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Created October 19, 2021 02:49
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analyse <- function(current_samples, p0) {
# p0 = 0.5
print("Current samples:")
proportion = sum(current_samples<(p0*n))
print(paste("Proportion less than",p0*n,'is',proportion,"out of",length(current_samples)))
binom_test_result = binom.test(proportion, length(current_samples), p=p0)
pvalues = c()
means = c()
for (i in 1:length(current_samples)){
pval = binom.test(sum(current_samples[1:i]<(p0*n)), length(current_samples[1:i]), p=p0)$p.value
pvalues = c(pvalues, pval)
means = c(means, mean(current_samples[1:i]))
plot1 = qplot(x=1:length(current_samples), y=pvalues, geom='line', ylab='P-value', xlab='number',size=I(4))+geom_hline(colour='blue', yintercept=0.05)
plot2 = qplot(x=1:length(current_samples), y=means, geom='line', ylab='Mean', xlab='number',size=I(4), ylim = c(0,100))+geom_hline(colour='red', yintercept=50)
ggarrange(plot1, plot2, labels=c('A','B'))
theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(size = 25)) )
current_samples = c(62,55,45,15,41,24,16, 47,33,1, 63, 24, 55, 40, 44, 49, 2, 48,6,69)
analyse(current_samples, 0.5)
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