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Last active May 30, 2024 15:50
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aliases and shortcuts for kubectl
alias kc='kubectl'
alias kclf='kubectl logs --tail=200 -f'
alias kcgs='kubectl get service -o wide'
alias kcgd='kubectl get deployment -o wide'
alias kcgp='kubectl get pod -o wide'
alias kcgn='kubectl get node -o wide'
alias kcdp='kubectl describe pod'
alias kcds='kubectl describe service'
alias kcdd='kubectl describe deployment'
alias kcdf='kubectl delete -f'
alias kcaf='kubectl apply -f'
alias kcci='kubectl cluster-info'
alias kcbad='kubectl get pod | grep "0\/"'
alias kcre='kubectl get pod | sort -nk 4 | grep -v "Running 0"'
alias kcrey='kubectl get pod | sort -nk 4 | grep -v "Running 0\|NAME" | cut -d" " -f1 | xargs -i kubectl describe pod {} | grep "Reason\|^Name:\|Finished"'
alias kcall='kubectl get nodes --no-headers | awk '\''{print $1}'\'' | xargs -I {} sh -c '\''echo {} ; kubectl describe node {} | grep Allocated -A 5 | grep -ve Event -ve Allocated -ve percent -ve -- ; echo '\'''
alias hd='helm list --deployed | grep -v "NAME" | awk '\''{print $1}'\'' | sort | uniq -c | awk '\''{print $1,$2}'\'' | grep -v "^1 "'
function hl() { helm list $@; }
function hh() { helm history $(helm list -q $@); }
function gcm() { kubectl get configmap $@ -o yaml; }
function kclfl() { kubectl logs --tail=$@ -f; }
function kcpf() {
result=$(kubectl get pod | grep -m1 $@)
if [ ! "$exitCode" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Could not find pod matching [$@]."
return 1;
podName=$(echo $result | awk '{print $1}')
echo "Forwarding port 8080 of $podName to local port 8080"
kubectl port-forward $podName 8080:8080
function kclfa() {
result=($(kubectl get pod | grep $@))
if [ ! "$exitCode" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Could not find pod matching [$@]."
return 1;
read -n 1 -p "Press any key for logs of ${result[0]} and ${result[5]}"
(kubectl logs --tail=10 -f ${result[0]} & kubectl logs --tail=10 -f ${result[5]} &) | tee
function kclff(){
result=($(kubectl get pod | grep $1))
if [ ! "$exitCode" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Could not find pod matching [$@]."
return 1;
echo "Showing logs for ${result[0]}"
kubectl logs --tail=200 -f ${result[0]}
function kcops(){
kubectl proxy &
docker run -it --net=host hjacobs/kube-ops-view &
xdg-open http://localhost:8080 &
function kcfp() { kubectl get pod -o wide| grep $@; }
function kcfs() { kubectl get service -o wide| grep $@; }
function kcfd() { kubectl get deployment -o wide | grep $@; }
function kcxsh() { kubectl exec -ti $@ sh; }
function kcxbash() { kubectl exec -ti $@ bash; }
function kcph() { kubectl exec -ti $@ -- sh -c 'apk -q update; apk add -q curl jq; curl localhost:8080/__health | jq'; }
function kcstop() {
echo "Stopping $1"
desired_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].spec.replicas}');
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployments/$1;
current_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].status.availableReplicas}')
while [ ! -z "$current_replicas" ]; do
sleep 1;
current_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].status.availableReplicas}')
echo "Stopped [$desired_replicas] instances of $1."
return $desiredReplicas
function kcstart() {
echo "Scaling deployment $1 up to $2 replicas...";
kubectl scale --replicas=$2 deployments/$1;
if [ "$3" == "skipCheck" ]; then
echo "Skipping healthchecks"
initial_sleep=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds}')
echo "Waiting $initial_sleep seconds for the first readiness probe check..."
sleep $initial_sleep
period_sleep=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.periodSeconds}')
while [ "$current_replicas" != "$2" ]; do
echo "Waiting $period_sleep seconds until checking the node count"
sleep $period_sleep
current_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].status.availableReplicas}')
echo "Current nr of replicas: $current_replicas"
echo "$1 restarted"
function kcres() {
echo "Scaling $1"
desired_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].spec.replicas}');
echo "Desired nf or replicas: $desired_replicas";
echo "Scaling deployment $1 down to 0 replicas...";
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployments/$1;
current_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].status.availableReplicas}')
while [ ! -z "$current_replicas" ]; do
sleep 1;
current_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].status.availableReplicas}')
echo "Scaling deployment $1 up to $desired_replicas replicas...";
kubectl scale --replicas=$desired_replicas deployments/$1;
if [ "$2" == "skipCheck" ]; then
echo "Skipping healthchecks"
initial_sleep=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds}')
echo "Waiting $initial_sleep seconds for the first readiness probe check..."
sleep $initial_sleep
period_sleep=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.periodSeconds}')
while [ "$current_replicas" != "$desired_replicas" ]; do
echo "Waiting $period_sleep seconds until checking the node count"
sleep $period_sleep
current_replicas=$(kubectl get deployments --selector=app=$1 -o jsonpath='{$.items[0].status.availableReplicas}')
echo "Current nr of replicas: $current_replicas"
echo "$1 restarted"
function kcgnt() { for machine in $(kcgn | tail -n +2 | awk '{ print $1 }' ); do echo -n "${machine}: "; echo $(kc describe node $machine | grep -i "node-role\|role="); done | sort -k 2; }
function kcstat() {
for node in $(kubectl get nodes | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}'); do
echo $node
echo -e "$(kubectl describe node $node | grep -A 4 "Allocated resources")\n";
function kcready() {
for node in $(kubectl get nodes | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}'); do
echo $node
echo -e "$(kubectl describe node $node | grep "Ready")\n";
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Looks great. Have you managed to get shell autocomplete with those aliases?

@javimox Thanks! I didn't try setting up autocomplete. Look up programmable bash completion, IIRC it should help with this.

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javimox commented Jun 23, 2020

Looks great. Have you managed to get shell autocomplete with those aliases?

@javimox Thanks! I didn't try setting up autocomplete. Look up programmable bash completion, IIRC it should help with this.

At the end I got autocomplete working with my shortcuts using functions instead of aliases. If you want to check it out:

Feedback is welcome.

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@javimox looks cool! I'm not working with K8S on my current project but I'll consider it if I ever go back to wrangling yamls :D

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tosan88 commented Oct 30, 2020

It's still useful 👏

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kylixs commented Mar 16, 2022

@javimox it's great!

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I manage to get completion for the kc alias working by putting the following in my .bashrc:

alias kc=kubectl
complete -F __start_kubectl kc

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