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Created June 28, 2022 08:18
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Nayax sales reporting
## standard libraries
import re
import time
import queue
import threading
import json
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk, font, messagebox, filedialog
import datetime
import os
import copy
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
## function to install modules from pip
def install(package):
from pip import main as pipmain
from pip._internal import main as pipmain
pipmain(['install', package])
## non-standard libraries
import requests
print('It looks like you are missing the requests module. Installing it now. Please wait...')
import requests
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
print('It looks like you are missing the Python imaging library. Installing it now. Please wait...')
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
## number of workers for multithreaded requests
worker_count = 20
## global variables
machine_list = []
operator_list = []
## Machine object for storing machine information
class Machine():
## Initialise the machine object
def __init__(self, id, parent, name): = id
self.parent = parent = name
self.dtu = None
self.vpos = None
self.sim = None
self.rssi = None
self.fw_dtu = None
self.fw_vpos = None
self.type = 'machine'
## set to true if the machine indicates that it is currently active
## (used later to figure out active ranges)
self.active_now = False = None
self.fees = []
## sales are 'source': [count, value]
self.sales = {'cash': [None,None], 'card': [None,None]}
## Returns true if the machine has a VPOS touch, false otherwise
def is_vpos_touch(self):
if self.dtu == self.vpos and self.dtu != None:
return True
return False
## Returns cash sale count, amount
def get_cash_sales(self):
return self.sales['cash'][0], self.sales['cash'][1]
## Returns card sale count, amount
def get_card_sales(self):
return self.sales['card'][0], self.sales['card'][1]
## get the parent of this operator
def get_parent(self):
for operator in operator_list:
if == self.parent:
return operator
return None
## Fee object
class Fee():
## Initialise the fee object
def __init__(self, actor, name, amount, applied): = actor = name
self.amount = amount
self.applied = self.convert_name(applied)
self.value = 0
## Compare two fees to see if they can be combined
def compare(self, fee):
if == and self.amount == fee.amount and self.applied == fee.applied:
return True
return False
## Converts text representation of fee to int and vice-versa
def convert_name(self, name):
text_types = ['dollars per active DTU', 'dollars per cash sale', '% of cash sales income', 'dollars per CC sale', '% of CC sales income', 'dollars per transaction', '% of total income (before other fees)', '% of total revenue (after other fees)']
## number to text
if type(name) is int:
return text_types[name]
## text to number
elif type(name) is str:
return text_types.index(name)
return None
## Calculate the value of this fee object
def calculate(self, actor = None):
## Fee applications:
## 0: Fixed fee
## 1: Per cash sale
## 2: Per cash sale value (percent)
## 3: Per card sale
## 4: Per card sale value (percent)
## 5: Total sales count
## 6: Total income (percent)
## 7: Total revenue (percent)
if actor == None:
actor =
## Get the sales values
cash_sales_count, cash_sales_amount = actor.get_cash_sales()
card_sales_count, card_sales_amount = actor.get_card_sales()
total_sales_count = cash_sales_count + card_sales_count
total_sales_amount = cash_sales_amount + card_sales_amount
no_sales = False
total_sales_count = total_sales_amount = 0
no_sales = True
value = 0
## Calculate the fee values
if self.applied == 0:
## Fixed fee
if actor.type == 'operator':
## for ops, get the number of active actors
dtus = len(actor.get_machines(recursive = True, active_only = True))
## machines dont have get_actors, so the number will be one
dtus = 1
value = self.amount * dtus
#print('DEBUG_FEE_CALC_DTU: Actor ' + str( + ' (' + str(actor.type) + ') with ' + str(dtus) + ' DTUs has fee ' + str(value))
elif no_sales == False:
if self.applied == 1:
## Per cash sale
value = self.amount * cash_sales_count
elif self.applied == 2:
## Percent of cash sale value
value = self.amount * (cash_sales_amount / 100)
elif self.applied == 3:
## Per card sale
value = self.amount * card_sales_count
elif self.applied == 4:
## Percent of card sale value
value = self.amount * (card_sales_amount / 100)
elif self.applied == 5:
## Per sale
value = self.amount * total_sales_count
elif self.applied == 6:
## Percent of sale value
value = self.amount * (total_sales_amount / 100)
elif self.applied == 7:
other_fees = 0
## Percent of total revenue (income after other fees).
## This method will result in calculating all fees twice, but
## this is an acceptable compromise given the low
## computational cost and code complexity.
for fee in
## Exclude self
if fee != self:
## Add together other fees
other_fees += fee.calculate(actor = actor)
## work out revenue
revenue = total_sales_amount - other_fees
## apply the fee to revenue
value = self.amount * (revenue / 100)
raise ValueError('Unknown fee application: ' + str(self.applied))
return value
## Operator object for storing operator information
class Operator():
## Initialise the operator object
def __init__(self, id, parent, name): = id
self.parent = parent = name
self.type = 'operator'
self.active_now = False
## lie for operators. this just fixes some display stuff = True
self.fees = []
## Find all machines and operators under this one
def get_children(self, parent = None, type = 'all', recursive = False, active_only = False):
global machine_list, operator_list
## if no ID was passed, we are looking for nodes with this one as a parent
if parent == None:
parent =
children = []
## go through the operator list and add matching operators
for operator in operator_list:
## if the operator has this one as a parent, add it to the list
if operator.parent == parent:
## only add the operator if we are looking for ops too,
## otherwise just do children
if type == 'all' or type == 'operator':
## if we are are recursive, go deeper
if recursive == True:
children.extend(self.get_children(parent =, type = type, recursive = True, active_only = active_only))
## if we are looking for all or machines..
if type == 'all' or type == 'machine':
## go through the machine list and add matching machines
for machine in machine_list:
## if the machine has this one as a parent, add it to the list
if machine.parent == parent:
## exclude inactive machines if specified
if (active_only == True and == True) or active_only == False:
return children
## convinience function - get all machines under this one
def get_machines(self, parent = None, recursive = False, active_only = False):
return self.get_children(parent = parent, type = 'machine', recursive = recursive, active_only = active_only)
## convinience function - get all operators under this one
def get_operators(self, parent = None, recursive = False):
return self.get_children(parent = parent, type = 'operator', recursive = recursive)
## get the parent of this operator
def get_parent(self):
for operator in operator_list:
if == self.parent:
return operator
return None
## Returns cash sale count, amount
def get_cash_sales(self):
sales_count = 0
sales_amount = 0
null_sales = True
## add up the sales for all children
for actor in self.get_machines(recursive = True):
count, amount = actor.get_cash_sales()
if count != None:
null_sales = False
sales_count += count
sales_amount += amount
## if there is no sales data for any child, return None
if null_sales == True:
return None, None
return sales_count, sales_amount
## Returns card sale count, amount
def get_card_sales(self):
sales_count = 0
sales_amount = 0
null_sales = True
## Add up the sales for all children
for actor in self.get_machines(recursive = True):
count, amount = actor.get_card_sales()
if count != None:
null_sales = False
sales_count += count
sales_amount += amount
## If there is no sales data for any child, return None
if null_sales == True:
return None, None
return sales_count, sales_amount
## Class for Nayax functions
class Nayax():
## Class initialisation. Set up variables and do the initial login
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.base_URL = ''
self.cookies = {}
self.headers = {}
self.logged_in = False
self.sales_data_queue_in = queue.Queue()
self.sales_data_queue_out = queue.Queue()
self.product_map_queue_in = queue.Queue()
self.product_map_queue_out = queue.Queue()
self.request_queue_in = queue.Queue()
self.request_queue_out = queue.Queue()
self.login(username, password)
## Makes requests to the Nayax website for data
def make_request(self, path, post = {}, json = {}, login_required = True):
## Figure out the URL to request
url = self.base_URL + path
request = None
## Error if we are not logged in, unless login_required is false
if login_required == True and self.logged_in == False:
raise RuntimeError('Tried to make request for ' + path + ' but we are not logged in')
## Wrap in a for loop so that we can do retries
for i in range(3):
## Wrap in a try to catch connection issues
## If we have POST or JSON data, it's a POST request
if post != {} or json != {}:
print('\n[NYX_REQUEST:POST/JSON] Requesting ' + str(url))
request =, cookies = self.cookies, headers = self.headers, data = post, json = json)
## If we don't have any, it's a GET request
print('\n[NYX_REQUEST:GET] Requesting ' + str(url))
request = requests.get(url, cookies = self.cookies, headers = self.headers)
print('\n[NYX_REQUEST] Got ' + str(url))
## If there was a connection error, wait 1 second and then retry
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
print('Request for ' + url + ' failed. Retrying (' + str(i+1) + '/3)...')
