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Forked from heapwolf/realtime.js
Created January 27, 2024 16:42
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socket runtime realtime demo
import { network, Encryption } from 'socket:network'
import process from 'socket:process'
import Buffer from 'socket:buffer'
import fs from 'socket:fs'
window.onload = async () => {
const peerId = await Encryption.createId()
const signingKeys = await Encryption.createKeyPair()
const clusterId = await Encryption.createClusterId('asdfasdfasdfasdfas') // change this!
const sharedKey = await Encryption.createSharedKey('asdfasdfasdfasdfas') // change this!
const socket = window.socket = await network({ peerId, clusterId, signingKeys })
socket.on('#ready', async () => {
const drawing = await socket.subcluster({ sharedKey })
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
const setSize = () => {
canvas.width = document.body.offsetWidth
canvas.height = document.body.offsetHeight
window.addEventListener('resize', setSize)
let isDrawing = false
let x = 0
let y = 0
function drawLine(context, color, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
context.strokeStyle = color
context.lineWidth = 1
context.moveTo(x1, y1)
context.lineTo(x2, y2)
const getOffset = e => {
if (e.offsetX) return { offsetX: e.offsetX, offsetY: e.offsetY }
if (!e.targetTouches[0]) return { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }
const rect =
return {
offsetX: e.changedTouches[0]?.pageX - rect.left,
offsetY: e.changedTouches[0]?.pageY -
const penDown = e => {
isDrawing = true
const o = getOffset(e)
x = o.offsetX
y = o.offsetY
const penUp = e => {
if (!isDrawing) return
const o = getOffset(e)
if (o.offsetX <= 0) return
if (o.offsetY <= 0) return
drawLine(context, 'black', x, y, o.offsetX, o.offsetY)
x = o.offsetX
y = o.offsetY
isDrawing = false
const penMove = e => {
if (!isDrawing) return
const o = getOffset(e)
drawLine(context, 'black', x, y, o.offsetX, o.offsetY)
const value = { x1: x, y1: y, x2: o.offsetX, y2: o.offsetY, ctime: }
const data = new Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(value))
if (o.offsetX > 0) x = o.offsetX
if (o.offsetY > 0) y = o.offsetY
for (const peer of drawing.peers.values()) {
peer.emit('draw', data)
canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', penDown)
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', penDown)
canvas.addEventListener('touchend', penUp)
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', penUp)
canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', penMove)
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', penMove)
drawing.on('draw', value => {
try {
const { x1, y1, x2, y2 } = JSON.parse(value)
drawLine(context, 'black', x1, y1, x2, y2)
} catch (err) {
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