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Last active June 25, 2018 21:18
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A simple state container and express middlware wrapper (redux like)
const React = require('react')
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom')
const createStore = require('./state-container')
module.exports = storeMiddleware
function storeMiddleware (reducer, initialState, Component) {
let _c = Component
if (_c && !_c.hasOwnProperty('$$typeof')) {
_c = React.createFactory(Component)
return function (req, res, next) {
// Create the store
const store = createStore(reducer, initialState) = store
// Override render method
res.render = function renderComponent (Comp) {
let __c = Comp || _c
if (!__c.hasOwnProperty('$$typeof')) {
__c = React.createFactory(__c)
let el = document.getElementById('app')
ReactDOM.render(__c(store.getState()), el)
store.subscribe(() => {
ReactDOM.render(__c(store.getState()), el)
module.exports = createStore
function createStore (reducer, initialState) {
let state = initialState
const listeners = []
function dispatch (action) {
if (typeof action === 'function') {
return action(dispatch)
if (typeof action.then === 'function') {
return action.then(dispatch, dispatch)
let _s = state
state = reducer(state, action)
// Call subscribers
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener(state, _s, action))
return action
function subscribe (listener) {
let subscribed = true
return () => {
if (!subscribed) {
subscribed = false
listeners.splice(listeners.indexOf(listener), 1)
function getState () {
return state
return { dispatch, subscribe, getState }
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