## If it worked, break the retry loop
## Return the request object
return request
## Log in to Nayax
def login(self, username, password):
nvtoken = None
print('[' + str(time.time()) + '] Login: Getting login page...')
## Get the login page
login_page = self.make_request('LoginPage.aspx', login_required = False)
## Find the signin token to be passed with the login attempt
regexp_token ='var token = \'(.+)\'\;', login_page.text)
if regexp_token:
signin_token =
raise RuntimeError('Could not get the login page')
print('[' + str(time.time()) + '] Login: Logging in...')
## Do the login using the given login token to get the session cookies
self.headers = {'signin-token': signin_token, 'Host': '', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Origin': ''}
login_post = self.make_request('LoginPage.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdcs%2fpublic%2fdefault.aspx', json = {'userName': username, 'password': password, 'action': 'signin', 'newPassword': '', 'oldPassword': '', 'verifyPassword': ''}, login_required = False)
## If the 'unknown credentials' error is present, the user/pass were wrong
if'UNKNOWNCREDS', login_post.text):
raise RuntimeError('Incorrect login credentials')
self.cookies = login_post.cookies
print('[' + str(time.time()) + '] Login: Getting background request token...')
## Get the dashboard using the authenticated login cookies so that we
## can get the background request validation token
self.headers = {'Host': '', 'Origin': ''}
dashboard = self.make_request('public/facade.aspx?model=reports/dashboard', login_required = False)
## Find the background request validation token
regexp_nvtoken ='var token = \'(.+)\'\;', dashboard.text)
if regexp_nvtoken:
nvtoken =
## Set the validation headers for all future requests
self.headers = {'Host': '', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Origin': '', 'X-Nayax-Validation-Token': nvtoken}
## Set the state to logged in
self.logged_in = True
raise RuntimeError('Logged in successfully, but could not get the request validation token')
print('[' + str(time.time()) + '] Login: Login complete...')
## clean foreign characters from names
def clean_name(self, name):
name = re.sub('&', '&', name)
name = re.sub(r'[^\w\s\-\.\&\'\/\(\)]', '', name)
return name
## Get the list of operators and machines
def get_machine_list(self):
global machine_list, operator_list
machines = self.make_request('public/facade.aspx?model=operations/machine&action=Machine.Machines_Search')
## find machines
for match in re.finditer(r'parent_id=\"(\d+)\" title=\"([^<>"]+)\" machine_id=\"(\d+)\"[^<>]+activity_color=\"color_((green)|(red)|(gray))\"', machines.text):
## parse out the information
parent = str(
name = self.clean_name(
id = str(
colour =
machine = Machine(id, parent, name)
## work out if the machine is currently active
if colour == 'green' or colour == 'red':
machine.active_now = True
machine.active_now = False
## add the machine to the list
## find operators
for match in re.finditer(r'id=\"(\d+)\" parent_id=\"(\d+)\" title=\"([^<>"]+)\" actor_type_id=\"\d+\"(\sdisabled=\"(1)\")?', machines.text):
## parse out the information
parent = str(
id = str(
name = self.clean_name(
inactive =
## add the operator to the list
operator = Operator(id, parent, name)
if inactive == '1':
operator.active_now = False
operator.active_now = True
## Find the root (highest) operator
def find_root_operator(self):
global operator_list
## Look at each operator
for operator in operator_list:
## See if their parent is known. If not, this is the highest level
parent = operator.parent
is_root = True
for op in operator_list:
if == parent:
is_root = False
if is_root == True:
return operator
raise RuntimeError('Unable to determine root operator')
## Reduce requests for stats so that they hit <500 machines at a time
def reduce_tree(self, root = None):
if root == None:
## Find the top of the tree
root = self.find_root_operator()
request_ops = []
## Get the operators under it
sub_ops = root.get_operators(parent =
## If there are no ops under this, we have to request with it
if len(sub_ops) == 0:
## Otherwise we look at the sub operators
for op in root.get_operators(parent =
## If they have less than 500 machines, we can do a request on them
if len(root.get_machines(parent =, recursive = True)) < 500:
## Otherwise we go deeper
request_ops.extend(self.reduce_tree(root = op))
## Return the list of ops to request against
return request_ops
## worker for getting product maps
def get_product_map_json_worker(self):
while True:
machine = self.product_map_queue_in.get()
## If the machine is none, we are being terminated
if machine == None:
## Make the request
print('[GPMJ_WORKER] Making request...')
result = self.make_request('public/facade.aspx?responseType=json&model=operations/machine&action=InventoryStatus_Search&&machine_id=' + str( + '&status_id=-1')
## Load the data in to a JSON object
print('[GPMJ_WORKER] Loading JSON...')
json_data = json.loads(result.text)
## Put the JSON in the out queue
## Mark the task as done
print('[GPMJ_WORKER] Complete...')
## worker for performing multiple requests
def request_worker(self):
while True:
data = self.request_queue_in.get()
## If the url is none, we are being terminated
if data == None:
url = data[0]
post = data[1]
json = data[2]
result = self.make_request(url, post = post, json = json)
## Mark the task as done
## Get the product maps JSON
def get_product_map_json(self, targets, callback = None):
global worker_count
print('[GPMJ] Configuring workers..')
## If there is no callback, use print
if callback == None:
callback = print
## Set up a thread pool for multithreading
worker_threads = []
for i in range(worker_count):
worker = threading.Thread(target = self.get_product_map_json_worker)
## go through the list of machines
for machine in targets:
print('[GPMJ] Waiting for workers..')
## Wait for all the workers to finish
while self.product_map_queue_in.empty() == False:
remaining = self.product_map_queue_in.qsize()
callback('Getting maps - ' + str(remaining + worker_count) + ' remaining..')
## Stop the worker threads
callback('Waiting for final ' + str(worker_count) + '..')
for i in range(worker_count):
for child in worker_threads:
## get the data from the workers
print('[GPMJ] Getting worker output..')
json_data = []
while self.product_map_queue_out.empty() == False:
## Get the data from the JSON queue
data = self.product_map_queue_out.get_nowait()
## Break if we can't get the data
print('[GPMJ] Done! Returning data.')
return json_data
## Remove unknown products from a machine
def remove_unknown_products(self, targets, callback = None):
global worker_count
## If no callback is defined, just make it print
if callback == None:
callback = print
callback('Getting machine product maps...')
json_data = self.get_product_map_json(targets, callback = callback)
callback('Processing product maps...')
## Process the JSON data
deletion_queue = []
for data in json_data:
## go through each of the product entries
for_deletion = []
for product in data['data_products']:
if str(product['product_id']) == '0':
## add it to the list
## add the list to the deletion queue
print('Found ' + str(len(for_deletion)) + ' unknown products for deletion in machine ' + str(data['data'][0]['operator_identifier']))
deletion_queue.append([str(data['data'][0]['machine_id']), for_deletion])
callback('Deleting unknown products...')
## Set up workers again to do the deletions
worker_threads = []
for i in range(worker_count):
worker = threading.Thread(target = self.request_worker)
## go through the list of machines
del_machines = 0
del_products = 0
for entry in deletion_queue:
## ignore machines with no deletions
if len(entry[1]) > 0:
del_machines += 1
del_products += len(entry[1])
## break up the data
machine = str(entry[0])
deletions = ','.join(entry[1])
request_url = 'public/facade.aspx?responseType=json&model=operations/machine&action=InventoryStatus.RemoveProducts&machine_id=' + machine + '&product_ids=' + deletions
self.request_queue_in.put([request_url, None, None])
## Wait for all the workers to finish
while self.request_queue_in.empty() == False:
remaining = self.request_queue_in.qsize()
callback('Deleting - ' + str(remaining + worker_count) + ' machines remaining..')
