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Created March 25, 2012 22:18
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Parallelized k-means in Cython.
Parallelized k-means module.
By David Warde-Farley, February 2012. Licensed under the 3-clause BSD.
cimport cython
from cython.parallel import prange
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from numpy.random import normal
cdef extern from "numpy/npy_math.h":
# TODO: Allow this to accept float32 or float64 using
# Cython's fused types, coming in 0.16.
ctypedef np.float64_t DTYPE_t
# Determine the right dtype for arrays of indices at compile time.
IF UNAME_MACHINE[-2:] == '64':
ctypedef np.int64_t INTP_t
intp = np.int64
ctypedef np.int32_t INTP_t
intp = np.int32
cdef inline void _compute_means(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] data,
np.ndarray[INTP_t, ndim=1] assign,
np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] means,
np.ndarray[INTP_t, ndim=1] counts):
_compute_means(data, assign, means, counts)
Compute the new centroids given the assignments in `assign`,
leaving the results in `means`.
data : ndarray, 2-dimensional, float64
Matrix of features with training examples indexed along
the first dimension and features indexed along the second.
assign : ndarray, 1-dimensional, int32/int64 (platform dependent)
A vector of length `data.shape[0]` containing an index into
`means`, indicating to which centroid a training example is
means : ndarray, 2-dimensional, float64
A matrix of shape `(k, data.shape[0])`, with each row
representing a centroid vector. This array be overwritten
by this function.
counts : ndarray, 2-dimensional, int32/int64 (platform dependent)
A vector of length `k` indicating the number of training
examples assigned to each centroid. This array wil be
overwritten by this function.
The data in `counts` argument at call time is never actually
used, it is simply made an argument to this function to avoid
reallocating a new buffer on every mean computation (which can
be a slight performance hit if the number of centroids is
This parallelizes over features (columns of `data` and
`means`) using OpenMP via Cython's `cython.parallel.prange`.
Parallelizing over examples would also be possible but would
result in slightly different results compared with a non-parallel
version due to the non-associativity of floating point addition.
Cython currently gives the warning "buffer unpacking not
optimized away" due to this being an inline function. This should
be fixed in the next release, at which point we will reap the
full benefits of inlining this.
# Convenience variables and loop indices.
cdef np.npy_intp ndata = data.shape[0]
cdef np.npy_intp nfeat = data.shape[1]
cdef np.npy_intp k = means.shape[0]
cdef np.npy_intp example, feature, centroid
# Zero the counts vector before repopulating it.
for centroid in range(k):
counts[centroid] = 0
# Count the number of times each centroid occurs in the assignments.
for example in range(ndata):
counts[assign[example]] += 1
# Main worker loop: for each feature, start by zeroing its value
# for every centroid, then compute the sum of all examples assigned
# to it, and finally normalize.
for feature in prange(nfeat, nogil=True):
for centroid in range(k):
# If a centroid has no points assigned to it, leave it alone.
if counts[centroid] > 0:
means[centroid, feature] = 0.
for example in range(ndata):
means[assign[example], feature] += data[example, feature]
for centroid in range(k):
# Only normalize if counts[centroid] is non-zero to avoid NaN.
if counts[centroid] > 0:
means[centroid, feature] /= counts[centroid]
means[centroid, feature] = 0.
cpdef tuple kmeans(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] data, np.npy_intp k,
np.npy_intp max_iter=1000, np.ndarray init=None,
assign, means, iterations, converged = kmeans(data, k, max_iter=1000,
init=None, rng=None)
Run k-means on a dense matrix of features, parallelizing
computations with OpenMP and BLAS where possible.
data : ndarray, 2-dimensional, float64
Matrix of features with training examples indexed along
the first dimension and features indexed along the second.
k : int
Number of centroids ("means") to use.
max_iter : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to run
(default is 1000).
rng : RandomState object or seed, optional
A random number generator instance to use for initialization
in the absence of `init`, or a seed with which to create one.
See the docstring for `numpy.random.RandomState` for
details on the accepted seed formats. Default is `None`,
in which case `RandomState` will try to seed itself
from the system random number generator or with the clock.
init : ndarray, 2-dimensional, float64, optional
An initial set of centroids to use instead of the default
initialization. This array **must** be of shape
`(k, data.shape[1])` if it is provided, and **will be
means : ndarray, 2-dimensional, float64
A matrix of shape `(k, data.shape[0])`, with each row
representing a centroid vector. If `init` was provided, this
will be the exact same array, but with the contents replaced
with the values of the centroids after k-means has terminated.
assign : ndarray, 1-dimensional, int32/int64 (platform dependent)
