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A persistent job scheduler built on SQLite
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import sqlite3
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, Self
data BLOB,
created_at REAL NOT NULL,
starts_at REAL NOT NULL,
expires_at REAL,
completed_at REAL,
CONSTRAINT job_must_be_created_before_start CHECK (created_at <= starts_at),
CONSTRAINT job_must_start_before_expiration CHECK (expires_at IS NULL OR starts_at <= expires_at)
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_job_starts_at_expires_at ON job (starts_at, expires_at);
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ix_job_starts_at_expires_at;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_job_completed_at_expires_at ON job (completed_at, expires_at);
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO job_schema (key, value) VALUES ('version', 0);
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Job:
"""A job created by the scheduler."""
scheduler: Scheduler
id: int
data: Any
created_at: float
starts_at: float
expires_at: float | None
completed_at: float | None
def complete(self, completed_at: float | None) -> bool:
"""Mark the job as completed.
This is a convenience method for calling :meth:`Scheduler.complete_job()`.
If the job does not exist, this is a no-op.
:param completed_at:
The time at which the job was completed.
Defaults to the scheduler's current time.
:returns: True if the job was updated, False otherwise.
return self.scheduler.complete_job(, completed_at)
def delete(self) -> bool:
"""Delete the job from the scheduler.
This is a convenience method for calling :meth:`Scheduler.delete_job()`.
:returns: True if the job existed, False otherwise.
return self.scheduler.delete_job(
def get_seconds_until_start(self) -> float:
"""Return the amount of time in seconds to wait until the job starts."""
return self.starts_at - self.scheduler.time()
class Scheduler:
"""A scheduler that persists jobs in an SQLite database. Not thread-safe.
This class does not directly provide a mechanism for executing jobs,
but rather expects the caller to retrieve the next job and wait until
the job can start. As such, it is also the caller's responsibility
to reschedule whenever a new job is added, potentially from other
The scheduler can be used in a context manager to automatically close
the database upon exiting.
def __init__(
conn: sqlite3.Connection,
time_func: Callable[[], float],
) -> None:
self.conn = conn
self.time_func = time_func
def __enter__(self) -> Self:
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, tb) -> None:
def add_job(
data: Any,
created_at: float | None = None,
starts_at: float | None = None,
expires_at: float | None = None,
) -> Job:
"""Add a job to the scheduler.
:param data: The payload to be stored with the job.
:param created_at:
The time at which the job was created.
Defaults to the current time.
:param starts_at:
The time at which the job should be executed.
This cannot be lower than the creation time.
Defaults to the job's creation time.
:param expires_at:
The time at which the job will expire.
This cannot be lower than the start time.
If None, the job will never expire.
:returns: The job that was added.
:raises sqlite3.IntegrityError:
The start or expiration time was invalid.
created_at = created_at or self.time()
starts_at = starts_at or created_at
job_id: int = self.conn.execute(
"INSERT INTO job (data, created_at, starts_at, expires_at) "
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) "
(data, created_at, starts_at, expires_at),
return Job(
def add_job_from_now(
data: Any,
starts_after: float,
expires_after: float | None = None,
created_at: float | None = None,
) -> Job:
"""A convenience method to add a job relative to the current time.
:param data: The payload to be stored with the job.
:param starts_after:
The amount of time in seconds after the creation time.
This cannot be a negative value.
:param expires_at:
The amount of time in seconds after which the job will expire.
This cannot be a negative value.
If None, the job will never expire.
:param created_at:
The time at which the job was created.
Defaults to the current time.
:returns: The job that was added.
:raises sqlite3.IntegrityError:
The start or expiration time was invalid.
created_at = created_at or self.time()
starts_at = created_at + starts_after
expires_at = None if expires_after is None else created_at + expires_after
return self.add_job(
def get_job_by_id(self, job_id: int) -> Job | None:
"""Get a job from the scheduler by ID."""
c = self.conn.execute("SELECT * FROM job WHERE id = ?", (job_id,))
row = c.fetchone()
if row is not None:
return Job(self, **row)
def get_next_job(self, now: float | None = None) -> Job | None:
"""Get the next job in the scheduler.
