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Last active September 13, 2021 13:20
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const-map.js: 定義済みの `key` の `set()` した時にエラーを発生させる `new Map` 互換オブジェクトを生成します



定義済みの keyset() した時にエラーを発生させる new Map 互換オブジェクトを生成します。

* const-map-0.1.1.js
* @version 0.1.1
* @author think49
* @url
* @license (The MIT License)
'use strict';
const ConstMap = (()=>{
const privateMap = new WeakMap;
return class ConstMap {
constructor (...params) {
privateMap.set(this, new Map(...params));
get (key) {
return privateMap.get(this).get(key);
set (key, value) {
const map = privateMap.get(this);
const defError = new Error; = 'DefinitionError';
defError.message = 'Identifier \'' + key + '\' has already been declared';
if (map.has(key)) throw defError;
return map.set(key, value);
has (key) {
return privateMap.get(this).has(key);
keys () {
return Array.from(privateMap.get(this).keys());
values () {
return Array.from(privateMap.get(this).values());
entries () {
return Array.from(privateMap.get(this).entries());
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="./const-map-0.1.1.js"></script>
'use strict';
const cmap = new ConstMap([['foo',1],['bar',2],['baz',3]]);
* Assertion
console.assert(cmap.get('foo') === 1);
console.assert(cmap.get('bar') === 2);
console.assert(cmap.get('baz') === 3);
console.assert(cmap.get('qux') === undefined);
console.assert(cmap.has('foo') === true);
console.assert(cmap.has('bar') === true);
console.assert(cmap.has('baz') === true);
console.assert(cmap.has('qux') === false);
console.assert(JSON.stringify(cmap.keys()) === '["foo","bar","baz"]');
console.assert(JSON.stringify(cmap.values()) === '[1,2,3]');
console.assert(JSON.stringify(cmap.entries()) === '[["foo",1],["bar",2],["baz",3]]');
* DefinitionError
cmap.set('foo', false); // DefinitionError: Identifier 'foo' has already been declared
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