## Stop the worker threads
callback('Waiting for final ' + str(worker_count) + '..')
for i in range(worker_count):
for child in worker_threads:
return del_machines, del_products
callback('Task complete...')
## Copy PA code to MDB code for products
def pa_to_mdb(self, targets, callback = None, reverse = False):
## if called with reverse=true, we copy mdb->pa instead
global worker_count
## If no callback is defined, just make it print
if callback == None:
callback = print
upd_products = 0
upd_machines = 0
callback('Getting machine product maps...')
json_data = self.get_product_map_json(targets, callback = callback)
callback('Processing product maps...')
## Process the JSON data
update_queue = []
for data in json_data:
update = False
## go through each of the product entries
for product in data['data_products']:
## MDB to PA
if reverse == True:
if str(product['pa_code']) == '' or str(product['pa_code']) == 'None':
product['pa_code'] = product['mdb_code']
upd_products += 1
update = True
## PA to MDB
if str(product['mdb_code']) == '' or str(product['mdb_code']) == 'None':
product['mdb_code'] = product['pa_code']
upd_products += 1
update = True
## only queue for this machine if it needs an update
if update == True:
upd_machines += 1
callback('Copying code for products...')
## Set up workers again to do the deletions
worker_threads = []
for i in range(worker_count):
worker = threading.Thread(target = self.request_worker)
## go through the list of machines
for entry in update_queue:
machine = entry[0]['machine_id']
## replace with new data
self.request_queue_in.put(['public/facade.aspx?responseType=json&model=operations/machine&action=InventoryStatus.UpdateMachineProduct&machine_id=' + str(machine) + '&lastVisitUpdate=false', None, entry])
## Wait for all the workers to finish
while self.request_queue_in.empty() == False:
remaining = self.request_queue_in.qsize()
callback('Updating - ' + str(remaining + worker_count) + ' machines remaining..')
## Stop the worker threads
callback('Waiting for final ' + str(worker_count) + '..')
for i in range(worker_count):
for child in worker_threads:
return upd_machines, upd_products
callback('Task complete...')
## Dump JSON product data for a machine
def dump_json_products(self, targets, callback = None):
global worker_count
## If no callback is defined, just make it print
if callback == None:
callback = print
callback('Getting machine product maps...')
json_data = self.get_product_map_json(targets, callback = callback)
callback('Processing product maps...')
## Process the JSON data
deletion_queue = []
for data in json_data:
print('DEBUG_PM_JSON: ' + str(data['data_products']))
callback('Task complete...')
## Gets sales data (plus a bunch of other data) for the machines - worker
def get_sales_data_worker(self):
## Poll queue indefinitely
while True:
## Get the next operator from the queue
data = self.sales_data_queue_in.get()
op = data[0]
start = data[1]
end = data[2]
## If operator is None, we have been stopped and need to break
## the queue polling
if op == None:
actor = str(
sales_cash = self.make_request('public/facade.aspx?responseType=json&model=reports/SalesSummary&action=SalesSummary_Report&&actor_id=' + actor + '&payment_method=3&num_of_rows=1000000&with_cash=1&with_cashless_external=0&time_period=57&start_date=' + start + 'T00%3A00%3A00&end_date=' + end + 'T23%3A59%3A59.997&report_type=2')
sales_card = self.make_request('public/facade.aspx?responseType=json&model=reports/SalesSummary&action=SalesSummary_Report&&actor_id=' + actor + '&payment_method=1&num_of_rows=1000000&with_cash=0&with_cashless_external=0&time_period=57&start_date=' + start + 'T00%3A00%3A00&end_date=' + end + 'T23%3A59%3A59.997&report_type=2')
json_cash = json.loads(sales_cash.text)
json_card = json.loads(sales_card.text)
self.sales_data_queue_out.put([json_cash, json_card])
## Gets sales data (plus a bunch of other data) for the machines - control
def get_sales_data(self, start, end, operator = None, callback = None):
global worker_count
if callback == None:
callback = print
## Work out which operators to query
callback('Reducing tree...')
if operator == None:
operator = self.find_root_operator()
ops = self.reduce_tree(root = operator)
## Set up a thread pool for multithreading
callback('Preparing workers...')
worker_threads = []
for i in range(worker_count):
worker = threading.Thread(target = self.get_sales_data_worker)
callback('Employing workers...')
## Send the tasks to the worker threads
for op in ops:
self.sales_data_queue_in.put([op, start, end])
callback('Waiting for workers to complete...')
## Wait for all the workers to finish
while self.sales_data_queue_in.empty() == False:
remaining = self.sales_data_queue_in.qsize()
callback('Getting data - ' + str(remaining + worker_count) + ' remaining..')
## Stop the worker threads
callback('Waiting for final ' + str(worker_count) + '..')
for i in range(worker_count):
self.sales_data_queue_in.put([None, None, None])
for child in worker_threads:
## Process the JSON data
callback('Processing received data..')
while self.sales_data_queue_out.empty() == False:
## Get the data from the JSON queue
data = self.sales_data_queue_out.get_nowait()
## Break if we can't get the data
j_cash = data[0]
j_card = data[1]
## Process the JSON data for cash
for entry in j_cash['data'][1]:
machine_id = int(entry['machine_id'])
cash_amount = entry['total_amount']
cash_amount = 0
cash_count = entry['total_count']
cash_count = 0
## Pull out some machine info, since that is supplied in the JSON too
rssi = entry['ex_rssi']
dtu = entry['ex_device_number']
vpos = entry['ex_vpos_serial']
fw_dtu = entry['ex_device_fw_existing']
fw_vpos = entry['ex_vpos_fw_existing']
sim = entry['ex_sim_card_serial']
## Add the sales data to the applicable machine
for machine in machine_list:
if int( == machine_id:
#callback('' + str(machine_id) + ' cash - $' + str(cash_amount) + ' (' + str(cash_count) + ')...')
machine.sales['cash'] = [cash_count, cash_amount]
## Add the info to the machine
machine.dtu = dtu
machine.fw_dtu = fw_dtu
machine.vpos = vpos
machine.fw_vpos = fw_vpos
machine.sim = sim
machine.rssi = rssi
## Process the JSON data for cards
for entry in j_card['data'][1]:
machine_id = int(entry['machine_id'])
card_amount = entry['total_amount']
card_amount = 0
card_count = entry['total_count']
card_count = 0
## Add the sales data to the applicable machine
for machine in machine_list:
if int( == machine_id:
#callback('' + str(machine_id) + ' card - $' + str(card_amount) + ' (' + str(card_count) + ')...')
machine.sales['card'] = [card_count, card_amount]
## If we get to here, processing of JSON data is complete
callback('Data processing complete. Checking for active machines..')
## check for active machines (threaded)
pool = ThreadPool(processes = worker_count)
workers = []
## push out data to the workers
for machine in operator.get_machines(recursive = True):
workers.append([machine, pool.apply_async(self.is_machine_active, (machine, start, end, ))])
## get the results
for machine, child in workers:
callback('Checking active machines (' + str(workers.index([machine, child])) + '/' + str(len(workers)) + ')...')
active = child.get()
#print( + ' active? ' + str(active)) = active
callback('Sales data loaded')
## Finds out if a machine was active during the specified sales period
def is_machine_active(self, actor, start_date, end_date):
## we don't care about operators, only machines
if actor.type != 'machine':
return None
## data dates have to be specified
start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date + ' 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date + ' 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print('Could not check if ' + str( + ' was active because sales data dates were not specified!')