:param now:
The current time.
Defaults to the current time.
:returns: The next job to be completed, if any.
now = now or self.time()
c = self.conn.execute(
"SELECT * FROM job WHERE completed_at IS NULL "
"AND (expires_at IS NULL OR ? < expires_at)"
"ORDER BY starts_at LIMIT 1",
row = c.fetchone()
if row is not None:
return Job(self, **row)
def get_seconds_until_next_job(
now: float | None = None,
) -> tuple[int, float] | None:
"""Get the next job's ID and the amount of time in seconds
to wait until it starts.
This reduces unnecessary I/O compared to :meth:`get_next_job()`
when only the time is needed.
Note that the returned duration may be negative if the job's start
time is overdue.
To avoid race conditions in cases where the job's start and
expiration time are equal, the job object should be retrieved with
:meth:`get_job_by_id()` rather than calling :meth:`get_next_job()`.
:param now:
The current time.
Defaults to the current time.
:returns: The next job's ID and delay, or None if no job is pending.
now = now or self.time()
c = self.conn.execute(
"SELECT id, starts_at FROM job WHERE completed_at IS NULL "
"AND (expires_at IS NULL OR ? < expires_at)"
"ORDER BY starts_at LIMIT 1",
row = c.fetchone()
if row is not None:
return row[0], row[1] - now
def count_pending_jobs(self, now: float | None = None) -> int:
"""Count the number of jobs that need to run.
:param now:
The current time.
Defaults to the current time.
:returns: The number of pending jobs.
# Similar query to get_next_job()
now = now or self.time()
c = self.conn.execute(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM job WHERE completed_at IS NULL "
"AND (expires_at IS NULL OR ? < expires_at)",
return c.fetchone()[0]
def complete_job(self, job_id: int, completed_at: float | None = None) -> bool:
"""Mark the given job as completed.
If the job does not exist, this is a no-op.
:param job_id: The ID of the job.
:param completed_at:
The time at which the job was completed.
Defaults to the current time.
:returns: True if the job was updated, False otherwise.
completed_at = completed_at or self.time()
c = self.conn.execute(
"UPDATE job SET completed_at = ? WHERE id = ?",
(completed_at, job_id),
return c.rowcount > 0
def delete_job(self, job_id: int) -> bool:
"""Delete a job from the scheduler by ID.
:param job_id: The ID of the job.
:returns: True if the job existed, False otherwise.
c = self.conn.execute("DELETE FROM job WHERE id = ?", (job_id,))
return c.rowcount > 0
def delete_completed_jobs(self) -> int:
"""Delete all completed jobs.
:param now:
The current time.
Defaults to the current time.
c = self.conn.execute("DELETE FROM job WHERE completed_at IS NOT NULL")
return c.rowcount
def delete_expired_jobs(self, now: float | None = None) -> int:
"""Delete all expired jobs.
Jobs marked as completed will not be considered as expired.
:param now:
The current time.
Defaults to the current time.
now = now or self.time()
c = self.conn.execute(
"DELETE FROM job WHERE completed_at IS NULL "
"AND expires_at IS NOT NULL AND ? >= expires_at",
return c.rowcount
def connect(
path: str,
time_func: Callable[[], float] = time.time,
) -> Self:
"""Connect and set up an SQLite database at the given path.
``:memory:`` can be used instead of a file path to create an
in-memory scheduler. In this case, it may be desirable to provide
a monotonic time function to avoid abnormal behaviour from
the system time changing.
