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Last active July 22, 2016 11:53
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  • Save wwood/99cac38dd932c4f424400f151a9d693a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wwood/99cac38dd932c4f424400f151a9d693a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
starting phase `check'
ok 1 - blastp in PATH
ok 2 - makeblastdb in PATH
ok 3 - mcl in PATH
ok 4 - mcxdeblast in PATH
ok 5 - bedtools in PATH
ok 6 - prank in PATH
ok 7 - parallel in PATH
ok 8 - mafft in PATH
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::AccessoryBinaryFasta;
ok 2 - initialise accessory binary fasta file
ok 3 - create output file
ok 4 - binary accessory fasta file created
ok 5 - initialise accessory binary fasta file bounded
ok 6 - lower bound value
ok 7 - upper bound value
ok 8 - create output file bounded
ok 9 - binary accessory fasta file created bounded
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::AccessoryClustering;
ok 2 - initialise object with identity of 1
ok 3 - build the clusters for 1
ok 4 - build samples weights for 1
ok 5 - build samples to clusters for 1
ok 6 - check number of clusters as expected, allowing for some variation for 1
ok 7 - initialise object with identity of 0.90
ok 8 - build the clusters for 0.90
ok 9 - build samples weights for 0.90
ok 10 - build samples to clusters for 0.90
ok 11 - check number of clusters as expected, allowing for some variation for 0.90
ok 12 - initialise object with identity of 0.95
ok 13 - build the clusters for 0.95
ok 14 - build samples weights for 0.95
ok 15 - build samples to clusters for 0.95
ok 16 - check number of clusters as expected, allowing for some variation for 0.95
ok 17 - initialise object with identity of 0.99
ok 18 - build the clusters for 0.99
ok 19 - build samples weights for 0.99
ok 20 - build samples to clusters for 0.99
ok 21 - check number of clusters as expected, allowing for some variation for 0.99
ok 22 - samples to clusters
ok 23 - sample weights
ok 24 - samples to clusters
ok 25 - sample weights
ok 26 - build the clusters for large_accessory_binary_genes.fa
ok 27 - build samples weights for large_accessory_binary_genes.fa
ok 28 - build samples to clusters for large_accessory_binary_genes.fa
ok 29 - check number of clusters as expected, allowing for some variation for large_accessory_binary_genes.fa
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::AnalyseGroups;
ok 2 - initialise with two fasta files
ok 3 - Number of isolates
ok 4 - genes map to the correct files
ok 5 - Groups to genes hash
ok 6 - genes to groups hash
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::AnnotateGroups;
ok 2 - initalise
ok 3 - reannotate
ok 4 - gene lengths as expected
ok 5 - group lengths
ok 6 - groups reannotated as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::AssemblyStatistics;
ok 2 - initialise spreadsheet
ok 3 - all gene rows available
ok 4 - ordered genes
ok 5 - sample names to column index
ok 6 - one block
ok 7 - one block reversed
ok 8 - one block where there are gaps everywhere
ok 9 - no contiguous blocks
ok 10 - three blocks
ok 11 - three blocks with an inversion in the middle
ok 12 - Gene category counts
ok 13 - initialise spreadsheet with variable numbers of genes in samples
ok 14 - Categories as expected
All arguments to easy_init should be either an integer log level or a hash reference. at lib/Bio/Roary/ line 42.