return None
## machines with card sales are active
if actor.sales['card'][0] != 0 and actor.sales['card'][0] != None:
#print(str( + ' active overridden because it has sales')
return True
## get the history tab
response = self.make_request('public/facade.aspx?model=operations/machine&action=MachineHistory.Get&&machine_id=' + str(
event_list = []
## get the active/not active events
for entry in re.finditer(r'<machineHistory[^<>]*changed_item="Status"[^<>]*changed_to="((Active)|(Not Active))" updated_at="(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})[\.\d]*"', response.text):
event =
stamp_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
event_list.append([stamp_dt, event])
## the issue with Nayax event history is that they are often missing
## so we have to infer status from the absence of certain events, or
## the current status
## sort the event list by time and pull out the cloest events before and after our range
event_list = sorted(event_list)
history = [datetime.datetime.strptime('2000-01-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), None]
future = [datetime.datetime.strptime('2100-01-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), None]
active_in_period = False
for stamp, event in event_list:
#print('DEBUG_IMA ' + str(stamp) + ' event: ' + str(event))
if stamp < start and stamp > history[0]:
history = [stamp, event]
elif stamp > end and stamp < future[0]:
future = [stamp, event]
active_in_period = True
## if we still dont think it's active, check the close events
## look for a transition to active before this period
if str(history[1]) == 'Active':
#print(str( + ' active from past activity')
active_in_period = True
## or a transition to not active after this period
elif str(future[1]) == 'Not Active':
#print(str( + ' active from future inactivity')
active_in_period = True
## if there were no events, we just have to assume the current status
## is correct
if len(event_list) == 0 and actor.active_now == True:
#print(str( + ' active assumed due to lack of events')
active_in_period = True
return active_in_period
## GUI class
class GUI():
## Class initialisation
def __init__(self):
## Local variables
self.nayax = None
## Root UI element
self.root = Tk()
self.root.resizable(False, False)
## Image assets
self.image_machine = ImageTk.PhotoImage('icons/machine.png'))
self.image_operator = ImageTk.PhotoImage('icons/operator.png'))
## Login info storage variables
self.input_username_value = StringVar()
self.input_password_value = StringVar()
self.login_error = StringVar()
## Login info container frame
self.frame_login = ttk.LabelFrame(self.root, text = 'Nayax login')
self.frame_login.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'news')
## Username and password labels and entry fields
ttk.Label(self.frame_login, text = 'Username').grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.input_username = ttk.Entry(self.frame_login, textvariable = self.input_username_value)
self.input_username.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.frame_login, text = 'Password').grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.input_password = ttk.Entry(self.frame_login, textvariable = self.input_password_value, show = '*')
self.input_password.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
self.input_password.bind('<Return>', self.login)
## Error display
ttk.Label(self.frame_login, textvariable = self.login_error, foreground = 'red').grid(row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
## Submit button
self.button_login = ttk.Button(self.frame_login, command = self.login, text = 'Login')
self.button_login.grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
## Run the GUI
def run(self):
## Do the Nayax login
def login(self, event = None):
## Update the UI to indicate an operation in progress
self.login_error.set('Logging in..')
self.button_login.configure(state = 'disabled')
## Get the username and password
username = self.input_username_value.get()
password = self.input_password_value.get()
## Make sure they are not blank
if username == '' or password == '':
self.login_error.set('Missing username or password')
## Do the login
self.nayax = Nayax(username, password)
self.login_error.set('Logged in!')
self.input_username.configure(state = 'disabled')
self.input_password.configure(state = 'disabled')
## If there is an error, show it
except RuntimeError as e:
self.login_error.set('Login error: ' + str(e))
## Restore the login button
self.button_login.configure(state = 'normal')
## Load initial data and create the GUI
def load_initial(self):
## Replace the login button with a progress bar
## Get the machine list
self.login_error.set('Downloading machine list..')
## Get rid of the login form
## Add the top menu
## Create the tree view of machines and operators
self.container_tree = ttk.Frame(self.root)
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self.container_tree, selectmode = 'browse', columns = ('cash', 'card', 'total'))
self.tree.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.actor_click_event)
self.tree.heading('#0', text = 'Machine/operator name')
self.tree.column('#0', width = 500)
self.tree.heading('cash', text = 'Cash sales')
self.tree.column('cash', width = 150)
self.tree.heading('card', text = 'Card sales')
self.tree.column('card', width = 150)
self.tree.heading('total', text = 'Total sales')
self.tree.column('total', width = 150)
self.tree.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'news')
self.tree_scroll_vertical = ttk.Scrollbar(self.container_tree, orient = 'vertical', command = self.tree.yview)
self.tree_scroll_horizontal = ttk.Scrollbar(self.container_tree, orient = 'horizontal', command = self.tree.xview)
self.tree.configure(yscrollcommand = self.tree_scroll_vertical.set, xscrollcommand = self.tree_scroll_horizontal.set)
self.tree_scroll_vertical.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = 'ns')
self.tree_scroll_horizontal.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'ew')
## configure the contaiener so that the treeview can scale with window
## size changes
self.container_tree.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'news', columnspan = 3)
self.root.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=2)
self.root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=2)
self.container_tree.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=2)
self.container_tree.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=2)
## populate the tree with machines/operators
## Add the sales date range fields
## give the tags meaning (active/inactive)
self.tree.tag_configure('active', foreground = 'black', font = font.Font(size = 10))
self.tree.tag_configure('inactive', foreground = 'red', font = font.Font(size = 10, overstrike = 1))
## create the info area below the machine/op tree
self.info_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.root, text = 'Information')
self.info_frame.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = 'nsew')
## create vars to store machine/operator info
self.info_name = StringVar()
self.info_type = StringVar()
self.info_signal = StringVar()
self.info_serial_dtu = StringVar()
self.info_serial_vpos = StringVar()
self.info_serial_sim = StringVar()
self.info_firmware_dtu = StringVar()
self.info_firmware_vpos = StringVar()
self.info_operator_operators = StringVar()
self.info_operator_machines = StringVar()
## and sales info
self.info_sales_cash_amount = StringVar()
self.info_sales_cash_count = StringVar()
self.info_sales_card_amount = StringVar()
self.info_sales_card_count = StringVar()
self.info_sales_total_amount = StringVar()
self.info_sales_total_count = StringVar()
## create the info display widgets
ttk.Label(self.info_frame, textvariable = self.info_name, font = ('Arial', 14, 'bold')).grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'w')
self.info_frame_machine = ttk.Frame(self.info_frame)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_machine, text = 'Nayax type').grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.info_field_type = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_machine, textvariable = self.info_type, state = 'readonly', width = 30)
self.info_field_type.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_machine, text = 'Signal strength').grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self.info_field_signal = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_machine, textvariable = self.info_signal, state = 'readonly', width = 30)
self.info_field_signal.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_machine, text = 'DTU serial').grid(row = 3, column = 0)
self.info_field_serial_dtu = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_machine, textvariable = self.info_serial_dtu, state = 'readonly', width = 30)
self.info_field_serial_dtu.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_machine, text = 'VPOS serial').grid(row = 4, column = 0)
self.info_field_serial_vpos = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_machine, textvariable = self.info_serial_vpos, state = 'readonly', width = 30)
self.info_field_serial_vpos.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_machine, text = 'SIM card serial').grid(row = 5, column = 0)
self.info_field_serial_sim = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_machine, textvariable = self.info_serial_sim, state = 'readonly', width = 30)
self.info_field_serial_sim.grid(row = 5, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_machine, text = 'DTU version').grid(row = 6, column = 0)
self.info_field_firmware_dtu = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_machine, textvariable = self.info_firmware_dtu, state = 'readonly', width = 30)
self.info_field_firmware_dtu.grid(row = 6, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_machine, text = 'VPOS version').grid(row = 7, column = 0)
self.info_field_firmware_vpos = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_machine, textvariable = self.info_firmware_vpos, state = 'readonly', width = 30)
self.info_field_firmware_vpos.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
self.info_frame_operator = ttk.Frame(self.info_frame)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_operator, text = 'Sub-operators').grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.info_field_operator_operators = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_operator, textvariable = self.info_operator_operators, state = 'readonly', width = 20)
self.info_field_operator_operators.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_operator, text = 'Machines').grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self.info_field_operator_machines = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_operator, textvariable = self.info_operator_machines, state = 'readonly', width = 20)
self.info_field_operator_machines.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
## create sales display widget
self.info_frame_sales = ttk.Frame(self.info_frame)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_sales, text = 'Total sales').grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.info_field_sales_total_amount = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_sales, textvariable = self.info_sales_total_amount, state = 'readonly', width = 12)
self.info_field_sales_total_amount.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.info_field_sales_total_count = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_sales, textvariable = self.info_sales_total_count, state = 'readonly', width = 7)
self.info_field_sales_total_count.grid(row = 0, column = 2)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_sales, text = 'Cash sales').grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.info_field_sales_cash_amount = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_sales, textvariable = self.info_sales_cash_amount, state = 'readonly', width = 12)
self.info_field_sales_cash_amount.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
self.info_field_sales_cash_count = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_sales, textvariable = self.info_sales_cash_count, state = 'readonly', width = 7)
self.info_field_sales_cash_count.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
ttk.Label(self.info_frame_sales, text = 'Card sales').grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self.info_field_sales_card_amount = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_sales, textvariable = self.info_sales_card_amount, state = 'readonly', width = 12)
self.info_field_sales_card_amount.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
self.info_field_sales_card_count = ttk.Entry(self.info_frame_sales, textvariable = self.info_sales_card_count, state = 'readonly', width = 7)
self.info_field_sales_card_count.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
## make all of the entries copy-on-click
self.info_field_type.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_type))
self.info_field_signal.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_signal))
self.info_field_serial_dtu.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_serial_dtu))
self.info_field_serial_vpos.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_serial_vpos))
self.info_field_serial_sim.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_serial_sim))
self.info_field_firmware_dtu.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_firmware_dtu))
self.info_field_firmware_vpos.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_firmware_vpos))
self.info_field_operator_operators.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_operator_operators))
self.info_field_operator_machines.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_operator_machines))
self.info_field_sales_total_amount.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_sales_total_amount))
self.info_field_sales_total_count.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_sales_total_count))
self.info_field_sales_cash_amount.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_sales_cash_amount))
self.info_field_sales_cash_count.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_sales_cash_count))
self.info_field_sales_card_amount.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_sales_card_amount))
self.info_field_sales_card_count.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda x: self.clipboard_copy(self.info_sales_card_count))
## set initial values for the machine info vars
self.info_frame_sales.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'nw')
## create the fee table
## set the minimum window size to the current size and make it
## resizable again
self.root.minsize(self.root.winfo_width(), self.root.winfo_height() + 200)
self.root.resizable(True, True)
self.root.title('Machine reporting')
## copy a widget variable value to the clipboard
def clipboard_copy(self, widget):
print('Copying to clipboard: ' + str(widget.get()))
print('Could not copy widget value to clipboard!')
