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Created February 28, 2012 04:11
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Save sunilnandihalli/1929345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
problem with lazy join of two large sorted csv files...
(ns pythia.soj.join
(:require [ :as csv]
[ :as io]
[ :as sh]))
(defn write-csv-record [wrtr record]
(binding [*out* wrtr]
(println (apply str (interpose \, record)))))
(defn map-seq-to-csv-with-out-using-write-csv [seq-of-maps output-file]
(let [[all-keys] (with-open [wrtr (io/writer (str output-file ".tmp"))]
(reduce (fn [[c-keys keys-to-id-map] m]
(let [[n-keys n-keys-to-id-map :as w] (reduce (fn [[c-keys keys-to-id-map] k]
(if (contains? keys-to-id-map k)
[c-keys keys-to-id-map]
[(conj c-keys k)
(assoc keys-to-id-map k (count c-keys))]))
[c-keys keys-to-id-map] (keys m))
rec ((apply juxt n-keys) m)]
(write-csv-record wrtr rec) w)) [[] {}] seq-of-maps))]
(sh/sh "sh" :in (str "echo " (apply str (interpose \, (map name all-keys))) " | cat - " output-file ".tmp >" output-file "; rm -vf " output-file ".tmp;"))))
(defn csv-to-map-seq [fname & {:keys [with-header key-map] :or {with-header false}}]
(let [row-seq (csv/read-csv (io/reader fname))
all-keys (let [premapped-keys (if with-header (map keyword (first row-seq)) (range 1 1000))]
(if-not key-map premapped-keys
(map (fn [k] (if (contains? key-map k) (key-map k) k)) premapped-keys)))]
(map #(zipmap all-keys %)
(if with-header (rest row-seq) row-seq))))
(defn lazy-join-sorted-map-seqs-with-only-second-map-seq-allowed-to-have-duplicate-fields
([s1 s2 f output-generator]
(lazy-join-sorted-map-seqs-with-only-second-map-seq-allowed-to-have-duplicate-fields s1 s2 f f output-generator))
([s1 s2 f1 f2 output-generator]
(loop [[x & xs :as wx] s1 [y & [yn :as ys] :as wy] s2]
(let [[xk yk] [(f1 x) (f2 y)]
ck (compare xk yk)]
(= ck 0) (cons (output-generator x y)
(let [nyk (f2 yn)]
(if-not (= nyk xk)
(lazy-join-sorted-map-seqs-with-only-second-map-seq-allowed-to-have-duplicate-fields xs ys f1 f2 output-generator)
(lazy-join-sorted-map-seqs-with-only-second-map-seq-allowed-to-have-duplicate-fields wx ys f1 f2 output-generator))))
(< ck 0) (recur xs wy)
(> ck 0) (recur wx ys)))))))
(defn join-csv-based-on-field-with-only-second-file-allowed-to-have-duplicate-fields [f1 f2 field-key]
(let [[s1 s2] (map #(csv-to-map-seq % :with-header true) [f1 f2])]
(lazy-join-sorted-map-seqs-with-only-second-map-seq-allowed-to-have-duplicate-fields s1 s2 field-key merge)))
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when I am writing code, the return value of the above function is directly written to file using map-seq-to-csv-with-out-using-write-csv . I just realized that I had missed saying that..

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halgari commented Feb 28, 2012

may I be the first to say "Holy long function names, Batman!". Seriously, this is what name spaces are for....

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