Extra arguments will be passed to :func:`sqlite3.connect()`.
conn = sqlite3.connect(path, isolation_level=None, **kwargs)
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
conn.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL")
return cls(conn, time_func=time_func)
# NOTE: defined here to avoid shadowing the time module
def time(self) -> float:
"""Get the current time as returned by :attr:`time_func`."""
return self.time_func()
class _SchedulerMigrator:
(-1, ""),
def __init__(self, conn: sqlite3.Connection) -> None:
self.conn = conn
def run_migrations(self) -> None:
version = self.get_version()
if version >= 0 and not any(version == v for v, _ in self.MIGRATIONS):
"Unrecognized database version %s, scheduler may not work as intended"
with self.begin() as conn:
for version, script in self.get_migrations(version):
log.debug("Migrating database to v%s", version)
"UPDATE job_schema SET value = ? WHERE key = 'version'",
def get_version(self) -> int:
c = self.conn.execute("SELECT value FROM job_schema WHERE key = 'version'")
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
log.debug("job_schema not present, checking for job table")
c = self.conn.execute(
"SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'job'"
if c.fetchone() is None:
log.debug("job table not present, assuming version -1")
return -1
log.debug("job table exists, assuming version 0")
return 0
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise RuntimeError("missing 'version' key in job_schema table")
version = int(row[0])
log.debug("job_schema version returned %s", version)
return version
def begin(self) -> Iterator[sqlite3.Connection]:
yield self.conn
except BaseException:
def get_migrations(cls, version: int) -> tuple[tuple[int, str], ...]:
i = 0
for i, (v, _) in enumerate(cls.MIGRATIONS, start=1):
if version == v:
return cls.MIGRATIONS[i:]
def enable_windows_dpi_awareness() -> None:
import sys
if sys.platform == "win32":
from ctypes import windll
def main() -> None:
from tkinter import Text, Tk
from tkinter.ttk import Button, Frame
fmt = "%(levelname)s: %(message)-50s (%(name)s#L%(lineno)d)"
logging.basicConfig(format=fmt, level=logging.DEBUG)
runner_job_id = None
runner_id = None
def reschedule_runner():
nonlocal runner_job_id, runner_id
if runner_id is not None:
runner_id = None
job_delay = scheduler.get_seconds_until_next_job()
if job_delay is None:
job_id, job_delay = job_delay
delay_ms = int(job_delay * 1000)
runner_job_id = job_id
runner_id = app.after(delay_ms, run_job)
def run_job():
nonlocal runner_id
runner_id = None
if runner_job_id is None:
job = scheduler.get_job_by_id(runner_job_id)
if job is not None and job.completed_at is None:
write_to_log(f"Completed job #{}")
def write_to_log(message: Any, end: str = "\n"):
message = str(message)
text_log.insert("end", message + end)
def check_next_job():
job_delay = scheduler.get_seconds_until_next_job()
if job_delay is None:
return write_to_log("No job is pending completion.")
job_id, job_delay = job_delay
write_to_log(f"The next job is #{job_id}, due in {job_delay:.2f} seconds.")
def count_pending_jobs():
n = scheduler.count_pending_jobs()
write_to_log(f"{n} job(s) need to be completed.")
def cleanup_jobs():
n_completed = scheduler.delete_completed_jobs()
n_expired = scheduler.delete_expired_jobs()
f"{n_completed} completed job(s) and "
f"{n_expired} expired job(s) were cleaned up."
def submit_job():
job = scheduler.add_job_from_now(None, starts_after=3, expires_after=10)
write_to_log(f"Submitted job #{}, expected completion in 3 seconds.")
with Scheduler.connect("job.db") as scheduler:
app = Tk()
controls = Frame(app)
count = Button(controls, text="Check Next Job", command=check_next_job)
count = Button(controls, text="Count Pending Jobs", command=count_pending_jobs)
clear = Button(controls, text="Cleanup Jobs", command=cleanup_jobs)
submit = Button(controls, text="Submit Job", command=submit_job)
text_log = Text(app, font="TkDefaultFont")
text_log.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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