ok 15 - create output file
ok 16 - summary statistics as expected
ok 17 - initialise spreadsheet with core of 96.67%
ok 18 - Categories as expected with cd of 96.67%
ok 19 - initialise spreadsheet with core of 96.66%
ok 20 - Categories as expected with cd of 96.66%
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::ChunkFastaFile;
ok 2 - initalise object to produce a single sequence file
ok 3 - a single sequence file is created
ok 4 - input and output file should be the same
ok 5 - initalise object to produce one file per sequence
ok 6 - a sequence file per sequence is created
ok 7 - the first sequence file is as expected
ok 8 - the last sequence file is as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CombinedProteome;
ok 2 - initalise object with two files
ok 3 - Create a combined file
ok 4 - Combined file is as expected
ok 5 - non existant files should throw an error
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::ExtractProteomeFromGff;
ok 2 - Actual output file exists empty_file -h
ok 3 - Actual and expected output match for '-h'
ok 4 - Actual output file exists example_annotation.gff.proteome.faa -t 1 t/data/example_annotation.gff
ok 5 - Actual and expected output match for '-t 1 t/data/example_annotation.gff'
ok 6 - Actual output file exists example_annotation.gff.proteome.faa t/data/example_annotation.gff
ok 7 - Actual and expected output match for 't/data/example_annotation.gff'
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::GeneAlignmentFromNucleotides;
ok 2 - Actual output file exists empty_file -h
ok 3 - Actual and expected output match for '-h'
ok 4 - Actual output file exists t/data/f.fa.aln t/data/f.fa
ok 5 - Actual and expected output match for 't/data/f.fa'
ok 6 - Actual output file exists t/data/f.fa.aln --mafft t/data/f.fa
ok 7 - Actual and expected output match for '--mafft t/data/f.fa'
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::ParallelAllAgainstAllBlastp;
ok 2 - Actual output file exists empty_file -h
ok 3 - Actual and expected output match for '-h'
ok 4 - Actual output file exists blast_results -m /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_makeblastdb -b /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_blastp -j Local t/data/example_1.faa
ok 5 - Actual and expected output match for '-m /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_makeblastdb -b /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_blastp -j Local t/data/example_1.faa'
ok 6 - Actual output file exists different_output_filename -o different_output_filename -m /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_makeblastdb -b /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_blastp -j Local t/data/example_1.faa
ok 7 - Actual and expected output match for '-o different_output_filename -m /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_makeblastdb -b /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/bin/dummy_blastp -j Local t/data/example_1.faa'
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::QueryRoary;
ok 2 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results_group_2.fa -g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_2 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa
ok 3 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_2 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa'
ok 4 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results_group_5.fa -g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_2,group_5 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa
ok 5 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_2,group_5 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa'
ok 6 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results_group_2.fa -g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_2,group_5 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa
ok 7 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_2,group_5 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa '
ok 8 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results_group_5.fa -g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_5 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa
ok 9 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_5 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa '
ok 10 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results_group_5.fa -g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_5,group_2 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa
ok 11 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_5,group_2 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa '
ok 12 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results_group_2.fa -g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_5,group_2 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa
ok 13 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/example_groups -a gene_multifasta -n group_5,group_2 t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa '
ok 14 - Actual output file exists empty_file -g t/data/example_groups -n group_which_doesnt_exist t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa
ok 15 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/example_groups -n group_which_doesnt_exist t/data/example_1.faa t/data/example_2.faa'
ok 16 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results -g t/data/query_groups -a complement t/data/query_1.fa t/data/query_2.fa t/data/query_3.fa
ok 17 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a complement t/data/query_1.fa t/data/query_2.fa t/data/query_3.fa'
ok 18 - Actual output file exists set_difference_common_set -g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa
ok 19 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa'
ok 20 - Actual output file exists set_difference_unique_set_two_statistics.csv -g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa
ok 21 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa '
ok 22 - Actual output file exists set_difference_common_set_statistics.csv -g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa
ok 23 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa '
ok 24 - Actual output file exists set_difference_unique_set_one_statistics.csv -g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa
ok 25 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa '
ok 26 - Actual output file exists set_difference_common_set_statistics.csv -g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.gff -t t/data/query_2.gff,t/data/query_3.gff
ok 27 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.gff -t t/data/query_2.gff,t/data/query_3.gff'
ok 28 - Actual output file exists set_difference_unique_set_two -g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa
ok 29 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa'
ok 30 - Actual output file exists set_difference_unique_set_one -g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa
ok 31 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a difference -i t/data/query_1.fa -t t/data/query_2.fa,t/data/query_3.fa'
ok 32 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results -g t/data/query_groups -a intersection t/data/query_1.fa t/data/query_2.fa t/data/query_3.fa
ok 33 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a intersection t/data/query_1.fa t/data/query_2.fa t/data/query_3.fa'
ok 34 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_results -g t/data/query_groups -a union t/data/query_1.fa t/data/query_2.fa t/data/query_3.fa
ok 35 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups -a union t/data/query_1.fa t/data/query_2.fa t/data/query_3.fa'
ok 36 - Actual output file exists empty_file2 -h
ok 37 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-h'
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::Roary;
ok 2 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::CreatePanGenome;
ok 3 - Actual output file exists gene_presence_absence.csv --dont_split_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_5.gff
ok 4 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 5 - Actual output file exists gene_presence_absence.csv -j Local --dont_split_groups t/data/genbank_gbff/genbank1.gff t/data/genbank_gbff/genbank2.gff t/data/genbank_gbff/genbank3.gff
ok 6 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 7 - Actual output file exists gene_presence_absence.csv -j Local -t 1 --dont_split_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_5.gff
ok 8 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 9 - Actual output file exists gene_presence_absence.csv -j Parallel --dont_split_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_5.gff
ok 10 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 11 - Actual output file exists gene_presence_absence.csv -t 1 -j Parallel --dont_split_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_5.gff
ok 12 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 13 - Actual output file exists empty_file -h
ok 14 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 15 - Actual output file exists clustered_proteins -j Local --dont_split_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_5.gff
ok 16 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 17 - Actual output file exists clustered_proteins -j Parallel --dont_split_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_5.gff
ok 18 - Actual and expected match output excluding variable columns
ok 19 - Check protein query_1.gff.proteome.faa is cleaned up
ok 20 - Check protein query_2.gff.proteome.faa is cleaned up
ok 21 - Check protein query_5.gff.proteome.faa is cleaned up
ok 22 - got expected text Looking for for -a
ok 23 - got expected text Output directory created for -v --output_directory t/data/directory_which_doesnt_exist t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff
ok 24 - pan genome files should be in directory
ok 25 - current working directory should not have changed after script is finished
--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet
