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Created March 16, 2017 17:27
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Errors as data compose, error messages not so much
;; spec errors are data, and as such are composable with all the rest
;; of Clojure. The forms below show getting to an interesting part
;; of an error in a larger data structure, taking advantage of
;; edn-reading, pretty-printing, *print-length* and threading macro.
;; It is difficult to maintain the compositionality shown here
;; once you convert error data into e.g. ASCII art.
'[clojure.edn :as edn]
'[clojure.pprint :as pp])
(set! *print-length* 5)
(def error
{:readers {'error identity}}
(slurp "")))
(-> error :data :explain :cljs.spec/problems first pp/pprint)
{:path [:paths],
:pred string?,
[[0 -10 -3.3333333333333335]
[0 -9 -3]
[0 -8 -2.6666666666666665]
[0 -7 -2.3333333333333335]
[0 -6 -2]
:in [:paths 0]}
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