## round monetary values to two decimal points and add a dollar sign
def display_money(self, value):
if value == None:
return '$0'
return '$' + str('{:,.2f}'.format(value))
## populate the treeview with machines and operators
def draw_actor_list(self):
## Clear the existing tree (if present)
## Get the list of machines and operators
root_op = self.nayax.find_root_operator()
elements = root_op.get_children(recursive = True)
## Populate the root element first...
self.tree.insert('', 'end',, text =, tag = ('active',))
## ...then everything else under that
for entry in elements:
## tag elements to colour them
if entry.active_now == False:
tag = ('inactive',)
tag = ('active',)
## choose the icon based on whether it is an operator or machine
if entry.type == 'machine':
icon = self.image_machine
icon = self.image_operator
## check whether this entry should be hidden
if entry.type == 'machine' and entry.active_now == False and self.menu_hide_inactive_machines.get() == True:
if entry.type == 'operator':
if entry.active_now == False and self.menu_hide_inactive_operators.get() == True:
elif len(entry.get_machines(recursive = True)) == 0 and self.menu_hide_empty_operators.get() == True:
## get the sales figures (if available)
cash_count, cash_amount = entry.get_cash_sales()
card_count, card_amount = entry.get_card_sales()
## work out the totals
if cash_count == None and card_count == None and == False:
show_sales = False
## there might have been cash sales but not card or
## vice-versa. if so, set the other method to zero
## otherwise we might be overriden for an active actor
if cash_count == None:
cash_count = 0
cash_amount = 0
if card_count == None:
card_count = 0
card_amount = 0
## actually calculate the totals
total_count = cash_count + card_count
total_amount = cash_amount + card_amount
show_sales = True
## insert the element if not hidden. wrap in a try in case the parent is hidden
self.tree.insert(entry.parent, 'end',, text =, tags = tag, image = icon)
## if there are sales figures, populate them
if show_sales == True:
## populate the figures with proper formatting
self.tree.set(, 'cash', self.display_money(cash_amount) + ' (' + str(cash_count) + ')')
self.tree.set(, 'card', self.display_money(card_amount) + ' (' + str(card_count) + ')')
self.tree.set(, 'total', self.display_money(total_amount) + ' (' + str(total_count) + ')')
## if not, put in placeholders
self.tree.set(, 'cash', '?')
self.tree.set(, 'card', '?')
self.tree.set(, 'total', '?')
print('WARNING: Actor ' + + ' has hidden parent!')
## blank out the information section
def reset_selection_info(self):
for info_var in [self.info_name, self.info_type, self.info_signal, self.info_serial_dtu, self.info_serial_vpos, self.info_serial_sim, self.info_firmware_dtu, self.info_firmware_vpos, self.info_operator_operators, self.info_operator_machines, self.info_sales_cash_amount, self.info_sales_cash_count, self.info_sales_card_amount, self.info_sales_card_count, self.info_sales_total_amount, self.info_sales_total_count]:
## return the machine/operator object for a given id
def find_object_for_id(self, id):
global operator_list, machine_list
for entry in operator_list:
if == str(id):
return entry
for entry in machine_list:
if == str(id):
return entry
return None
## called when an actor is clicked in the tree
def actor_click_event(self, event = None):
## populate the information section for the given selection
def populate_selection_info(self):
## clear the current info
## get the currently selected actor. bail out if not selected
actor = self.get_selection()
if actor == None:
## convert the id to an object
actor = self.find_object_for_id(actor)
## check we got an object again
if actor == None:
## common info
if == False:
self.info_name.set(str( + ' (INACTIVE)')
## common info - sales
cash_count, cash_amount = actor.get_cash_sales()
card_count, card_amount = actor.get_card_sales()
## work out the totals
if cash_count == None and card_count == None and == False:
show_sales = False
## there might have been cash sales but not card or
## vice-versa. if so, set the other method to zero
## otherwise we might be overriden for an active actor
if cash_count == None:
cash_count = 0
cash_amount = 0
if card_count == None:
card_count = 0
card_amount = 0
## actually calculate the totals
total_count = cash_count + card_count
total_amount = cash_amount + card_amount
show_sales = True
if show_sales == True:
## populate info for machines
if actor.type == 'machine':
if actor.is_vpos_touch() == True:
self.info_type.set('VPOS touch')
self.info_type.set('VPOS + DTU')
## populate with info we have
if actor.rssi != None:
## correlate RSSI to performance
if actor.rssi == None:
rssi = 'Unknown'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 7:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Unusable)'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 11:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Poor)'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 15:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Average)'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 20:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Good)'
elif int(actor.rssi) != 31:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Excellent)'
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Perfect or error)'
if actor.dtu != None:
if actor.vpos != None:
if actor.sim != None:
if actor.fw_dtu != None:
if actor.fw_vpos != None:
## show the applicable info widgets
self.info_frame_machine.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
## populate with info for operators
## recursively get number of operators and machines under this one
## figure out the total and active operators
op_list = actor.get_operators(recursive = True)
op_inactive = 0
for op in op_list:
## changed active_now to active so we get data for the specified period
if ( == None and op.active_now == False) or == False:
op_inactive += 1
self.info_operator_operators.set(str(len(op_list) - op_inactive) + ' (plus ' + str(op_inactive) + ' inactive)')
## repeat for machines
mac_list = actor.get_machines(recursive = True)
mac_inactive = 0
for mac in mac_list:
## changed active_now to active so we get data for the specified period
if ( == None and mac.active_now == False) or == False:
mac_inactive += 1
self.info_operator_machines.set(str(len(mac_list) - mac_inactive) + ' (plus ' + str(mac_inactive) + ' inactive)')
## show the applicable info widgets
self.info_frame_operator.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
## update the GUI
## get targets for a given selection
def get_selection_targets(self, type = 'machine'):
targets = []
actor = self.find_object_for_id(self.get_selection())
if actor == None:
print('Could not find current selection!')