--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/sigE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/sopB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/pepD_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yedV.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/copR.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/uraH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaR.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcC_1.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcC_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcD.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaI.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaX.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/rnz.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/cbpM.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/cbpA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/scsA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/scsB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/scsC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/resA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/agp.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yccJ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/wrbA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_61.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/rutR.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_77.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/putA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/putP.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_62.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/phoH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ybbH_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yidK.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/sglT.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/nanE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/nanM.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yiiy.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/nanT_3.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yjhC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ghrA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ycdX.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ycdY.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ycdZ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgL.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgK.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgJ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgI.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgF.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgD.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdtH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/bssS.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/solA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yceJ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yceI_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/msyB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_93.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdoG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdoC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ybhO_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ymdB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_70.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgD.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgF.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgG.fa.aln
not ok 26 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln -j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff
# Failed test 'Actual output file exists pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln -j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff'
# at /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/lib/ line 139.
not ok 27 - Actual and expected output match for '-j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff'
# Failed test 'Actual and expected output match for '-j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff''
# at /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/lib/ line 148.
# pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln absent
ok 28 - Core gene alignment exists
ok 29 - Check size of the core_gene_alignment.aln init
not ok 30 - length of first sequence
# Failed test 'length of first sequence'
# at t/Bio/Roary/CommandLine/Roary.t line 93.
# got: '0'
# expected: '64983'
ok 31 - Core gene alignment header exists
ok 32
ok 33
ok 34
ok 35
ok 36
ok 37
ok 38
--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet
--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet
--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_1.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_3.fa.aln
ok 39 - Actual output file exists core_gene_alignment.aln -j Local --output_multifasta_files t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_1.gff t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_2.gff t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_3.gff
not ok 40 - Actual and expected output match for '-j Local --output_multifasta_files t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_1.gff t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_2.gff t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_3.gff'
# Failed test 'Actual and expected output match for '-j Local --output_multifasta_files t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_1.gff t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_2.gff t/data/core_alignment_gene_lookup/query_3.gff''
# at /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/lib/ line 148.
# +---+----------+---+----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | |Got | |Expected |
# | Ln| | Ln| |
# +---+----------+---+----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | 1|>query_1 | 1|>query_1 |
# | | * 15|AATATTTAG *
# | 3|>query_2 | 16|>query_2 |
# | | * 30|AATATTTAG *
# | 5|>query_3 | 31|>query_3 |
# | | * 45|AATATTTAG *
# +---+----------+---+----------------------------------------------------------------+
--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet
--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgL.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgK.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgJ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgI.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgF.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/flgD.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdtH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/bssS.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/solA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yceJ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yceI_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/msyB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_93.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdoG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/mdoC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ybhO_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ymdB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_59.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgD.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgF.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/csgG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ycdZ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ycdY.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ycdX.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ghrA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yjhC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/nanT_3.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yiiy.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/nanM.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/nanE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/sglT.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yidK.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/ybbH_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/phoH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_51.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/putP.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/putA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_82.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/rutR.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/group_48.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/wrbA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yccJ.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/agp.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/resA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/scsC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/scsB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/scsA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/cbpA.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/cbpM.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/rnz.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/sigE.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/sopB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/pepD_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/yedV.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/copR.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/uraH.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaC.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaR.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcC_1.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcC_2.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcB.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcD.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpcG.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaI.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaX.fa.aln
Core gene file missing: pan_genome_sequences/hpaA.fa.aln
not ok 41 - Actual output file exists pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln -j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files --mafft t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff
# Failed test 'Actual output file exists pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln -j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files --mafft t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff'
# at /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/lib/ line 139.
not ok 42 - Actual and expected output match for '-j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files --mafft t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff'
# Failed test 'Actual and expected output match for '-j Local --dont_delete_files --dont_split_groups --output_multifasta_files --mafft t/data/real_data_1.gff t/data/real_data_2.gff''
