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Created March 30, 2022 21:18
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Valetudo Dreame Z10 Pro Voice Packs Guide
  1. Root
  2. Install Valetudo
  3. Backup files with SCP and to make a list of all of them
scp -i key.id_rsa root@* backup/
  1. Download/create your .wav files, save as 0.wav 1.wav etc. use this for reference which file is which sound to avoid listening to original files to find out
  2. Normalize WAV and convert to OGG. I used WSL Ubuntu 20.04 on Win11 (install vorbis-tools, ffmpeg)
mkdir ogg
cp backup/* ogg/
filenames=("7" "8" "10" "11" "12" "13" "18" "30" "41" "45" "110" "149" "151")
for filename in ${filenames[@]}; do ffmpeg -i "${filename}.wav" -filter:a loudnorm=I=-14:LRA=1:dual_mono=true:tp=-1 "${filename}_n.wav" && oggenc "${filename}_n.wav" --output "${filename}.ogg" --bitrate 100 --resample 16000; done
mv *.ogg ogg/
cd ogg
tar czf ../voicepapa.tar.gz *.ogg
md5sum ../voicepapa.tar.gz
  1. Serve files. I use (PowerShell/CMD, not WSL!!) and python 3
python -m http.server 8000 --bind
ngrok http 8000
  1. Open ngrok url in web browser, right click voicepapa.tar.gz "copy link"
  2. Go to Valetudo eg. language VA, hash from md5sum command
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