## figure out how many machines this will affect
if actor.type == 'operator':
targets = actor.get_children(recursive = True, type = type)
targets = [actor]
return targets
## remove unknown products callback for updating the GUI
def rup_callback(self, message = ''):
self.status.set('Removing unknown products: ' + str(message))
## debug: product json dump callback for updating the GUI
def dp_callback(self, message = ''):
self.status.set('Dumping product JSON: ' + str(message))
## get sales data callback for updating the GUI
def gsd_callback(self, message = ''):
self.status.set('Getting sales data: ' + str(message))
## remove unknown products for an actor or all machines under it
def remove_unknown_products(self):
targets = self.get_selection_targets(type = 'machine')
## confirm the action
confirm = messagebox.askquestion('Confirm action', 'This will delete all unknown products for ' + str(len(targets)) + ' machines. Are you sure you want to continue?', icon = 'warning')
if confirm == 'no':
machines, products = self.nayax.remove_unknown_products(targets, callback = self.rup_callback)
messagebox.showinfo('Unknown products deleted', 'Deleted ' + str(products) + ' unknown products from ' + str(machines) + ' machines')
## copy PA code to MDB code for an actor or all machines under it
def pa_to_mdb(self):
targets = self.get_selection_targets(type = 'machine')
## confirm the action
confirm = messagebox.askquestion('Confirm action', 'This will copy the PA code to the MDB code in the product map of ' + str(len(targets)) + ' machines. Are you sure you want to continue?', icon = 'warning')
if confirm == 'no':
machines, products = self.nayax.pa_to_mdb(targets, callback = self.rup_callback)
messagebox.showinfo('Codes copied', 'Copied PA codes to MDB codes for ' + str(products) + ' products in ' + str(machines) + ' machines')
## copy MDB code to PA code for an actor or all machines under it
def mdb_to_pa(self):
targets = self.get_selection_targets(type = 'machine')
## confirm the action
confirm = messagebox.askquestion('Confirm action', 'This will copy the MDB code to the PA code in the product map of ' + str(len(targets)) + ' machines. Are you sure you want to continue?', icon = 'warning')
if confirm == 'no':
machines, products = self.nayax.pa_to_mdb(targets, callback = self.rup_callback, reverse = True)
messagebox.showinfo('Codes copied', 'Copied MDB codes to PA codes for ' + str(products) + ' products in ' + str(machines) + ' machines')
## debug: dump json products for an actor or all machines under it
def dump_json_products(self):
targets = self.get_selection_targets(type = 'machine')
## confirm the action
confirm = messagebox.askquestion('Confirm action', 'This will dump JSON product data for ' + str(len(targets)) + ' machines. Are you sure you want to continue?', icon = 'warning')
if confirm == 'no':
self.nayax.dump_json_products(targets, callback = self.dp_callback)
messagebox.showinfo('Product JSON dumped', 'Dumped from ' + str(len(targets)) + ' machines')
## get the selected op/machine (as an id)
def get_selection(self):
return int(self.tree.selection()[0])
except IndexError:
return None
## Create the menu across the top of the screen
def create_top_menu(self):
## Create the root menu object
self.menubar = Menu(self.root)
## Display menu
self.menu_hide_inactive_machines = BooleanVar()
self.menu_hide_inactive_operators = BooleanVar()
self.menu_hide_empty_operators = BooleanVar()
self.menu_display = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff = 0)
self.menu_display.add_checkbutton(label = 'Hide inactive machines', onvalue = True, offvalue = False, variable = self.menu_hide_inactive_machines, command = self.draw_actor_list)
self.menu_display.add_checkbutton(label = 'Hide inactive operators', onvalue = True, offvalue = False, variable = self.menu_hide_inactive_operators, command = self.draw_actor_list)
self.menu_display.add_checkbutton(label = 'Hide operators with no machines', onvalue = True, offvalue = False, variable = self.menu_hide_empty_operators, command = self.draw_actor_list)
self.menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Display', menu = self.menu_display)
## Export menu
self.menu_export = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff = 0)
self.menu_export.add_command(label = 'Export machine info to file', command = self.save_machine_info)
self.menu_export.add_command(label = 'Export operator sales data to file', command = self.save_operator_sales)
self.menu_export.add_command(label = 'Export machine sales data to file', command = self.save_machine_sales)
self.menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Export', menu = self.menu_export)
## Product map menu
self.menu_pm = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff = 0)
self.menu_pm.add_command(label = 'Remove unknown products', command = self.remove_unknown_products)
self.menu_pm.add_command(label = 'Copy PA codes to MDB codes', command = self.pa_to_mdb)
self.menu_pm.add_command(label = 'Copy MDB codes to PA codes', command = self.mdb_to_pa)
self.menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Product map', menu = self.menu_pm)
## Display the menu
self.root.config(menu = self.menubar)
## save machine info to a file
def save_machine_info(self):
## Get the path
path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title = 'Export machine info to', filetypes = (("Web page", "*.html"), ("All files","*.*")))
## Check we got an answer
if path == None or path == '':
## Add an extension if not present
regexp_extension ='\.html', path)
if not regexp_extension:
path = path + '.html'
## Export the data
export = HTML(self)
actor = self.find_object_for_id(self.get_selection())
if actor == None:
messagebox.showerror('No selection', 'Could not determine which actor was selected')
html = export.machine_info_report(actor)
export.save_file(path, html)
messagebox.showinfo('Machine info saved', 'Machine information saved to ' + str(path))
messagebox.showerror('Save failed', 'Could not write to ' + str(path))
## meta-function to make show sales show only operator sales
def save_operator_sales(self):
self.save_machine_sales(show_machines = False)
## save machine sales/fees to a file
def save_machine_sales(self, show_machines = True):
## Get the path
path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title = 'Export machine sales to', filetypes = (("Web page", "*.html"), ("All files","*.*")))
## Check we got an answer
if path == None or path == '':
## Add an extension if not present
regexp_extension ='\.html', path)
if not regexp_extension:
path = path + '.html'
## Export the data
export = HTML(self)
actor = self.find_object_for_id(self.get_selection())
if actor == None:
messagebox.showerror('No selection', 'Could not determine which actor was selected')
html = export.machine_sales_report(actor, show_machines = show_machines)
export.save_file(path, html)
messagebox.showinfo('Machine sales saved', 'Machine sales saved to ' + str(path))
messagebox.showerror('Save failed', 'Could not write to ' + str(path))
## Puts in defaults for sales data dates if none are present
def defaults_sd(self, event = None, force = None):
## Entries have default values in grey text if nothing is entered.
## Otherwise text is black
if self.start_date.get() == '':
self.start_date_entry.config(foreground = 'grey')
elif self.start_date.get() != 'YYYY-MM-DD' or force == 'start':
self.start_date_entry.config(foreground = 'black')
if force == 'start':
if self.end_date.get() == '':
self.end_date_entry.config(foreground = 'grey')
elif self.end_date.get() != 'YYYY-MM-DD' or force == 'end':
self.end_date_entry.config(foreground = 'black')
if force == 'end':
## Sales data date entry
def create_sd_entry(self):
## Create variables for the start and end dates
self.start_date = StringVar()
self.end_date = StringVar()
self.status = StringVar()
self.status.set('Choose a date range and click the button to get sales data and machine info')
## Create a frame with entries for the dates, a confirmation button and status area
self.frame_date = ttk.LabelFrame(self.root, text = 'Sales report date')
ttk.Label(self.frame_date, text = 'Report range:').grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'e')
self.start_date_entry = ttk.Entry(self.frame_date, textvariable = self.start_date)
self.start_date_entry.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.frame_date, text = ' to ').grid(row = 0, column = 2)
self.end_date_entry = ttk.Entry(self.frame_date, textvariable = self.end_date)
self.end_date_entry.bind('<Return>', self.get_sales_data)
self.end_date_entry.grid(row = 0, column = 3)
self.sd_get_button = ttk.Button(self.frame_date, text = 'Get sales data', command = self.get_sales_data)
self.sd_get_button.grid(row = 0, column = 4)
ttk.Label(self.frame_date, textvariable = self.status).grid(row = 0, column = 5, sticky = 'e')
self.frame_date.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'ew')
self.start_date_entry.bind('<FocusOut>', self.defaults_sd)
self.end_date_entry.bind('<FocusOut>', self.defaults_sd)
self.start_date_entry.bind('<FocusIn>', lambda x: self.defaults_sd(force = 'start'))
self.end_date_entry.bind('<FocusIn>', lambda x: self.defaults_sd(force = 'end'))
self.defaults_sd(force = True)
## Get the sales data
def get_sales_data(self, event = None):
## get the values
start_date = self.start_date.get()
end_date = self.end_date.get()
## convert to (and check) as datestamps
datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
## disable the entries and buttons while we work
self.start_date_entry.configure(state = 'disabled')
self.end_date_entry.configure(state = 'disabled')
self.sd_get_button.configure(state = 'disabled')
self.status.set('Please wait. Getting sales data...')