# at /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/t/lib/ line 148.
# pan_genome_sequences/mdoH.fa.aln absent
ok 43 - Core gene alignment exists
ok 44 # skip extended tests not run
ok 45 # skip extended tests not run
ok 46 # skip extended tests not run
ok 47 # skip extended tests not run
ok 48 # skip extended tests not run
ok 49 # skip extended tests not run
ok 50 # skip extended tests not run
ok 51 # skip extended tests not run
ok 52 # skip extended tests not run
ok 53 # skip extended tests not run
ok 54 # skip extended tests not run
ok 55 # skip extended tests not run
ok 56 # skip extended tests not run
ok 57 # skip extended tests not run
ok 58 # skip extended tests not run
ok 59 # skip extended tests not run
ok 60 # skip extended tests not run
ok 61 # skip extended tests not run
ok 62 # skip extended tests not run
ok 63 # skip extended tests not run
ok 64 # skip extended tests not run
ok 65 # skip extended tests not run
ok 66 # skip extended tests not run
ok 67 # skip extended tests not run
ok 68 # skip extended tests not run
ok 69 # skip extended tests not run
ok 70 # skip extended tests not run
ok 71 # skip extended tests not run
ok 72 # skip extended tests not run
ok 73 # skip extended tests not run
ok 74 # skip extended tests not run
ok 75 # skip extended tests not run
ok 76 # skip extended tests not run
ok 77 # skip extended tests not run
ok 78 # skip extended tests not run
ok 79 # skip extended tests not run
ok 80 # skip extended tests not run
ok 81 # skip extended tests not run
ok 82 # skip extended tests not run
ok 83 # skip extended tests not run
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 83.
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::RoaryCoreAlignment;
ok 2 - Actual output file exists empty_file -h
ok 3 - Actual and expected output match for '-h'
ok 4 - Actual output file exists core_gene_alignment.aln -m t/data/core_alignment -s t/data/core_alignment.csv
ok 5 - Actual and expected output match for '-m t/data/core_alignment -s t/data/core_alignment.csv'
ok 6 - Actual output file exists core_gene_alignment.aln -m t/data/core_alignment -s t/data/core_alignment_core0.66.csv --core_definition 0.66
ok 7 - Actual and expected output match for '-m t/data/core_alignment -s t/data/core_alignment_core0.66.csv --core_definition 0.66'
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::RoaryPostAnalysis;
ok 2 # skip Tests dont take variablity into account
ok 3 # skip Tests dont take variablity into account
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::RoaryReorderSpreadsheet;
ok 2 - Actual output file exists empty_file -h
ok 3 - Actual and expected output match for '-h'
ok 4 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv
ok 5 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv'
ok 6 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth
ok 7 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth'
ok 8 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b alpha
ok 9 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b alpha'
ok 10 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b creation
ok 11 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b creation'
ok 12 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b height
ok 13 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b height'
ok 14 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b revalpha
ok 15 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a breadth -b revalpha'
ok 16 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth
ok 17 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth'
ok 18 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b alpha
ok 19 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b alpha'
ok 20 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b creation
ok 21 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b creation'
ok 22 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b height
ok 23 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b height'
ok 24 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b revalpha
ok 25 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -a depth -b revalpha'
ok 26 - Actual output file exists reordered_spreadsheet.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -f newick
ok 27 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -f newick'
ok 28 - Actual output file exists different_output_name.csv -t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -o different_output_name.csv
ok 29 - Actual and expected output match for '-t t/data/reorder_isolates.tre -s t/data/reorder_isolates_input.csv -o different_output_name.csv'
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::CommandLine::TransferAnnotationToGroups;
ok 2 - Actual output file exists reannotated_groups -g t/data/query_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_3.gff
ok 3 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-g t/data/query_groups t/data/query_1.gff t/data/query_2.gff t/data/query_3.gff'
ok 4 - Actual output file exists empty_file -h
ok 5 - Actual and expected sorted output match for '-h'
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::ContigsToGeneIDsFromGFF;
ok 2 - Initialise contigs to gene ids obj
ok 3 - Contigs match expected with standard output
ok 4 - Initialise contigs to gene ids obj with alternative ID patterns
ok 5 - Contigs match expected with alternative output
ok 6 - Product annotation with non standard format
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::EmblGroups;
ok 2 - initialise embl groups
ok 3 - heatmap colour
ok 4 - heatmap colour
ok 5 - heatmap colour
ok 6 - heatmap colour
ok 7 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 10
ok 8 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 9
ok 9 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 8
ok 10 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 7
ok 11 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 6
ok 12 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 5
ok 13 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 4
ok 14 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 3
ok 15 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 2
ok 16 - heatmap colour loop over each colour 1
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::External::Blastp;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - Command constructed as expected
ok 4 - run dummy command
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::External::Cdhit;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - Command constructed as expected
ok 4 - run dummy command
