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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Abort sign off on any error
set -e
# Start the benchmark timer
# Repository introspection
OWNER=$(gh repo view --json owner --jq .owner.login)
dhh /
Last active June 2, 2024 06:24
# Libraries and infrastructure
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y \ docker-buildx \
build-essential pkg-config autoconf bison rustc cargo clang \
libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev libyaml-dev libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm-dev libjemalloc2 \
libvips imagemagick libmagickwand-dev mupdf mupdf-tools \
redis-tools sqlite3 libsqlite3-0 libmysqlclient-dev \
rbenv apache2-utils
dhh / pagination_controller.js
Last active April 24, 2024 10:53
HEY's Stimulus Pagination Controller
ERB template chunk from The Feed's display of emails:
<section class="postings postings--feed-style" id="postings"
data-controller="pagination" data-pagination-root-margin-value="40px">
<%= render partial: "postings/snippet", collection: @page.records, as: :posting, cached: true %>
<%= link_to(spinner_tag, url_for(page: @page.next_param),
class: "pagination-link", data: { pagination_target: "nextPageLink", preload: @page.first? }) unless @page.last? %>
dhh / Gemfile
Created June 24, 2020 22:23
HEY's Gemfile
ruby '2.7.1'
gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'tzinfo-data', '>= 1.2016.7' # Don't rely on OSX/Linux timezone data
# Action Text
gem 'actiontext', github: 'basecamp/actiontext', ref: 'okra'
gem 'okra', github: 'basecamp/okra'
# Drivers
dhh / tracker_blocking.rb
Last active July 27, 2023 14:19
Current list of spy pixels named'n'shamed in HEY, as of April 23, 2020
module Entry::TrackerBlocking
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :blocked_trackers
email_service_blockers = {
"ActiveCampaign" => /lt\.php(.*)?l\=open/,
"AWeber" => "",
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Results from MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016), 1.3 GHz Intel Core m7, macOS 10.12.3, Node 7.6.0
// let a = { z: 1 }
// human-friendly x 85,821,153 ops/sec ±1.81% (87 runs sampled)
// machine-friendly x 92,613,579 ops/sec ±1.89% (85 runs sampled)
// Fastest is machine-friendly
// let a = undefined
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Requires that you have ./bin/dcpTool from
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'nokogiri'
input_camera_model = ARGV[0] || "LEICA Q (Typ 116)"
output_camera_model = ARGV[1] || "LEICA M10"
This is Neela, recruiter from Kellton Tech Solutions (Formerly Prosoft Technology Group, Inc)
We are an Information Technology and Business Consulting firm specializing in Project-based Solutions
and Professional Staffing Services. I just tried reaching you today as your profile has been one of
the best matches for an immediate job opportunity I have with my client. So, please have a look at
the job description and let me know your interest ASAP. I would really appreciate if you could send
me your most updated resume also.
Please Note:
dhh / comments_channel.rb
Last active December 16, 2020 14:24
On-boarding a specialized broadcast method in the channel itself
# Channel
class CommentsChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def self.broadcast_comment(comment)
broadcast_to comment.message, comment: CommentsController.render(
partial: 'comments/comment', locals: { comment: comment }
def follow(data)
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
# Convenience for loading config/foo.yml for the current Rails env.
# Example:
# config/cleversafe.yml:
# production:
# url: