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Last active May 2, 2021 13:50
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parse proguard mapping files in python
import pprint
import itertools
import operator
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
Class = namedtuple('Class', [
Field = namedtuple('Field', [
Method = namedtuple('Method', [
def lookahead(iterator):
actual, ahead = itertools.tee(iterator)
next(ahead, None)
for value in actual:
yield value, next(ahead, None)
arrow_separator = '->'
def process_class_mapping(line):
arrow_index = line.find(arrow_separator)
if arrow_index == -1:
colon_index = line.find(':', arrow_index + 2)
if colon_index == -1:
return Class(*map(
def process_class_member_mapping(line):
colon_index_1 = line.find(':')
colon_index_2 = line.find(':', colon_index_1 + 1) if colon_index_1 else -1
# NOTE: This seems a little strange, but it's a direct port of the retrace logic.
space_index = line.find(' ', colon_index_2 + 2)
argument_index_1 = line.find('(', space_index + 1)
argument_index_2 = line.find(')', argument_index_1 + 1) if argument_index_1 else -1
arrow_index = line.find('->', max(space_index, argument_index_2 + 1))
if not space_index or not arrow_index:
type = line[(colon_index_2 + 1):space_index].strip()
name = line[(space_index + 1):(argument_index_1 if argument_index_1 >= 0 else arrow_index)].strip()
new_name = line[arrow_index + 2:].strip()
if not type or not name or not new_name:
if argument_index_2 < 0:
return Field(type, name, new_name)
first_line_number = None
last_line_number = None
if colon_index_2 > 0:
first_line_number = int(line[:colon_index_1].strip())
last_line_number = int(line[(colon_index_1 + 1):colon_index_2].strip())
arguments = line[(argument_index_1 + 1):argument_index_2].strip()
return Method(first_line_number, last_line_number, name, arguments, new_name)
line_processors = [
def process_line(line):
line = line.strip()
for processor in line_processors:
# TODO: Return errors from these, collect them and return them as part
# of the overarching `ValueError`.
result = processor(line)
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError
def read(file):
group = None
for current, upcoming in lookahead(itertools.imap(process_line, file)):
if group is None:
assert isinstance(current, Class)
if isinstance(current, Class):
group = current, []
if isinstance(upcoming, Class):
yield group
yield group
def index(stream):
idx = {}
for cls, members in stream:
assert not in idx
member_idx = { m.old for m in members if m.old !=}
if != cls.old or member_idx:
idx[] = (cls.old, member_idx)
return idx
if __name__ == '__main__':
idx = index(read(open(sys.argv[1])))
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