ok 5 - initialise object with lots of threads
ok 6 - number of threads capped at a lower level
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::External::CheckTools;
ok 2 - initialise checking for tools
ok 3 - Check for parallel
ok 4 - Check for blastp
ok 5 - Check for makeblastdb
ok 6 - Check for mcl
ok 7 - Check for bedtools
ok 8 - Check for prank
ok 9 - Check for mafft
ok 10 - Check for grep
ok 11 - Check for sed
ok 12 - Check for awk
ok 13 - Check for all tools
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::External::Mafft;
ok 2 - initialise mafft obj
ok 3 - Command constructed as expected
ok 4 - run mafft
ok 5 - output file exists
ok 6 - output for mafft matches
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::External::Makeblastdb;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - Command constructed as expected
ok 4 - run dummy command
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::External::Mcl;
ok 2 - initialise object with dummy values
ok 3 - Command constructed as expected
ok 4 - run dummy command
ok 5 - initialise object with real values
ok 6 - run the real command
ok 7 - outgroups as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::External::Prank;
ok 2 - initialise prank obj
ok 3 - Command constructed as expected
ok 4 - run prank
ok 5 - output file exists
ok 6 - output for prank matches
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::ExtractCoreGenesFromSpreadsheet;
ok 2 - initalise obj
ok 3 - Correct ordering
ok 4 - Correct of sample names to genes is correct
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::ExtractProteomeFromGFFs;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - one file created
ok 4 - content of proteome 1 as expected
ok 5 - initialise object where one GFF has no FASTA line
ok 6 - content of proteome 1 as expected
ok 7 - initialise object with genbank gff files
ok 8 - GB files created output
ok 9 - content of proteome /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/2AKcKqq7N4/genbank1.gff.proteome.faa as expected
ok 10 - content of proteome /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/2AKcKqq7N4/genbank2.gff.proteome.faa as expected
ok 11 - content of proteome /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/2AKcKqq7N4/genbank3.gff.proteome.faa as expected
ok 12 - initialise object with locus tag id gff files
ok 13 - locus tag id files created output
ok 14 - content of proteome /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/pLyItSXe1A/query_1.gff.proteome.faa as expected
ok 15 - content of proteome /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/pLyItSXe1A/query_2.gff.proteome.faa as expected
ok 16 - content of proteome /tmp/guix-build-roary-3.6.4.drv-0/source/pLyItSXe1A/query_3.gff.proteome.faa as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::FilterFullClusters;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - filter the clusters
ok 4 - filter original input and save full groups
ok 5 - content as expected
ok 6 - content as expected
ok 7 - content as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::GeneNamesFromGFF;
ok 2 - initialise reading GFF file
ok 3 - ids to gene names as expected
ok 4 - ids to gene lengths as expected
ok 5 - initialise reading another GFF file
ok 6 - ids to gene names as expected again
ok 7 - initialise a GFF file with locus tags only
ok 8 - ids to gene names with GFF file with locus tags only
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::GroupLabels;
ok 2 - initialise with a groups file
ok 3 - Add labels to groups
ok 4 - groups labeled as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::GroupStatistics;
ok 2 - Initialise group statistics object
ok 3 - Create the CSV file
ok 4 - CSV file exists
ok 5 - Spreadsheet content as expected
ok 6 - Create the Rtab file
ok 7 - Rtab file exists
ok 8 - Rtab matrix content as expected
ok 9 - Initialise group statistics object where one isolate has only 1 gene
ok 10 - Create the CSV file
ok 11 - CSV file exists
ok 12 - Spreadsheet content as expected with missing genes
ok 13 - Initialise group statistics object
ok 14 - Create the CSV file
ok 15 - CSV file exists
ok 16 - Verbose spreadsheet content as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::InflateClusters;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - inflate the results
ok 4 - inflated results as expected
ok 5 - initialise object
ok 6 - inflate the results
ok 7 - inflated results as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::OrderGenes;
ok 2 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 3 - build the graph
ok 4 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 5 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 6 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 7 - group group_B is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 8 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 9 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 10 - core accessory graph created
ok 11 - accessory graph created
ok 12 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 13 - build the graph
ok 14 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 15 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 16 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 17 - group group_B is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 18 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/no_accessory
ok 19 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 20 - core accessory graph created
ok 21 - accessory graph created
ok 22 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 23 - build the graph
ok 24 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 25 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 26 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 27 - group group_E is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 28 - group group_bubble_1 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 29 - group group_bubble_1 is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 30 - group group_bubble_2 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 31 - group group_bubble_2 is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 32 - group group_F found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 33 - group group_F is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 34 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 35 - group group_G is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 36 - core accessory graph created
ok 37 - accessory graph created
ok 38 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 39 - build the graph
