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Created July 9, 2013 01:47
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Example implementation of Norvig's Spellchecker in Clojure, using core.async
;; Example implementation of Norvig's Spellchecker in Clojure,
;; using core.async
;; There are probably some bugs in this.
;; Original problem:
;; from Lambda Jam, Chicago, 2013:
;; Clojure core.async introduction:
(ns spellcheck
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.core.async :refer :all]))
(defn word-freqs [words]
(let [c (double (count words))]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc m k (/ (double v) c)))
(frequencies words))))
(def alphabet (map char (range (int \a) (inc (int \z)))))
;; From Alex Miller,
(defn edits1 [word]
(let [splits (for [i (range (inc (count word)))] [(subs word 0 i) (subs word i)])
deletes (for [[a b] splits :when (not (str/blank? b))] (str a (subs b 1)))
transposes (for [[a b] splits :when (> (count b) 1)] (str a (second b) (first b) (subs b 2)))
replaces (for [[a b] splits :when (> (count b) 0)
c alphabet]
(str a c (subs b 1)))
inserts (for [[a b] splits
c alphabet]
(str a c b))]
(set (concat deletes transposes replaces inserts))))
(def max-working-set-size
"Hard limit to constrain the size of the search space for possible
words. Prevents the lazy sequence from trying forever to find the
next possible correction."
(defn corrections
"Given a dictionary (map of word frequencies) and a collection of
corrections being considered, returns an infinite lazy sequence of
[dict ws]
(when (< (count ws) max-working-set-size)
(let [es (mapcat edits1 ws)
ws (->> es
(filter #(contains? dict %))
(sort-by (comp - dict)))]
(concat ws (corrections dict es))))))
(defn read-corpus
"Returns a sequence of words read from a file."
(re-seq #"[a-z]+" (clojure.string/lower-case (slurp file))))
(def corpus-words
(delay (read-corpus
(def corpus-freqs
(delay (word-freqs @corpus-words)))
(defn correct
"Returns a lazy sequence of possible corrections for word."
(concat (when (contains? @corpus-freqs word) [word])
(corrections @corpus-freqs [word]))))
(defn chan-seq
"Returns a channel on which successive elements of the lazy sequence
s will be put."
(let [out (chan)]
(go (loop [ss s]
(when-first [x ss]
(>! out x)
(recur (rest ss)))))
(defn corr-chan
"Returns a channel on which possible spelling corrections for word
will be written."
(chan-seq (correct word)))
(defn wait-max
"Returns a channel which receives successive values from channel ch.
If any element takes longer than msec milliseconds to produce,
closes the channel."
[msec ch]
(let [out (chan)]
(go (loop []
(alt! ch ([x] (if x
(do (>! out x) (recur))
(close! out)))
(timeout msec) (close! out))))
(defn take-pr
"Reads and prints (to Java standard output) successive values from
channel ch until it is closed."
(go (loop []
(when-let [x (<! ch)]
(binding [*out* ( System/out)]
(prn x))
(defn correcting
"Searches for possible corrections to word and prints them to Java
standard output. Takes at most timeout milliseconds to generate a
[timeout word]
(take-pr (wait-max timeout (corr-chan word))))
;; Usage examples.
;; If you're using this from a REPL client such as Emacs/nREPL,
;; remember that the output will appear in the STDOUT of the Java
;; process, not your REPL.
(correcting 5000 "colour")
;; "colour"
;; "color"
;; "colours"
;; "colon"
;; "colors"
;; "colony"
(correcting 5000 "milenium")
;; "selenium"
;; "millennium"
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