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Last active December 11, 2021 12:24
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  • Save takeshik/3d675d46d894dd3c1d17cce7634114cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Default config values of color.* slots (on Git 2.24.1)
[color "branch"]
plain = normal
remote = red
local = normal
current = green
upstream = blue
worktree = cyan # not in doc
[color "diff"]
context = normal
meta = bold
frag = cyan
old = red
new = green
commit = yellow
whitespace = normal red
func = normal # misformatted in doc
oldMoved = magenta bold
oldMovedAlternative = blue bold
oldMovedDimmed = dim
oldMovedAlternativeDimmed = dim italic
newMoved = cyan bold
newMovedAlternative = yellow bold
newMovedDimmed = dim
newMovedAlternativeDimmed = dim italic
contextDimmed = dim
oldDimmed = red dim
newDimmed = green dim
contextBold = bold
oldBold = red bold
newBold = green bold
[color "decorate"]
branch = green bold
remoteBranch = red bold
tag = yellow bold
stash = magenta bold
HEAD = cyan bold
grafted = blue bold # not in doc
[color "grep"]
context =
filename =
function =
lineNumber =
column =
matchContext = red bold
matchSelected = red bold
selected =
separator = cyan
[color "interactive"]
error = red bold
header = bold
help = red bold
plain = normal # not in doc
prompt = blue bold
reset = reset # not in doc
[color "remote"]
hint = yellow
warning = yellow bold
success = green
error = red
[color "status"]
header = normal
updated = green
changed = red
untracked = red
nobranch = red
unmerged = red
localBranch = green
remoteBranch = red
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