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Last active March 28, 2018 02:34
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MPC of an Inverted Pendulum on a Cart
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import time
import cvxpy
l = 1.5 # length of bar
M = 1.0 # [kg]
m = 0.1 # [kg]
g = 9.8 # [m/s^2]
x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.01, 0])
Q = np.diag([10.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0])
R = np.diag([0.0000])
T = 30 # Horizon length
delta_t = 0.1 # time tick
max_F = 5.0 # Max and minimum forces
min_F = -5.0
# State indexes
X = 0
DX = 1
XMAX = 4 # number of states
UMAX = 1 # number of inputs
def main():
x_r, Tmax = build_trajectory()
x = np.zeros((4, int(Tmax/delta_t) + 1))
u = np.zeros(int(Tmax/delta_t))
x[:,0] = x0
animation = True
if animation:
for i, t in enumerate(np.arange(0, Tmax, delta_t)):
# Come up with a control law
u_traj, x_traj = mpc_control(x[:,i], x_r[:,i:i+T+1])
u[i] = u_traj[0,0]
# Simulate the dynamics of the system with the control input
x[:,i+1, None] = simulate(x[:,i,None], u[i], delta_t)
if animation:
# Plot the cart
plot_cart(x[:,i], x_r[:,i])
# plot the results
plt.plot(x[X,:], '-b', label='$x$')
plt.plot(x_r[X,:x.shape[1]], '-r', label='$x_r$')
plt.plot(x[THETA, :], '-b', label=r'$\theta$')
plt.plot(x_r[THETA, :x.shape[1]], '-r', label=r'$\theta_r$')
plt.plot(x[DX, :], '-b', label=r'$\dot{x}$')
plt.plot(x_r[DX, :x.shape[1]], '-r', label=r'$\dot{x}_r$')
plt.plot(x[DTHETA, :], '-b', label=r'$\dot{\theta}$')
plt.plot(x_r[DTHETA, :x.shape[1]], '-r', label=r'$\dot{\theta}_r$')
plt.plot(u, '-g', label=r'$F$')
def simulate(x, u, dt):
# Use RK4
k1 = dynamics(x, u)
k2 = dynamics(x + dt * k1/2., u)
k3 = dynamics(x + dt * k2/2., u)
k4 = dynamics(x + dt*k3, u)
return x + dt/6. * (k1 + 2.*k2 + 2.*k3 + k4)
def mpc_control(x0, x_r):
# Perform MPC (linearized about equilbrium)
x = cvxpy.Variable(XMAX, T+1)
u = cvxpy.Variable(UMAX, T)
A, B = get_jacobians()
cost = 0.0
constr = []
for t in range(T):
cost += cvxpy.quad_form(x[:, t+1] - x_r[:,t+1], Q)
cost += cvxpy.quad_form(u[:, t], R)
constr.append(x[:,t+1] == x[:,t] + delta_t*(A * x[:,t] + B*u[:,t]))
constr += [u[:,t] < max_F]
constr += [u[:,t] > min_F]
constr += [x[:,0] == x0]
start = time.time()
prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(cost), constr)
end = time.time()
print "solution took", end-start, "seconds"
# Extract the predicted trajectory and inputs
x = np.array(x.value)
u = np.array(u.value)
return u, x
def dynamics(x, u):
# Calculate full dynamics
th = x[THETA]
dth = x[DTHETA]
xdot = np.zeros((4,1))
ct = np.cos(th)
st = np.sin(th)
xdot[X] = x[DX]
xdot[DX] = (u+m*st*(l*dth*dth - g*ct)) / (M + m*(st*st))
xdot[THETA] = x[DTHETA]
xdot[DTHETA] = (-u*ct-m*l*dth*dth*st*ct + (M+m)*g*st)/(l*(M+m*(st*st)))
return xdot
def get_jacobians():
# Calculate linearized dynamics
A = np.array([
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, -m * g / M, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
[0.0, 0.0, g * (M + m) / (l * M), 0.0]
B = np.array([
[1.0 / M],
[-1.0 / (l * M)]
return A, B
def build_trajectory():
# Create a trajectory to follow - specify the velocity and the time to follow that
# velocity
# m/s, time
trajectory = np.array([[-0.75, 3.0],
[1.0, 1.0],
[-1.0, 0.5],
[1.5, 1.0],
[0.0, 1.0]])
Tmax = np.sum(trajectory[:, 1])
# Integrate velocity segments to come up with position trajectory
x_r = []
x_pos = 0.
for part in trajectory:
for t in np.arange(0, part[1], delta_t):
v = part[0]
x_pos += delta_t * v
x_r.append([x_pos, v, 0, 0])
for t in range(T + 10):
x_r.append([x_pos, 0 , 0, 0])
x_r = np.array(x_r).T
return x_r, Tmax
def plot_cart(x, xr):
cart_w = 1.0
cart_h = 0.5
xt = x[X]
theta = x[THETA]
# Create the box for the cart
cart_points = np.array([[-cart_w / 2.0, cart_w / 2.0, cart_w /2.0, -cart_w / 2.0, -cart_w / 2.0],
[0.0, 0.0, cart_h, cart_h, 0.0]])
# Shift the cart by the position
cart_points[0,:] += xt
plt.plot(cart_points[0,:], cart_points[1,:])
# Reference Cart
cart_points[0,:] += (xr[X] - xt)
plt.plot(cart_points[0,:], cart_points[1,:], '--r')
# Draw the beam
beam_points = np.array([[0.0, l * math.sin(theta)],
[cart_h, l * math.cos(-theta) + cart_h]])
beam_points[0,:] += xt
plt.plot(beam_points[0,:], beam_points[1,:], '-b')
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(beam_points[:,1], radius=0.1, fill=False, color='b'))
# Reference beam
beam_points = np.array([[0.0, l * math.sin(xr[THETA])],
[cart_h, l * math.cos(-xr[THETA]) + cart_h]])
beam_points[0,:] += xr[X]
plt.plot(beam_points[0,:], beam_points[1,:], '--r')
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(beam_points[:,1], radius=0.1, fill=False, linestyle='--', color='r', ))
# Draw the wheels
radius = 0.1
wheel_points = np.array([[-cart_w/3., cart_w/3.],
[-radius, -radius]])
wheel_points[0,:] += xt
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(wheel_points[:, 0].copy(), radius=radius, fill=False, color='b'))
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(wheel_points[:, 1].copy(), radius=radius, fill=False, color='b'))
wheel_points[0, :] += (xr[X] - xt)
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(wheel_points[:, 0], radius=radius, fill=False, color='r', linestyle='--'))
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(wheel_points[:, 1], radius=radius, fill=False, color='r', linestyle='--'))
# Plot center point
plt.scatter(xt, cart_h/2., facecolors='none', edgecolors='b')
plt.plot(xr[X], cart_h/2., 'xr')
plt.xlim([-5, 5])
plt.ylim([-1, 5])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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