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Last active May 29, 2023 01:51
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Pro Git commands for Git users

Git Your Act Together

Git Setup

Global settings stored in a system .gitconfig file; view file using $ cat ~/.gitconfig
Single repo settings stored in /.git/config in your project folder
View current configurations in the terminal window
$ git config --list
$ git config <level> --list
Pass in specific levels of configuration
# Single repo     --local
# Current user    --global
# All users       --system
Assign username, email, text editor and color settings
$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global ""
$ git config --global core.editor <editor-symlink>
$ git config --system color.ui true
Explicity tell Git to be case-sensitive (OS X and Windows)
$ git config --global core.ignorecase false
Rebase by default when doing git pull
$ git config --global pull.rebase true

Remote Control

Remote repositories are versions of your project hosted on the Internet or a network
View remotes with fetch and push info
$ git remote -v
View remotes to see if tracked, up-to-date or stale
$ git remote show origin
$ git remote show upstream
$ git remote show <remote>
Set origin repo using SSH - set to your GitHub repo (read/write access)
$ git remote set-url origin
Set upstream - repo that you forked so you can pull/sync upstream updates (read access)
$ git remote add upstream git://
Remove refs to stale remote branches
$ git remote prune origin
$ git remote prune upstream
$ git remote prune <remote>
Rename your remote
$ git remote rename <original-name> <new-name>
Remove/Delete your remote
$ git remote rm <remote>

Branching Out

The default branch name in Git is master. Use feature branches as part of your workflow.
View Branches
$ git branch      # Locals
$ git branch -r   # Remotes
$ git branch -a   # All
Create a Branch
$ git branch <new-branch>       # Create new-branch but stay on current branch
$ git checkout -b <new-branch>  # Create new-branch and checkout 'new-branch'
Rename Branches
$ git branch -m <new-name>                  # Rename branch you are currently in
$ git branch -m <current-name> <new-name>   # Rename from any branch
Delete Branches
$ git branch -d <branch>                    # Local (uppercase '-D' removes uncommited changes too)
$ git push <remote> :<branch>               # Remote (the colon can be substituted for '--delete ')
Checkout a new remote branch
$ git fetch <remote> <branch>               # Pull down latest changes into the index
$ git checkout <new-remote-branch-name>     # Checkout local version of new remote branch

Nice 'Stash

Stashing allows you to save uncommited changes (staged and unstaged)
View Stashes
$ git stash list
$ git stash list --stat   # View details of stashes listed
$ git stash show          # View details of most recent stash
Add a message to your stash
$ git stash save 'message goes here'
Create a new branch with your most recent stash
$ git stash branch <new-branch> stash@{0}
Only stash unstaged changes and preserve the staging area
Note: this will not stash untracked files
$ git stash --keep-index
Stash everything, including untracked files
$ git stash --include-untracked     === git stash -u
Shave that stash list
$ git stash clear   # Deletes all saved stashes
$ git stash         === git stash save
$ git stash apply   === git stash apply stash@{0}
$ git stash drop    === git stash drop stash@{0}
$ git stash pop     === git stash apply AND git stash drop

Re'set Yourself

Make changes to or remove previous commits
These commands move HEAD back 1 commit as indicated by HEAD^
$ git reset --soft HEAD^    # Undo last commit and keep modified files staged
$ git reset --hard HEAD^    # Undo last commit and delete changes
$ git reset --mixed HEAD^   # Undo last commit and unstage everything (default if type not specificed)
Move back further using the tilde HEAD~2, HEAD~6, etc
Reset to a specific point in history
$ git reset --hard <SHA>

Alternatives to $ git reset

Revert: remove a specific commit but preserve the history of surrounding commits
$ git revert <SHA>
Amend: add changes and updated commit message to last commit
$ git commit --amend -m 'Updated message'
Running this command without any changes is a quick way to update the last commit message

Cherry Picking FTW!

Copy commits from other branches into current branch
$ git cherry-pick <SHA>

# Opens editor so you can update commit message
$ git cherry-pick --edit <SHA>

# Combines changes and adds to staging area uncommited (so you can make changes)
$ git cherry-pick --no-commit <SHA-1> <SHA-2>
$ git commit -m 'squashing some cherries'

# Track which commit you cherry picked from (since new SHA is generated)
$ git cherry-pick -x <SHA>

# Track original committer and the cherry picker
$ git cherry-pick --signoff <SHA>

Holy Reflog.. Git never forgets.

View your "deleted" history of each time HEAD moved
$ git reflog
$ git log --walk-reflogs    # View detailed history of change

Ungit yo-self

After cloning a repo you might want to create a fresh one for yourself
$ rm -rf .git
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "First commit"

Git scenarios

Updating your fork

Add remote for upstream
$ git remote add upstream <path_to_repo>
Fetch changes
$ git fetch upstream
Merge them into master
$ git merge upstream/master master
Push them to your remote
Adding the -u sets up tracking
$ git push -u origin master
Push to remote with new branch name
$ git push -u origin branch1:feature
Reset your local repo to mirror the remote
$ git reset --hard upstream/master

Using .gitignore

Ignore uncommitted changes in a file that is already tracked
$ git rm --cached
$ git rm --cached /directory
$ git rm --cached *.filetype
$ git rm --cached <filename>
Ignore uncommitted changes in a file that is already tracked
$ git update-index --assume-unchanged
$ git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>
Remove untracked files
$ git clean -n          # Dry run
$ git clean -f          # Deletes untracked files
$ git clean -fd         # Deletes untracked files & directories
Adding and committing files
$ git commit -m         # Create commit message to staged files
$ git commit -am        # Add tracked files with changes and create commit message
$ git add -A            # Add all files including untracked
$ git add *name*        # Add all files that contain 'name' to staging
$ git add dir/folder    # Add all files in directory dir/folder to staging
Remove branches that have already been merged with master
Add as command, eg 'delete merged'
dm = "!git branch --merged | grep -v '\\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d; git remote -v update -p"
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Thanks for helping me out. Your repo is really awesome for those who are looking to learn advanced git commands.

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