except ValueError:
self.status.set('Invalid date format. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2018-11-03')
## Populate the sales data
self.nayax.get_sales_data(start_date, end_date, callback = self.gsd_callback)
## Redraw the tree with the new data
## Restore the entries
self.start_date_entry.configure(state = 'normal')
self.end_date_entry.configure(state = 'normal')
self.sd_get_button.configure(state = 'normal')
## This might have taken a while and the user isn't paying attention.
## Tell the user we are done with a dialog
messagebox.showinfo('Sales data downloaded', 'Sales data has been downloaded for the specified period. Machines are now marked as active/inactive based on the specified period.')
## creates the fee table section of the gui
def create_fee_table(self):
self.ft_container = ttk.LabelFrame(self.root, text = 'Fees')
self.ft_row = 2
## title row
ft_fee = font.Font(family = 'Arial', size = 10, weight = 'bold')
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = 'Name', font = ft_fee).grid(row = 0, column = 0)
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = 'Amount', font = ft_fee).grid(row = 0, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = 'Applied', font = ft_fee).grid(row = 0, column = 2)
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = 'Value', font = ft_fee).grid(row = 0, column = 3)
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = 'Action', font = ft_fee).grid(row = 0, column = 4)
ttk.Button(self.ft_container, text = 'Clear fees', command = self.clear_fees).grid(row = 0, column = 5)
## new fee row
self.f_name = StringVar()
self.f_amount = DoubleVar()
self.f_applied = StringVar()
ttk.Entry(self.ft_container, textvariable = self.f_name, width = 30).grid(row = 1, column = 0)
ttk.Spinbox(self.ft_container, format = '%.2f', increment = 0.01, textvariable = self.f_amount).grid(row = 1, column = 1)
ttk.Combobox(self.ft_container, values = ['% of total income (before other fees)', '% of total revenue (after other fees)', 'dollars per transaction', '% of CC sales income', 'dollars per CC sale', '% of cash sales income', 'dollars per cash sale', 'dollars per active DTU'], textvariable = self.f_applied, width = 30).grid(row = 1, column = 2)
ttk.Button(self.ft_container, text = 'Add', command = self.commit_fee).grid(row = 1, column = 3)
self.ft_container.grid(row = 2, column = 1, sticky = 'ew')
## clear out fees for a machine or operator
def clear_fees(self, event = None):
actor_id = self.get_selection()
actor_obj = self.find_object_for_id(actor_id)
## we can't do anything if we dont know who it is
if actor_id == None:
messagebox.showerror('No selection', 'Select a machine or operator before trying to delete fees')
## check if we're doing this to an operator. if so, target all machines
## under it
targets = []
if actor_obj.type == 'operator':
targets = actor_obj.get_machines(recursive = True)
## otherwise just make the target the single machine
targets = [actor_obj]
## add it to the fee list for all targets
for actor_single in targets:
actor_single.fees = []
## tell the user about it
messagebox.showinfo('Cleared fees', 'Cleared fees for ' + str(len(targets)) + ' machines')
## called by the add button. adds the fee to the current object
def commit_fee(self, event = None):
global machine_list
## get all the info
name = str(self.f_name.get())
amount = float(self.f_amount.get())
applied = str(self.f_applied.get())
actor_id = self.get_selection()
actor_obj = self.find_object_for_id(actor_id)
## we can't do anything if we dont know who it is
if actor_id == None:
messagebox.showerror('No selection', 'Select a machine or operator before trying to add new fees')
## check if we're doing this to an operator. if so, target all machines
## under it
targets = []
if actor_obj.type == 'operator':
targets = actor_obj.get_children(recursive = True)
## for machines, just do them. for ops, add them to the list
## add it to the fee list for all targets
for actor_single in targets:
## make the fee object. we need a new object for every actor to
## ensure independent calculation
fobj = Fee(actor_obj, name, amount, applied)
## add the fee to the actor object
## add it to the GUI
self.add_fee_row(targets, fobj)
## clear out the input variables
## remove a row from the fee table
def remove_fee_row(self, obj_list, fee_obj, delrow):
## remove the fee from all affected actors
for actor in obj_list:
## get all widgets on the row...
for w in list(self.ft_container.grid_slaves(row = delrow)):
## ...and remove them
## populate the fee list
def populate_fees(self):
actor_id = self.get_selection()
actor_obj = self.find_object_for_id(actor_id)
## clear the old fees first
for i in range(2, self.ft_row+1):
## get all widgets on the row...
for w in list(self.ft_container.grid_slaves(row = i)):
## ...and remove them
## we can't do anything if we dont know who it is
if actor_id == None:
## iterate through the fees
for fobj in actor_obj.fees:
## and add them to the list
self.add_fee_row([actor_obj], fobj)
## adds existing fee to table
def add_fee_row(self, obj_list, fee_obj):
## get the fee attributes
name =
amount = fee_obj.amount
applied = fee_obj.applied
## create a deep copy of the row for later reference
row = copy.deepcopy(self.ft_row)
## add the fee row
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = name).grid(row = self.ft_row, column = 0)
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = amount).grid(row = self.ft_row, column = 1)
ttk.Label(self.ft_container, text = fee_obj.convert_name(applied)).grid(row = self.ft_row, column = 2)
ventry = ttk.Entry(self.ft_container)
ventry.grid(row = self.ft_row, column = 3)
ttk.Button(self.ft_container, text = 'Remove', command = lambda x: self.remove_fee_row(obj_list, fee_obj, row)).grid(row = self.ft_row, column = 4)
self.ft_row += 1
## put in the fee value then make it read only
ventry.insert(0, self.display_money(fee_obj.calculate(actor = self.find_object_for_id(self.get_selection()))))
ventry.configure(state = 'readonly')
## Class for outputting information as HTML
class HTML():
## Class initialisation. Pass it the GUI object being used
def __init__(self, gui):
self.gui = gui
## returns html header code
def header(self, title):
html = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head>\n<title>' + str(title) + '</title>'
html += '<style type="text/css">\n'
html += '''
table {border-collapse: collapse;}
table tr * {border: 1px solid #000000;}
body {font-family: Arial;}
ul, #rootUL {
list-style-type: none;
#rootUL {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.caret {
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari 3.1+ */
-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox 2+ */
-ms-user-select: none; /* IE 10+ */
user-select: none;
.caret::before {
content: "\\3e";
color: black;
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 6px;
.caret-down::before {
-ms-transform: rotate(90deg); /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); /* Safari */'
transform: rotate(90deg);
.nested {
display: none;
.active {
display: block;
color: #ff0000;
#money {
fill: #3dc136;
opacity: 1.0;
#product {
fill: #db9739;
opacity: 1.0;
#operator, #machine {
fill: #000000;
.show_button, .id_button {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
border-radius: 5px;
transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
padding-left: 5px;
.show_button:hover {
background-color: #000000;
opacity: 0.6;
.salestable {
display: none;
.refundtotal td {
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #fcefc2;
html += '</style>'
html += '''
<script type="text/javascript">
function showSales(id) {
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("salestable");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("sales-" + id).style.display = "block";
html += '</head><body>'
html += '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="display:none"><path id="money" d="M11.8 10.9c-2.27-.59-3-1.2-3-2.15 0-1.09 1.01-1.85 2.7-1.85 1.78 0 2.44.85 2.5 2.1h2.21c-.07-1.72-1.12-3.3-3.21-3.81V3h-3v2.16c-1.94.42-3.5 1.68-3.5 3.61 0 2.31 1.91 3.46 4.7 4.13 2.5.6 3 1.48 3 2.41 0 .69-.49 1.79-2.7 1.79-2.06 0-2.87-.92-2.98-2.1h-2.2c.12 2.19 1.76 3.42 3.68 3.83V21h3v-2.15c1.95-.37 3.5-1.5 3.5-3.55 0-2.84-2.43-3.81-4.7-4.4z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>'
