac.height.blank?), data: { identifier: 'fieldWrapper' } }
- id = "height_#{ac.uuid}"
%label{ for: id } Air Conditioner ##{ac.identifier}
= text_field_tag :height, ac.height, class: 'form-control', id: id,
data: { action: 'layout-editor--ac-heights-form#updateHeight',
layout_editor__ac_heights_form_uuid_param: ac.uuid }
.input-group-text FT
When they edit the height in the input, `updateHeight` fires.
For the initial server rendered divs inside the controller, everything works.
When the user draws a new air conditioner, want to add a new div inside the controller. We do that by`
* when we create the page, we render a blank "air conditioner div" and stick it on the controller as a value property
blank_element = capture do
ac: '[identifier]', uuid: '[uuid]'))
.row{ data: { controller: 'layout-editor--air_conditioner-heights-form',
layout_editor__air_conditioner_heights_form_height_element_template_value: blank_element }}
* we take that div and insert it at the bottom of the list
const template = this.heightElementTemplateValue
.replaceAll("[identifier]", air_conditioner.identifier)
.replaceAll("[uuid]", air_conditioner.uuid);
this.element.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", template)
1) We can see the newly inserted div in `this.heightContainerTargets` (so it seems like Stimulus is noticing that something has been added), but
2) when the user types in a height, it doesn't fire `updateHeight`. If we save and refresh the page, then the element is rendered on the server and the stimulus action works.
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