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Last active December 20, 2015 09:19
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Someone asked on Twitter how to refresh Safari window until a text is found. I thought that must be simple. Well, it still took me about an hour to put this together.
tell application "Safari"
set urlForPolling to URL of front document
set tabForPolling to current tab of front window
on error
display dialog "Please open some web page first" with title "Error" with icon stop buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end try
display dialog "Reload the active page until a text is found." & return & "Enter the text to look for" with title "Safari reloader" default answer ""
set needle to text returned of the result
set haystack to text of tabForPolling
if haystack contains needle then
say "Text was found on the page"
exit repeat
end if
delay 3
set URL of tabForPolling to urlForPolling
end repeat
end tell
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