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Last active November 17, 2020 14:02
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Betaling med Vipps i Python 3
En enkel demo for å initialisere en Vipps-transaksjon.
Returnerer en URL som kunden kan bruke til å fullføre transaksjonen.
Denne URL kan for eksempel enkodes som en QR-kode og skannes.
Koden er lisensiert som CC-BY
2020 stigok
import datetime
import json
import secrets
import sys
import requests
#api_url = ""
api_url = ""
merchant_id = "12345"
client_id = "xxx"
client_secret = "xxx"
vipps_subscription_key_1 = "xxx"
vipps_subscription_key_2 = "xxx"
# Vipps will only allow callbacks to ports 80, 443 and 8080
callback_url = ""
fallback_url_format = ""
def generate_order_id():
Generates a unique order ID. This implementation is time-based.
You should most probably be using sequenced ID's instead, like the number
from an auto-incremented SQL column.
n = int(
s = "{:012}".format(n)
return "-".join([merchant_id, s[:4], s[4:8], s[8:]])
def get_access_token():
"""Return an access token string for authentication with the Vipps API"""
url = api_url + "/accessToken/get"
headers = {
"client_id": client_id,
"client_secret": client_secret,
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": vipps_subscription_key_1,
logging.debug("Request details %s",
json.dumps(dict(url=url, headers=headers), indent=2))
res =, headers=headers)
return res.json()["access_token"]
def api_req(endpoint, payload, *, access_token):
"""Make an HTTP POST request to the API endpoint with the given payload"""
url = api_url + endpoint
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % access_token,
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": vipps_subscription_key_1,
"X-Request-Id": secrets.token_urlsafe(8),
logging.debug("Request details %s",
json.dumps(dict(url=url, headers=headers, payload=payload), indent=2))
res =, json=payload, headers=headers)
return res.json()
def initiate_payment(*, amount, description, access_token):
order_id = generate_order_id()
payload = {
"customerInfo": {},
"merchantInfo": {
"merchantSerialNumber": str(merchant_id),
"callbackPrefix": callback_url,
"fallBack": fallback_url_format % order_id,
"transaction": {
"orderId": order_id,
"amount": amount,
"transactionText": description,
return api_req("/ecomm/v2/payments", payload, access_token=access_token)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import logging
logging.debug("API URL %s", api_url)
token = get_access_token()
order = initiate_payment(amount=3500, description="Club Mate",
print("Vennligst betal kr 35.00 for din Club Mate")
print("Ordre #", order["orderId"])
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