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Created September 2, 2015 03:10
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A geometry idea for Zsolt
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module MyGeo where
import Data.Vec.Nat
import GHC.Real (Ratio(..))
-- I've parameterized it over the dimension type (a),
-- as well as the dimensionality (d)
data Geo a d where
Geo1d :: a -> Geo a N1
Geo2d :: a -> a -> Geo a N2
Geo3d :: a -> a -> a -> Geo a N3
deriving instance Show a => Show (Geo a d)
xCoord :: Geo a d -> a
xCoord (Geo1d x) = x
xCoord (Geo2d x _) = x
xCoord (Geo3d x _ _) = x
yCoord :: Geo a (Succ (Succ n)) -> a
yCoord (Geo2d _ y) = y
yCoord (Geo3d _ y _) = y
-- yCoord (Geo1d _) = ಠ_ಠ
-- we can't define yCoord for a 1d point, the type signature tells GHC
-- to not even allow us to try
-- similarly, a user would get a compile-time error upon attempting to call
-- yCoord (Geo1d 1)
-- or attempting to call yCoord on any Geo a d where d is not evidenced to
-- be ≥ 2, as above, even though a particular instance may in fact be
slopeThrough :: (Real a, Floating f) => Geo a (Succ (Succ n)) -> Geo a (Succ (Succ n)) -> f
slopeThrough (Geo2d x y) (Geo2d x' y') = realToFrac (x - x') / realToFrac (y - y')
slopeThrough (Geo3d x y z) (Geo3d x' y' z') = let deltaX = x' - x
deltaY = y' - y
deltaZ = z' - z
run = sqrt $ realToFrac (deltaX * deltaX) + realToFrac (deltaY * deltaY)
run / realToFrac deltaZ
-- I still see warnings here about unmatched (but impossible) patterns - e.g.
-- slopeThrough (Geo3d _ _ _) (Geo2d _ _) = …
-- or vice-versa
-- with the addition of type families we could define functions with output
-- types determined by input type
-- as a silly example:
class Slope a where
type Slope' a
slopeThru :: a -> a -> Slope' a
-- maybe you couuld do this more generally with Real and Fractional constraints,
-- but I was getting errors about the index not matching the class instance head
-- no matter how I cut it
instance Slope (Geo Integer N2) where
type Slope' (Geo Integer N2) = Rational
slopeThru (Geo2d x y) (Geo2d x' y') = (x' - x) :% (y' - y)
-- and we'll express the slope of a 3d line as a 3d direction vector
-- instead of a ratio of run to rise
instance Slope (Geo Integer N3) where
-- ditto note above - would be nice to just define something for Num a => Geo a N3
type Slope' (Geo Integer N3) = Geo Integer N3 -- or could express it as an (Integer, Integer, Integer) thruple
slopeThru (Geo3d x y z) (Geo3d x' y' z') = Geo3d (x' - x) (y' - y) (z' - z)
-- Now:
-- >>> slopeThru (Geo3d (1::Integer) 1 0) (Geo3d 4 5 6)
-- Geo3d 3 4 6
-- >>> slopeThru (Geo2d (1::Integer) 1) (Geo2d 4 5)
-- 3 % 4
-- >>> slopeThru (Geo1d (1::Integer)) (Geo1d 4)
-- <interactive>:11:1:
-- No instance for (Slope (Geo Integer N1))
-- arising from a use of ‘slopeThru’
-- In the expression: slopeThru (Geo1d (1 :: Integer)) (Geo1d 4)
-- In an equation for ‘it’:
-- it = slopeThru (Geo1d (1 :: Integer)) (Geo1d 4)
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