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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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ace-jump-buffer 20140725.... installed fast buffer switching extension to `ace-jump-mode'
ace-jump-mode 20140616.115 installed a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs
ace-window 20140721.752 installed Quickly switch windows using `ace-jump-mode'.
ack-and-a-half 20130815.... installed Yet another front-end for ack
afternoon-theme 20140104.... installed Dark color theme with a deep blue background
ag 20140804.... installed A front-end for ag ('the silver searcher'), the C ack replacement.
anzu 20140703.... installed Show number of matches in mode-line while searching
browse-kill-ring 20140813.... installed interactively insert items from kill-ring
bundler 20131213.357 installed Interact with Bundler from Emacs
coffee-mode 20140813.210 installed Major mode to edit CoffeeScript files in Emacs
color-theme-san... 20140813.... installed A version of Chris Kempson's various Tomorrow themes
company 20140805.... installed Modular text completion framework
csv-mode 1.2 installed Major mode for editing comma/char separated values
dash 20140811.523 installed A modern list library for Emacs
dash-at-point 20140626.35 installed Search the word at point with Dash
diff-hl 20140810.... installed Highlight uncommitted changes
diminish 20091203.... installed Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display
discover-my-major 20140510.... installed Discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode
easy-kill 20140505.343 installed kill & mark things easily
elisp-slime-nav 20140619.254 installed Make M-. and M-, work in elisp like they do in slime
emmet-mode 20140811.803 installed Unofficial Emmet's support for emacs
epl 20140620.218 installed Emacs Package Library
exec-path-from-... 20140731.907 installed Get environment variables such as $PATH from the shell
expand-region 20140610.... installed Increase selected region by semantic units.
f 20140220.21 installed Modern API for working with files and directories
flx 20140630.... installed fuzzy matching with good sorting
flx-ido 20140709.... installed flx integration for ido
flycheck 20140813.... installed Modern on-the-fly syntax checking for GNU Emacs
geiser 20140809.... installed GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other
gh 20140706.... installed A GitHub library for Emacs
gist 20140706.... installed Emacs integration for
git-commit-mode 20140814.... installed Major mode for editing git commit messages
git-rebase-mode 20140605.520 installed Major mode for editing git rebase files
git-timemachine 20140805.338 installed Walk through git revisions of a file
gitconfig-mode 20140605.520 installed Major mode for editing .gitconfig files
gitignore-mode 20140605.520 installed Major mode for editing .gitignore files
god-mode 20140729.... installed God-like command entering minor mode
grizzl 20130810.202 installed Fuzzy Search Library & Completing Read
guru-mode 20140811.859 installed Become an Emacs guru
ido-ubiquitous 20140526.... installed Use ido (nearly) everywhere.
inf-ruby 20140809.416 installed Run a Ruby process in a buffer
inflections 20121016.157 installed convert english words between singular and plural
jinja2-mode 20120827.203 installed A major mode for jinja2
js2-mode 20140803.... installed Improved JavaScript editing mode
key-chord 20080915.... installed map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands
logito 20120225.... installed logging library for Emacs
magit 20140807.909 installed control Git from Emacs
makey 20131231.630 installed interactive commandline mode
markdown-mode 20131210.700 installed Emacs Major mode for Markdown-formatted text files
move-text 20140307.... installed Move current line or region with M-up or M-down.
multiple-cursors 20140804.... installed Multiple cursors for Emacs.
operate-on-number 20140522.430 installed Operate on number at point with arithmetic functions
ov 20140706.147 installed Overlay library for Emacs Lisp
pcache 20131201.... installed persistent caching for Emacs
pkg-info 20140610.630 installed Information about packages
projectile 20140811.855 installed Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily
projectile-rails 20140801.145 installed Minor mode for Rails projects based on projectile-mode
puppet-mode 20140725.... installed Major mode for Puppet manifests
rainbow-delimiters 20140713.... installed Highlight nested parens, brackets, braces a different color at each depth.
rainbow-mode 0.9 installed Colorize color names in buffers
rbenv 20140318.424 installed Emacs integration for rbenv
region-bindings... 20140407.... installed Enable custom bindings when mark is active.
rspec-mode 20140812.... installed Enhance ruby-mode for RSpec
rubocop 20131101.... installed An Emacs interface for RuboCop
ruby-hash-syntax 20131113.... installed Toggle ruby hash syntax between classic and 1.9 styles
ruby-tools 20140113.45 installed Collection of handy functions for ruby-mode.
s 20140714.707 installed The long lost Emacs string manipulation library.
scss-mode 20130105.... installed Major mode for editing SCSS files
slim-mode 20140611.950 installed Major mode for editing Slim files
smartparens 20140811.900 installed Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs.
smartrep 20140404.... installed Support sequential operation which omitted prefix keys.
smartscan 20131230.739 installed Jumps between other symbols found at point
smex 20140425.... installed M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching.
string-edit 20130815.... installed Avoid escape nightmares by editing string in separate buffer
toggle-quotes 20140710.226 installed Toggle between single and double quoted string
undo-tree 20140509.522 installed Treat undo history as a tree
vkill 20091203.... installed view and kill Unix processes from within Emacs
volatile-highli... 20140812.28 installed Minor mode for visual feedback on some operations.
web-mode 20140814.842 installed major mode for editing html templates
yaml-mode 20130310.... installed Major mode for editing YAML files
yari 20140206.611 installed Yet Another RI interface for Emacs
yasnippet 20140810.... installed Yet another snippet extension for Emacs.
zenburn-theme 20140811.754 installed A low contrast color theme for Emacs.
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