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Created November 13, 2014 16:48
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ui-grid bootstrap
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/grid";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/header";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/body";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/cell";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/native-scrollbar";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/footer";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/menu";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/sorting";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/icons";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/rtl";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/animation";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/elements";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/less/variables";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/cellnav/less/cellNav";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/edit/less/edit";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/expandable/less/expandable";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/exporter/less/exporter";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/pinning/less/pinning";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/resize-columns/less/column-resizer";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/row-edit/less/rowEdit";
@import "../../../../vendor/angular-ui-grid-src/src/features/selection/less/selection";
// This files constant the CSS for the icons used in the grid
// To generate it
// cd /path/to/ui-grid-src
// grunt fontello
@import (inline) "ui-grid-codes.css";
@import "gridVariables";
//// add ../../ to the url
//@font-face {
// font-family: 'ui-grid';
// src: url('../../ui-grid.eot');
// src: url('../../ui-grid.eot#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
// url('../../ui-grid.woff') format('woff'),
// url('../../ui-grid.ttf?') format('truetype'),
// url('../../ui-grid.svg?#ui-grid') format('svg');
// font-weight: normal;
// font-style: normal;
// We need this because ui-grid uses a constant color (#F0F0EE) for this
.ui-grid-row-header-cell {
background-color: @headerBackgroundColor !important;
// Add hover effect for grid, much like bootstrap's table-hover
.ui-grid.ui-gird-hover {
.ui-grid-row {
&:hover {
&:nth-child(odd) .ui-grid-cell {
background-color: darken(@table-bg-hover, 5%); // I like it better when its a little darker
&:nth-child(even) .ui-grid-cell {
background-color: darken(@table-bg-hover, 5%);
&.ui-grid-row-selected .ui-grid-cell{
background-color: darken(@rowSelected, 5%) !important;
// Make ui-grid fit better inside a panel
//.panel {
// .ui-grid {
// .border-bottom-radius((@panel-border-radius - 1));
// .ui-grid-native-scrollbar.horizontal {
// .border-bottom-radius((@panel-border-radius - 1));
// }
// border: 0;
// }
* @section Grid styles
@gridBorderWidth: 1px;
@gridBorderRadius: 0px;
@borderColor: @table-border-color;
* @section Header styles
/** @description Colors for header gradient */
@headerBackgroundColor: @panel-default-heading-bg;
@headerGradientStart: @panel-default-heading-bg;
@headerGradientStop: @panel-default-heading-bg;
@headerVerticalBarColor: @borderColor;
* @section Grid body styles
/** @description Colors used for row alternation */
@verticalBarColor: @borderColor;
@rowColorEven: @table-bg;
@rowColorOdd: @table-bg-accent;
// TODO: colors for buttons
* @section Sort arrow colors
@sortArrowBackgroundColor: #aaaaaa;
@sortArrowBorderColor: #777777;
// TODO: color for menu background
@rowSelected: @state-info-bg;
@rowSavingForeground: #848484;
@rowErrorForeground: #FF0000;
@rowDirtyForeground: #610B38;
// TODO: color for cell selections
@focusedCell: #b3c4c7;
// Color to use for enabled or selected settings/items/cells, etc. Should probably override the one above
@selectedColor: #cecece;
* @section Scrollbar styles
@scrollbarBackground: darken(@rowColorEven, 15%);
@scrollbarBackgroundHover: darken(@scrollbarBackground, 15%);
@scrollbarBackgroundScrolling: darken(@scrollbarBackgroundHover, 15%);
@scrollbarWidth: 10px;
@scrollbarBorderRadius: 2px;
@scrollbarShadow: 0 0 0px #fff;
@scrollbarBorder: 1px solid darken(@scrollbarBackground, 15%);
@scrollbarBorderScrolling: 1px solid darken(@scrollbarBackgroundScrolling, 15%);
//Border to be applied to editors when the input value or invalid
@invalidValueBorder: 1px solid rgb(252, 143, 143);
@validValueBorder: 1px solid @borderColor;
/* '.tmp/font/ui-grid-codes.css' (this is a file created at build time) */
.ui-grid-icon-plus-squared:before {
content: '\c350';
/* '썐' */
.ui-grid-icon-minus-squared:before {
content: '\c351';
/* '썑' */
.ui-grid-icon-search:before {
content: '\c352';
/* '썒' */
.ui-grid-icon-cancel:before {
content: '\c353';
/* '썓' */
.ui-grid-icon-info-circled:before {
content: '\c354';
/* '썔' */
.ui-grid-icon-lock:before {
content: '\c355';
/* '썕' */
.ui-grid-icon-lock-open:before {
content: '\c356';
/* '썖' */
.ui-grid-icon-pencil:before {
content: '\c357';
/* '썗' */
.ui-grid-icon-down-dir:before {
content: '\c358';
/* '썘' */
.ui-grid-icon-up-dir:before {
content: '\c359';
/* '썙' */
.ui-grid-icon-left-dir:before {
content: '\c35a';
/* '썚' */
.ui-grid-icon-right-dir:before {
content: '\c35b';
/* '썛' */
.ui-grid-icon-left-open:before {
content: '\c35c';
/* '썜' */
.ui-grid-icon-right-open:before {
content: '\c35d';
/* '썝' */
.ui-grid-icon-angle-down:before {
content: '\c35e';
/* '썞' */
.ui-grid-icon-filter:before {
content: '\c35f';
/* '썟' */
.ui-grid-icon-sort-alt-up:before {
content: '\c360';
/* '썠' */
.ui-grid-icon-sort-alt-down:before {
content: '\c361';
/* '썡' */
.ui-grid-icon-ok:before {
content: '\c362';
/* '썢' */
.ui-grid-icon-menu:before {
content: '\c363';
/* '썣' */
.ui-grid-icon-spin5:before {
content: '\ea61';
/* '' */
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m00s commented Dec 29, 2015

@tepez gistfile1.txt row 50 gird -> grid

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