ok 40 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 41 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 42 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 43 - group group_E is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 44 - group group_bubble_1 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 45 - group group_bubble_1 is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 46 - group group_bubble_2 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 47 - group group_bubble_2 is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 48 - group group_F found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 49 - group group_F is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 50 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_bubble
ok 51 - group group_G is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 52 - core accessory graph created
ok 53 - accessory graph created
ok 54 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 55 - build the graph
ok 56 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 57 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 58 - group group_B1 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 59 - group group_B1 is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 60 - group group_B2 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 61 - group group_B2 is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 62 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 63 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 64 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 65 - group group_E is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 66 - core accessory graph created
ok 67 - accessory graph created
ok 68 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 69 - build the graph
ok 70 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 71 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 72 - group group_B1 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 73 - group group_B1 is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 74 - group group_B2 found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 75 - group group_B2 is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 76 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 77 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 78 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/one_branch
ok 79 - group group_E is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 80 - core accessory graph created
ok 81 - accessory graph created
ok 82 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 83 - build the graph
ok 84 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 85 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 86 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 87 - group group_B is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 88 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 89 - group group_G is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 90 - group group_H found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 91 - group group_H is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 92 - core accessory graph created
ok 93 - accessory graph created
ok 94 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 95 - build the graph
ok 96 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 97 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 98 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 99 - group group_B is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 100 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 101 - group group_G is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 102 - group group_H found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/two_graphs
ok 103 - group group_H is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 104 - core accessory graph created
ok 105 - accessory graph created
ok 106 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/single_gene_contig
ok 107 - build the graph
ok 108 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/single_gene_contig
ok 109 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 110 - core accessory graph created
ok 111 - accessory graph created
ok 112 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/single_gene_contig
ok 113 - build the graph
ok 114 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/single_gene_contig
ok 115 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 116 - core accessory graph created
ok 117 - accessory graph created
ok 118 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 119 - build the graph
ok 120 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 121 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 122 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 123 - group group_B is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 124 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 125 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 126 - group group_D found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 127 - group group_D is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 128 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 129 - group group_E is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 130 - group group_F found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 131 - group group_F is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 132 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 133 - group group_G is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 134 - group group_H found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 135 - group group_H is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 136 - core accessory graph created
ok 137 - accessory graph created
ok 138 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 139 - build the graph
ok 140 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 141 - group group_A is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 142 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 143 - group group_B is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 144 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 145 - group group_C is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 146 - group group_D found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 147 - group group_D is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 148 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 149 - group group_E is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 150 - group group_F found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 151 - group group_F is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 152 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 153 - group group_G is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 154 - group group_H found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_deletion
