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Created October 14, 2017 11:44
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I think it would be a mistake to introduce temporal coupling to prevent typos.
;; I think it would be a mistake to introduce temporal coupling to prevent typos.
;; The example program below lets you identify "missing" keys specs at
;; the time and place of your choosing, and then handle them as you
;; deem appropriate, without imposing those decisions on other
;; users of spec.
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
'[clojure.set :as set])
(defn keyspec-form?
"Returns true if x is the s/form of a keys spec"
(and (sequential? x) (= 'clojure.spec.alpha/keys (first x))))
(defn keyspec-form-keys
"Returns set of keys mentioned in s/form of a keys spec"
(comp (filter vector?)
(defn keyspec-keys
"Given an s/registry, returns a map from keys spec names to
the set of qualified keys referenced by the spec."
(comp (map (fn [[k v]] [k (s/form v)]))
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (keyspec-form? v)))
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (keyspec-form-keys v)])))
(defn possible-keyspec-typos
"Given a spec registry, returns a map from keys specs to
keynames missing from the registry. Useful for e.g. finding
typos when you believe you have specified all keys"
(let [ksks (keyspec-keys registry)
rks (into #{} (keys registry))]
(comp (map (fn [[n ks]]
[n (set/difference ks rks)]))
(filter (fn [[_ ks]] (seq ks))))
(keyspec-keys registry))))
(s/def ::foo int?)
(s/def ::bar (s/keys :req-un [::foo ::quux]))
;; this will show you that ::quux is missing
(possible-keyspec-typos (s/registry))
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bhb commented Dec 7, 2017

Very cool! Just a head up though for anyone using this code - this won't catch missing/mistyped keys in multi-specs.

  (s/def ::name string?)
  (defmulti msg :msg-type)
  (defmethod msg :greeting [x]
    (s/keys :req-un [::name]))
  (defmethod msg :count [x]
    (s/keys :req-un [::num]))
  (s/def ::msg (s/multi-spec msg :msg-type))

  (possible-keyspec-typos (s/registry)) ; won't detect missing ::num spec

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jpmonettas commented Dec 8, 2017

Something like this could work for catching missing/mistyped kyes in multi-specs:


(defn multi-spec-form?
  "Returns true if x is the s/form of a multi spec"
  (and (sequential? x) (= 'clojure.spec.alpha/multi-spec (first x))))

(defn multi-spec-sub-specs
  "Given a multi-spec form, call its multi method methods to retrieve
  its subspecs in the form of [multi-method-key sub-spec-form]."
  (let [[_ multi-method-symbol & _] multi-spec-form]
    (->> (resolve multi-method-symbol)
         (map (fn [[spec-k method]]
                [spec-k (s/form (method nil))])))))

and changed keyspec-keys like

(defn keyspec-keys
  "Given an s/registry, returns a map from keys spec names to
the set of qualified keys referenced by the spec."
   (comp (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (let [form (s/form v)] ;; <---------- changed this map
                               (if (multi-spec-form? form)
                                 (map (fn [[sk ss]] [[k sk] ss]) (multi-spec-sub-specs form))
                                 [[k form]]))))
         (filter (fn [[_ v]] (keyspec-form? v)))
         (map (fn [[k v]] [k (keyspec-form-keys v)])))

and now it returns

(possible-keyspec-typos (s/registry))
;; =>
{:spec-test.core/bar               #{:spec-test.core/quux},
 [:spec-test.core/msg :count] #{:spec-test.core/num}}

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I found the following macro variation to enforce some of Plumatic Schema's strictness useful too

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