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Last active February 13, 2024 14:21
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Convert .po files from Drupal7 to .yml for Drupal9
* First enable translation tracking (if it's disabled) by removing `collections.language.*`
* from /admin/config/development/configuration/ignore.
* After that, export all field translation .po files from the drupal7 site and save them
* in a directory in your project.
* The way the script is made requires some specifications:
* -The dir that the .po files are stored (e.g. /path/to/poFiles)
* -The dir that contains the language files (e.g. /path/to/config/sync/languages/)
* -The entities you want the translations from
* -The field machine names that are translated
// Specify the path to your project directory containing .po files.
$po_directory = '';
// Specify the output directory for .yml files.
$output_directory = '';
// Specify the entity names to search for translations.
$translation_entity = [''];
// Specify the field machine names to search for translations.
$translation_fields = [''];
// Scan the project directory for .po files.
$po_files = glob($po_directory . '/*.po');
// Process each .po file.
foreach ($po_files as $po_file) {
echo "Processing $po_file...\n";
// Initialize an array to store into key-value pairs the .po file contents.
$yaml_data = [];
// Extract the language code from the .po file name (e.g., "fr" from "fr.po").
$language_code = pathinfo($po_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// Determine the dynamic output directory based on the language code.
$dynamic_output_directory = $output_directory . $language_code . '/';
// Create the dynamic output directory if it doesn't exist.
// if (!file_exists($dynamic_output_directory)) {
// mkdir($dynamic_output_directory, 0755, true);
// }
// Read the content of the .po file.
$po_content = file_get_contents($po_file);
// Split the content into individual entries.
$entries = explode("\n\n", $po_content);
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
// Split the entry into lines.
$lines = explode("\n", $entry);
$entry_array = [
'entity' => '',
'msgctxt' => '',
'msgid' => '',
'msgstr' => '',
foreach ($lines as $line) {
// Extract values from msgctxt, msgid, and msgstr lines.
if (preg_match('/^msgctxt "(.+)"$/', $line, $matches)) {
// Extract the first part of msgctxt.
$msgctxt_parts = explode(':', $matches[1]);
// Extract the machine name for msgctxt.
$field_machine_name = isset($msgctxt_parts[0]) ? $msgctxt_parts[0] : '';
// Extract the entity type.
$entity = isset($msgctxt_parts[1]) ? $msgctxt_parts[1] : '';
// Insert in the array the extracted values.
$entry_array['entity'] = $entity;
$entry_array['msgctxt'] = $field_machine_name;
} elseif (preg_match('/^msgid "(.+)"$/', $line, $matches)) {
$entry_array['msgid'] = $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/^msgstr "(.+)"$/', $line, $matches)) {
$entry_array['msgstr'] = $matches[1];
// Check if both entity and msgctxt are in the specified arrays.
if (!in_array($entry_array['entity'], $translation_entity) ||
!in_array($entry_array['msgctxt'], $translation_fields) ||
empty($entry_array['msgstr'])) {
// Skip this entry if it doesn't match the specified values.
// Add the entry to the yaml_data array.
$yaml_data[] = $entry_array;
foreach ($yaml_data as $key => $value) {
// Build the dynamic .yml file name.
// For now it only created node field translations. In the future the "field.field.node"
// part will be dynamic.
$yml_file_name = "field.field.node.{$value['entity']}.{$value['msgctxt']}.yml";
// Build the contents of the .yml file.
$yml_contents = "label: \"{$value['msgstr']}\"\ndescription: ''";
// Save the contents to the dynamic .yml file.
$output_file_path = $dynamic_output_directory . $yml_file_name;
// Create the file in the appropriate dir and fill it.
file_put_contents($output_file_path, $yml_contents);
echo "Saved $yml_file_name file to: $dynamic_output_directory\n";
echo "Finished processing $po_file.\n\n";
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