ok 155 - group group_H is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 156 - core accessory graph created
ok 157 - accessory graph created
ok 158 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 159 - build the graph
ok 160 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 161 - group group_A is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 162 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 163 - group group_B is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 164 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 165 - group group_C is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 166 - group group_D found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 167 - group group_D is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 168 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 169 - group group_E is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 170 - group group_F found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 171 - group group_F is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 172 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 173 - group group_G is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 174 - group group_H found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 175 - group group_H is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 176 - core accessory graph created
ok 177 - accessory graph created
ok 178 - Initialise order genes object for t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 179 - build the graph
ok 180 - group group_A found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 181 - group group_A is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 182 - group group_B found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 183 - group group_B is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 184 - group group_C found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 185 - group group_C is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 186 - group group_D found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 187 - group group_D is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 188 - group group_E found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 189 - group group_E is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 190 - group group_F found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 191 - group group_F is core so shouldnt have any accessory labels
ok 192 - group group_G found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 193 - group group_G is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 194 - group group_H found in file t/data/accessory_graphs/core_island
ok 195 - group group_H is accessory so should have accessory label
ok 196 - core accessory graph created
ok 197 - accessory graph created
ok 198 - Initialise order genes object for sample weights
ok 199 - build the graph for sample weights
ok 200 - core accessory graph created for sample weights
ok 201 - accessory graph created for sample weights
ok 202 - graph weights changed
ok 203 - graphs reordered as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::CoreGeneAlignmentCoordinatesEMBL;
ok 2 - initialise core gene obj
ok 3 - Get gene name with directory
ok 4 - Get gene name with no directory
ok 5 - Get gene name where theres no extension
ok 6 - Get gene name with partial extension
ok 7 - create the embl header file
ok 8 - content of embl file as expected
ok 9 - next coordinate
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::DifferenceBetweenSets;
ok 2 - initialise set difference obj
ok 3 - create set one unique
ok 4 - create set two unique
ok 5 - create common set unique
ok 6 - set one file content as expected
ok 7 - set two file content as expected
ok 8 - common set file content as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::GroupsMultifastaProtein;
ok 2 - initialise creating the nuc fasta obj
ok 3 - perform the conversion
ok 4 - File content as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::GroupsMultifastas;
ok 2 - initialise creating multiple fastas
ok 3 - Create multiple fasta files
ok 4 - output_groups_group_2.fa group created
ok 5 - output_groups_group_2.fa group created
ok 6 - group 2 contect as expected
ok 7 - group 5 contect as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::GroupsMultifastasNucleotide;
ok 2
ok 3 - initialise creating multiple fastas where you dont delete non core files
ok 4 - Create multiple fasta files where you dont delete non core files
not ok 5 - Check multifasta content is correct for 3-hly.fa
# Failed test 'Check multifasta content is correct for 3-hly.fa'
# at t/Bio/Roary/Output/GroupsMultifastasNucleotide.t line 42.
# pan_genome_sequences/hly.fa absent
not ok 6 - Check multifasta content is correct for 2-speH.fa
# Failed test 'Check multifasta content is correct for 2-speH.fa'
# at t/Bio/Roary/Output/GroupsMultifastasNucleotide.t line 43.
# pan_genome_sequences/speH.fa absent
not ok 7 - Check multifasta content is correct for 2-argF.fa
# Failed test 'Check multifasta content is correct for 2-argF.fa'
# at t/Bio/Roary/Output/GroupsMultifastasNucleotide.t line 44.
# pan_genome_sequences/argF.fa absent
not ok 8 - pan genome reference file created
# Failed test 'pan genome reference file created'
# at t/Bio/Roary/Output/GroupsMultifastasNucleotide.t line 45.
not ok 9 - pan genome reference as expected
# Failed test 'pan genome reference as expected'
# at t/Bio/Roary/Output/GroupsMultifastasNucleotide.t line 46.
# pan_genome_reference.fa absent
ok 10 - initialise creating multiple fastas where you delete non core files
ok 11 - Create multiple fasta files where you delete non core files
not ok 12 - Check multifasta content is correct for 3-hly.fa
# Failed test 'Check multifasta content is correct for 3-hly.fa '
# at t/Bio/Roary/Output/GroupsMultifastasNucleotide.t line 62.
# pan_genome_sequences/hly.fa absent
ok 13 - Check 2-speH.fa doesnt exist since its non core
ok 14 - Check 2-argF.fa doesnt exist since its non core
ok 15 - initialise creating multiple fastas
ok 16 - multifasta creation fails when group limit exceeded
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 16.
