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Forked from hoangtrvu/JIRA_templates.json
Last active August 14, 2019 07:03
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JIRA Issue Template
"options": {
"domains": [],
"inputIDs": [],
"limit": []
"templates": [{
"issuetype-field": "",
"projects-field": "",
"text": "*Checklist*\n<TI>Before creating the issue, make sure these are checked:</TI>\n<TI>- Can this be split into smaller issues?</TI>\n<TI>- Is Issue Type correct? (Story - Product/Feature, Task - Engineering/Implementation)</TI>\n<TI>- Is Priority correct?\n<TI>- Is Component specified?\n<TI>- Is Fix Version specified?</TI>\n<TI>- Is Linked Issue specified, if any?</TI>\n<TI>- Is Label specified, if any?</TI>\n<TI>- Is Epic specified, if any?</TI>\n\n*Summary*\nAs a <TI>type of user</TI>, I want <TI>to perform some task</TI>, so that I can <TI>achieve some goal</TI>.\n\n*Context*\n<TI>Provide background details, clarifications, or notes for implementation.</TI>\n<TI>- Is this a breaking change? If so, create JIRA issue here:</TI>\n<TI>- Should this be behind Arturo?</TI>\n<TI>- Does this require a mini kick-off?</TI>\n\n*Additional Information*\n<TI>Provide relevant references here.</TI>\n<TI>Zendesk Ticket: URL</TI>\n<TI>Slack conversation: URL</TI>\n\n*Dependencies*\n<TI>Does this require support from any internal/external teams?</TI>\n\n*Risks*\n<TI>Identify risks could be introduced by this.</TI>\n\n*QA Notes*\n<TI>Provide instructions on how to QA/Dev-QA this.</TI>\n\n*Acceptance Criteria*\n<TI>Enter the definition of done here.</TI>\n<TI>- Does this require unit tests?</TI>\n<TI>- Does this require browser tests?</TI>\n<TI>- Does this require documentation update?</TI>\n<TI>- Does this require i18n update?</TI>\n<TI>- Have this been QA/Dev-QA approved?</TI>"
"issuetype-field": "Bug",
"name": "BUG TEMPLATE",
"projects-field": "",
"text": "*Summary*\n<TI>Enter summary of the problem here.</TI>\n\n*Steps to Reproduce*\n<TI>Enter detailed steps to reproduce here. More detail is better.</TI>\n\n*Expected Behaviour*\n<TI>Enter what should happen here.</TI>\n\n*Additional Details*\n<TI>Enter any other details such as examples, links to requirements, etc. Any criteria that might help with fixing the problem. Attach screenshots if possible. More detail is better.</TI>\n\n*Workaround*\n<TI>If there is a way to work around the problem, place that information here.</TI>"
"issuetype-field": "Story",
"projects-field": "",
"text": "*Story*\nAs a <TI>type of user/persona</TI>, I want <TI>to perform some task</TI>, so that I can <TI>achieve some goal/benefit/value</TI>.\n\n*Details*\n<TI>Enter any details, clarifications, answers to questions, or points about implementation here.</TI>\n\n*Additional Information*\n<TI>Enter any background or references such as Stack Overflow, MSDN, blogs, etc. that may help with developing the feature.</TI>\n\n*Acceptance Criteria*\n<TI>Enter the conditions of satisfaction here. That is, the conditions that will satisfy the user/persona that the goal/benefit/value has been achieved. Do we need automated tests for this? </TI>\n\n*Testing details*\n<TI>Do we have all information to test this card? Talk about edge cases. Automated test coverage</TI>"
"issuetype-field": "Task",
"name": "TASK TEMPLATE",
"projects-field": "",
"text": ""
"issuetype-field": "Sub-task",
"projects-field": "",
"text": ""
"issuetype-field": "New Feature",
"projects-field": "",
"text": "*Summary*\n<TI>Enter a summary of the New Feature here.</TI>\n\n*Details*\n<TI>Enter any details, clarifications, answers to questions, or points about implementation here.</TI>\n\n*Additional Information*\n<TI>Enter any background or references such as Stack Overflow, MSDN, blogs, etc. that may help with developing the feature.</TI>"
"issuetype-field": "Improvement",
"projects-field": "",
"text": "*Summary*\n<TI>Enter a summary of the Improvement here.</TI>\n\n*Details*\n<TI>Enter any details, clarifications, answers to questions, or points about implementation here.</TI>\n\n*Additional Information*\n<TI>Enter any background or references such as Stack Overflow, MSDN, blogs, etc. that may help with developing the feature.</TI>"
"issuetype-field": "Epic",
"name": "EPIC TEMPLATE",
"projects-field": "",
"text": "*Epic*\nAs a <TI>type of user/persona</TI>, I want <TI>to perform some task</TI>, so that I can <TI>achieve some goal/benefit/value</TI>.\n\n*Details*\n<TI>Enter any details, clarifications, answers to questions, and points about implementation here.</TI>"
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