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Created April 10, 2024 11:15
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  • Save Kreijstal/ecc9b1b7c11cd47c708eb8971a0bb37c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Kreijstal/ecc9b1b7c11cd47c708eb8971a0bb37c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
something minimal I took ir from another website and expanded from there
import typing as tp
import operator
# Defining the basic parser structure
ParserP = tp.Callable[[str], tp.Tuple[tp.Any, str]]
# Defining the ParserError for exception handling
class ParserError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, content):
super().__init__(f"{msg}: {content}")
# The parse function to run parsers
def parse(p: ParserP, s: str) -> tp.Tuple[tp.Any, str]:
(a, s) = p(s)
return (a, s)
# A parser that consumes any character
def anyChar(s):
if not s:
raise ParserError("Expected a character, got empty string", s)
return (s[0], s[1:])
# Parser that consumes a digit
def anyDigit(s):
if not s:
raise ParserError("Expected digit, got empty string", s)
if s[0].isdigit():
return (s[0], s[1:])
raise ParserError(f"Expected digit, got {s[0]}", s)
def many1(p: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result = []
# Attempting the first parse
(a, s) = parse(p, s)
except ParserError as e:
# If the first parse fails, raise ParserError
raise ParserError("many1: no match found at the beginning", s) from e
# Continue parsing if there are more characters
while s:
(a, s) = parse(p, s)
except ParserError:
return ("".join(result), s)
return func
def oneOf(collection: tp.Set[str]) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
if not s:
raise ParserError("Expected a character, got empty string", s)
if s[0] in collection:
return (s[0], s[1:])
raise ParserError("Character not in collection", s)
return func
def optional(parse: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
return parse(s)
except ParserError:
return None, s
return func
def peek(parse: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result, _ = parse(s)
return result, s
return func
def preceded(prefix: ParserP, parser: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
_, s = parse(prefix, s)
result, s = parse(parser, s)
return result, s
return func
def recognize(parse: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
original_s = s
_, s = parse(s)
recognized = original_s[:len(original_s) - len(s)]
return recognized, s
return func
def satisfy(predicate: tp.Callable[[str], bool]) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
if not s: # Check if the string is empty
raise ParserError("Input string is empty", s)
elif predicate(s[0]):
return s[0], s[1:]
raise ParserError("Predicate not satisfied", s)
return func
def delimited(p1: ParserP, p2: ParserP, p3: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
_, s = parse(p1, s)
result, s = parse(p2, s)
_, s = parse(p3, s)
return result, s
return func
def pair(p1: ParserP, p2: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result1, s = parse(p1, s)
result2, s = parse(p2, s)
return (result1, result2), s
return func
def separated_pair(p1: ParserP, sep_parser: ParserP, p2: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result1, s = parse(p1, s)
_, s = parse(sep_parser, s)
result2, s = parse(p2, s)
return (result1, result2), s
return func
def terminated(p1: ParserP, p2: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result, s = parse(p1, s)
_, s = parse(p2, s)
return result, s
return func
def tupleP(parsers: tp.Tuple[ParserP, ...]) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
results = []
for p in parsers:
result, s = parse(p, s)
return tuple(results), s
return func
def separatedTupleP(parsers: tp.Tuple[ParserP], separator: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
results = []
for i, p in enumerate(parsers):
result, s = parse(p, s)
if i < len(parsers) - 1: # If not the last parser, expect the separator
_, s = parse(separator, s)
return tuple(results), s
return func
def count(count: int, p: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
results = []
for _ in range(count):
result, s = parse(p, s)
return results, s
return func
def many0(p: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
results = []
while True:
result, s = parse(p, s)
except ParserError:
return results, s
return func
def separated_list0(p: ParserP, sep: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
results = []
first_result, s = parse(p, s)
while True:
_, s = parse(sep, s)
result, s = parse(p, s)
except ParserError:
return results, s
return func
def separated_list1(p: ParserP, sep: ParserP) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
results, s = parse(separated_list0(p, sep), s)
if not results:
raise ParserError("Expected at least one match", s)
return results, s
return func
def alternative(parsers: tp.List[ParserP]) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
for p in parsers:
return parse(p, s)
except ParserError:
raise ParserError("No alternatives matched", s)
return func
def take(count: int) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
if len(s) < count:
raise ParserError(f"Expected at least {count} characters", s)
return s[:count], s[count:]
return func
def take_until(predicate: tp.Callable[[str], bool]) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result = ''
for char in s:
if predicate(char):
result += char
return result, s[len(result):]
return func
# Implementing the describe parser
def describe(p: ParserP, tag: str) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
(result, s_remain) = parse(p, s)
# Tagging the result for clarity in the output tree
return ({'tag': tag, 'result': result}, s_remain)
except ParserError as e:
# Enhancing error messages with the tag
raise ParserError(f"{tag} - {e}", s)
return func
def alpha(s):
if s[0].isalpha():
return s[0], s[1:]
raise ParserError("Expected alphabetic character", s)
def mapP(p: ParserP, transform_func: tp.Callable[[tp.Any], tp.Any]) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result, s_remain = parse(p, s)
return transform_func(result), s_remain
return func
def flatMap(p: ParserP, transform_func: tp.Callable[[tp.Any], ParserP]) -> ParserP:
def func(s):
result, s_remain = parse(p, s)
return parse(transform_func(result), s_remain)
return func
def char(c: str) -> ParserP:
return satisfy(lambda x: x == c)
def exact(target: str) -> ParserP:
char_parsers = [char(c) for c in target]
return mapP(tupleP(char_parsers), lambda _: target)
numeric = mapP(many1(anyDigit), lambda digits: int(''.join(digits)))
def is_whitespace(c: str) -> bool:
return c.isspace()
# Parser for a single whitespace character
whitespace = satisfy(is_whitespace)
# Parser that matches zero or more whitespace characters
whitespace0 = mapP(many0(whitespace), ''.join)
# Parser that matches one or more whitespace characters
whitespace1 = mapP(many1(whitespace), ''.join)
def addNicks(parsefn, nickList) -> ParserP:
# Create a list of parsers that map nicknames to their respective parsing function
parsers = [mapP(nick, lambda _: parse(parsefn, real_value)[0]) for nick, real_value in nickList]
# Combine these parsers with the original parser using an alternative parser
return alternative([parsefn]+parsers)
#optional, peek, preceded, recognize, satisfy, delimited, pair, separated_pair, terminated, tupleP, count, many0, many1, separated_list0, separated_list1, alternative, take, take_until, describe, mapP, flatMap, char, exact, numeric, whitespace, whitespace0, whitespace1
place=describe(tupleP([describe(alpha,"building"),describe(numeric,"floor"),describe(preceded(char("-"),numeric),"room number")],"place")
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