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::NumberOfGroups;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - create the raw output file
ok 4 - check raw output file created
ok 5 - Content of total groups tab file as expected
ok 6 - check raw output file created
ok 7 -
ok 8 - check raw output file created
ok 9 - Content of total groups tab file as expected
ok 10 - check raw output file created
ok 11 - Content of unique groups tab file as expected
ok 12 - initialise object with 60 percent core definition
ok 13 - create the raw output files for 60 percent core def
ok 14 - Content of conserved genes with 60 percent core def
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::Output::QueryGroups;
ok 2 - initialise groups query object
ok 3 - create the union file
ok 4 - create the intersection file
ok 5 - create the complement file
ok 6 - contents of the union groups as expected
ok 7 - contents of the intersection groups as expected
ok 8 - contents of the complement groups as expected
ok 9 - initialise groups query object
ok 10 - create the intersection file
ok 11 - create the complement file
ok 12 - contents of the intersection groups as expected
ok 13 - contents of the complement groups as expected
ok 14 - initialise groups query object with paralogs
ok 15 - create the intersection file
ok 16 - contents of the intersection groups with paralogs as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::ParallelAllAgainstAllBlast;
ok 2 - initialise obj with mocked external applications
ok 3 - Run locally
ok 4 - Combined blast results
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::PrepareInputFiles;
ok 2 - initalise
ok 3 - proteome extracted from gff files, input fasta files filtered
ok 4 - previously created faa file looked up from gff filename
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::PresenceAbsenceMatrix;
ok 2 - initialise object
ok 3 - create matrix file
ok 4 - matrix file exists
ok 5 - Rtab matrix content as expected
ok 6 - initialise object one gene one group
ok 7 - create matrix file one gene one group
ok 8 - Rtab matrix content as expected for one gene one group
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::QC::Report;
ok 2 - QC report object created with no input gff files
ok 3 - report generated
ok 4 - report file exists
ok 5 - report file correct
ok 6 - QC report object created with data
ok 7 - filename of nuc from gff
ok 8 - extract nuc command
ok 9 - extract nuc files from gffs
ok 10 - check extracted nuc files from gffs list
ok 11 - Check FASTA file 1 extracted as expected
ok 12 - Check FASTA file 2 extracted as expected
ok 13 # skip kraken not installed
ok 14 # skip kraken not installed
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::ReformatInputGFFs;
ok 2 - initialise with one input gff
ok 3 - fix duplicates with one input gff
ok 4 - list of gff files with one input gff, nothing should change
ok 5 - Directory shouldnt exist because there arent any fixed input files
ok 6 - initialise with 2 input gffs
ok 7 - Directory shouldnt exist before running
ok 8 - extract ids
ok 9 - extract ids
All arguments to easy_init should be either an integer log level or a hash reference. at lib/Bio/Roary/ line 36.
ok 10 - fix duplicates with 2 input gffs
ok 11 - Directory should exist because there is one gff thats fixed
ok 12 - list of gff files one in the fixed directory
ok 13 - fixed file should exist
ok 14 - fixed file should have expected changes
ok 15 - initialise with 3 input gffs
ok 16 - Directory shouldnt exist before running
All arguments to easy_init should be either an integer log level or a hash reference. at lib/Bio/Roary/ line 36.
ok 17 - fix duplicates with 3 input gffs
ok 18 - Directory should exist because there is 2 gffs thats fixed
ok 19 - list of gff files 2 in the fixed directory
ok 20 - fixed file should exist
ok 21 - fixed file should exist
ok 22 - fixed file should have expected changes
ok 23 - fixed file should have expected changes
ok 24 - initialise with 1 gff that has shown to have a bug
ok 25 - fix duplicates
ok 26 - fixed file should exist
ok 27 - fixed file should have expected changes
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::ReorderSpreadsheet;
ok 2 - initialise reordering the spreadsheet
ok 3 - Column mappings with fixed in same order and end columns ordered by tree file
ok 4 - run the reorder method
ok 5 - check the output file exists
ok 6 - content of the spreadsheet as expected
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::SampleOrder;
ok 2 - initialise sample order object
ok 3 - order of sample names matches the tree
ok 4 - initialise sample order object with raxml tree
ok 5 - order of sample names matches the raxml tree
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::SequenceLengths;
ok 2 - Initialise object
ok 3 - hash with lengths of each sequence
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::SortFasta;
ok 2 - initalise object
ok 3 - sort the fasta file
ok 4 - the new file exists
ok 5 - check order of sorted fasta
ok 6 - initalise object with uneven sequences
ok 7 - sort the fasta file
ok 8 - output sequences are now divisible by three
ok 9 - initalise object with alignment with nnn at end
ok 10 - sort the fasta file and remove nnn at end
ok 11 - output sequences are now divisible by three
ok 12 - initalise object with uneven sequences and remove nnn from end but nothing to remove
ok 13 - sort the fasta file
ok 14 - output sequences are now divisible by three and no nnn removed
ok 15 - totally different
ok 16 - all the same
ok 17 - half different
ok 18 - first half the same
ok 1 - use Bio::Roary::SplitGroups;
ok 2 - initalise object
ok 3 - output file exists
ok 4 - split group output correct for test 1
ok 5 - initalise object
ok 6 - output file exists
ok 7 - split group output correct for test 2
ok 8 - initalise object
ok 9 - output file exists
ok 10 - split group output correct for test 3
ok 11 - initalise object
ok 12 - output file exists
ok 13 - split group output correct for test 4
phase `check' failed after 320.5 seconds
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