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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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walkway.js animates a R plot with @rstudio htmltools

try to combine the very nice new javascript animation tool walkway.js (yes, that is >2,500 stars) for SVG paths/lines with a R base plot.

RStudio in Windows does not render properly for I think the same reason nvd3 rCharts do not render. No error is produced, but it seems the DOM manipulation does not work as it does in other browsers. RStudio users on other OS do not seem to suffer the same problem.

plot( x = 1:10, y = 1:10, type = "l" )
) %>>%
saveXML %>>%
html %>>%
html_node("svg") %>>%
id = "rplot"
, onload="new Walkway({selector:'#rplot',duration:2000}).draw()"
) %>>%
. %>>% saveXML %>>% HTML
) %>>%
,script = "walkway.min.js"
) %>>%
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