html += '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="display:none"><path id="machine" d="M19 5v14H5V5h14m1.1-2H3.9c-.5 0-.9.4-.9.9v16.2c0 . 0 .9-.5.9-.9V3.9c0-.5-.5-.9-.9-.9zM11 7h6v2h-6V7zm0 4h6v2h-6v-2zm0 4h6v2h-6zM7 7h2v2H7zm0 4h2v2H7zm0 4h2v2H7z"/><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/></svg>'
html += '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="display:none"><path id="operator" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M4 10v7h3v-7H4zm6 0v7h3v-7h-3zM2 22h19v-3H2v3zm14-12v7h3v-7h-3zm-4.5-9L2 6v2h19V6l-9.5-5z"/></svg>'
return html
## returns html footer code
def footer(self):
return '''
var toggler = document.getElementsByClassName("caret");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < toggler.length; i++) {
toggler[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
## save a file
def save_file(self, file_path, file_content):
file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
raise RuntimeError('Could not determine save path')
## open the file and write to it
file_socket = open(file_path, 'w')
## makes a report for the selected machine or all machines under the
## selected op
def machine_info_report(self, operator):
html = self.header(title = 'Machine information report')
## targets for info are the current actor and all descendents
targets = [operator]
targets.extend(operator.get_children(recursive = True))
html += '<table>'
## get info for each actor
for actor in targets:
## for ops, we just show the name
if actor.type == 'operator':
html += '</table>\n<h1>' + + '</h1>'
html += '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Device type</th><th>DTU serial</th><th>VPOS serial</th><th>SIM serial</th><th>RSSI</th><th>DTU firmware</th><th>VPOS firmware</th></tr>'
## for machines, we show a table of info
elif actor.type == 'machine':
html += '<tr><td>' + + '</td>'
## say if it's a VPOS touch
if actor.is_vpos_touch() == True:
html += '<td>VPOS touch</td>'
## if it's not a VPOS touch,it's a DTU+VPOS
html += '<td>DTU + VPOS</td>'
html += '<td>' + str(actor.dtu) + '</td>'
html += '<td>' + str(actor.vpos) + '</td>'
html += '<td>' + str(actor.sim) + '</td>'
## correlate RSSI to performance
if actor.rssi == None:
rssi = 'Unknown'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 7:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Unusable)'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 11:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Poor)'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 15:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Average)'
elif int(actor.rssi) < 20:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Good)'
elif int(actor.rssi) != 31:
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Excellent)'
rssi = str(actor.rssi) + ' (Perfect or error)'
html += '<td>' + rssi + '</td>'
html += '<td>' + str(actor.fw_dtu) + '</td>'
html += '<td>' + str(actor.fw_vpos) + '</td></tr>'
html += '</table>'
## add the footer
html += self.footer()
## return the generated html
return html
## if something is None, make it zero
def none_to_zero_string(self, value):
if value == None:
return '0'
return str(value)
## make a tree showing the machines
def make_machine_tree(self, operator, child = False, show_machines = True):
self.gui.status.set('Exporting sales data - Creating tree: ' + str(
if child == False:
html = '<ul id="rootUL">'
html += '<li><svg class="id_button"><use xlink:href="#operator"></svg><span class="caret">' + str( + '</span><a href="#" onClick="showSales(\'' + str( + '\')"><svg class="show_button"><use xlink:href="#money"></svg></a>'
html += self.make_machine_tree(operator, child = True)
html += '</ul></li>'
html = ''
## ops
for sub_op in operator.get_operators():
html += '<li><svg class="id_button"><use xlink:href="#operator"></svg><span class="caret">' + str( + '</span><a href="#" onClick="showSales(\'' + str( + '\')"><svg class="show_button"><use xlink:href="#money"></svg></a><ul class="nested">'
html += self.make_machine_tree(sub_op, child = True)
html += '</ul></li>'
## machines
for machine in operator.get_machines():
html += '<li><svg class="id_button"><use xlink:href="#machine"></svg>' + str(
## TODO: Not obeying this properly. Needs to hide money icons if configured.
if show_machines == True:
html += '<a href="#" onClick="showSales(\'' + str( + '\')"><svg class="show_button"><use xlink:href="#money"></svg></a>'
html += '</li>'
if child == False:
html += '</ul>'
return html
## make tables showing the sales data
def make_sales_table(self, operator, child = False, show_machines = True):
html = ''
targets = [operator]
if show_machines == True:
targets.extend(operator.get_children(recursive = True))
targets.extend(operator.get_operators(recursive = True))
## for each actor..
for op in targets:
self.gui.status.set('Exporting sales data - Creating tables (' + str(targets.index(op)) + '/' + str(len(targets)) + '): ' + str(
## make the table header
html += '<div class="salestable" id="sales-' + str( + '">'
html += '<h1>' + str( + '</h1>'
html += '<table><tr><th>Description</th><th>Rate</th><th>Applied</th><th>Value</th></tr>'
## put in the overall sales
overall_cash_count, overall_cash_amount = op.get_cash_sales()
overall_card_count, overall_card_amount = op.get_card_sales()
html += '<tr><td>Cash sales</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>+' + self.gui.display_money(overall_cash_amount) + ' (' + self.none_to_zero_string(overall_cash_count) + ' sales)</td></tr>'
html += '<tr><td>Card sales</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>+' + self.gui.display_money(overall_card_amount) + ' (' + self.none_to_zero_string(overall_card_count) + ' sales)</td></tr>'
## add the fee details
fee_total = 0
for fee in op.fees:
name =
amount = fee.amount
applied = fee.convert_name(fee.applied)
value_raw = fee.calculate(op)
value = self.gui.display_money(value_raw)
fee_total += value_raw
html += '<tr><td>' + name + '</td><td>' + str(amount) + '</td><td>' + str(applied) + '</td><td>-' + self.gui.display_money(value) + '</td></tr>'
## take off the cash collected
html += '<tr><td>Cash collected by operator</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-' + self.gui.display_money(overall_cash_amount) + '</td></tr>'
## work out the refund
html += '<tr class="refundtotal"><td>Refund</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>'
if overall_card_amount == None:
html += '-' + self.gui.display_money(fee_total)
refund = overall_card_amount - fee_total
html += '</td></tr>'
## close the table
html += '</table></div>'
return html
## make a report for fees for the selected op/machine
def machine_sales_report(self, operator, show_machines = True):
html = self.header(title = 'Sales report')
## create the overall variables
overall_cash_count, overall_cash_amount = operator.get_cash_sales()
overall_card_count, overall_card_amount = operator.get_card_sales()
overall_refund = 0
overall_fees = []
html += self.make_sales_table(operator, show_machines = show_machines)
html += self.make_machine_tree(operator, show_machines = show_machines)
## add the footer
html += self.footer()
self.gui.status.set('Exporting sales data - Complete')
## return the generated html
return html
ui = GUI()
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JodieM commented Jun 28, 2022

Wow, very impressive!

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toxicantidote commented Jun 28, 2022 via email

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JodieM commented Jun 28, 2022

Thanks, yeah I do get the Card figures out daily and they are fine. I haven't had much problem with Fees, but I definitely can not rely on the Cash numbers. Thanks for your help.

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mkpazon commented Dec 19, 2023

How does 2-factor authentication fit into this?

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toxicantidote commented Dec 19, 2023 via email

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