A vector with one entry per training example, indicating
the index of the closest centroid at termination.
iteration : int
The number of iterations of k-means actually performed. This
will be less than or equal to `max_iter` specified in the
input arguments.
converged : boolean
A boolean flag indicating whether or not the algorithm
converged (i.e. False if the assignments changed in the
last iteration). This disambiguates the rare but feasible
case where convergence took place just as `max_iter` was
The main bottleneck of k-means is the distance matrix computation.
This implementation uses `` for this, so you should
ensure that your installation of NumPy is linked against a good
multithreaded BLAS implementation for optimal performance. If
NumPy is linked against the Intel Math Kernel Library (as it will
be if you are using the full version of the Enthought Python
Distribution), make sure the environment variable `MKL_NUM_THREADS`
is set to the number of cores you wish it to use.
Significant gains can be made by parallelizing the quantization
and centroid computation as well. This implementation uses OpenMP
to parallelize mean computation over *features* (columns of
the data matrix) and quantization over *training examples*. Make
sure `OMP_NUM_THREADS` is set to the desired number of worker
threads/CPU cores.
cdef np.npy_intp ndata = data.shape[0]
cdef np.npy_intp nfeat = data.shape[1]
dtype = data.dtype
cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] mindist = np.empty(ndata, dtype=dtype)
cdef np.ndarray[INTP_t, ndim=1] counts = np.empty(k, dtype=intp)
# Allocate space for the assignment indices, distance matrix, the means.
cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] dists = np.empty((ndata, k), dtype=dtype)
cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] m_sqnorm = np.empty(k, dtype=dtype)
cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] means
# Declare variables for the current assignments and current argmin.
# Storing the current argmin separately lets us easily check for
# convergence at a memory cost of (pointer width * ndata).
cdef np.ndarray[INTP_t, ndim=1] assign
cdef np.ndarray[INTP_t, ndim=1] argmin = np.empty(ndata, dtype=intp)
if init is not None:
if rng is not None:
raise ValueError('rng argument unused if init is provided')
if init.shape[0] != k or init.shape[1] != nfeat:
raise ValueError('init if provided must have shape (k, '
means = init
assign = np.empty(ndata, dtype=intp)
means = np.empty((k, nfeat), dtype=dtype)
# Randomly initialize assignments to uniformly drawn training points.
if not hasattr(rng, 'random_integers'):
rng = np.random.RandomState(rng)
assign = rng.random_integers(0, k - 1, size=ndata).astype(intp)
# Compute the means from the random initial assignments.
_compute_means(data, assign, means, counts)
for iteration in range(max_iter):
# Quantization step: compute squared distance between every point
# and every mean.
# The distance between each of the data points and each of the means
# can be computed by a matrix product (times -2) plus squared norms., means.T, out=dists)
# Compute the squared norm of each of the centroids (necessary
# for determining relative distances below).
for centroid in prange(k, nogil=True):
m_sqnorm[centroid] = 0.
for feature in range(nfeat):
m_sqnorm[centroid] += (means[centroid, feature] *
means[centroid, feature])
# Determine the minimum distance cluster to each example. Note that
# we are actually determining max(m'x - 0.5 * m'm) which is equivalent
# to min(x'x - 2 * m'x + m'm), since the first term never changes.
for example in prange(ndata, nogil=True):
# Initialize the min and argmin to invalid values.
argmin[example] = -1
mindist[example] = -NPY_INFINITY
for centroid in range(k):
dists[example, centroid] -= 0.5 * m_sqnorm[centroid]
if dists[example, centroid] > mindist[example]:
mindist[example] = dists[example, centroid]
argmin[example] = centroid
# Check previous assignment against current assignment to determine if
# we've converged. NOTE: Don't do this with prange as sometimes the
# variable will not get set correctly.
# TODO: Do this check in the parallel loop above using a with
# parallel() block.
converged = True
for example in range(ndata):
if argmin[example] != assign[example]:
converged = False
assign[example] = argmin[example]
# If the assignment has changed, recompute means and continue the loop.
if not converged:
_compute_means(data, assign, means, counts)
return assign, means, iteration + 1, converged
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
import numpy as np
setup(cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext},
ext_modules=[Extension("kmeans", ["kmeans.pyx"],
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hainm commented Nov 9, 2014

Do you have benchmark for this code (with different numbers of core, data size, ...)?


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Erotemic commented Oct 3, 2016

I'm getting a bunch of errors (having to do with the GIL) trying to compile this. Any ideas?

I'm using Cython version 0.24.1

$$ cython kmeans.pyx 
warning: kmeans.pyx:29:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.
warning: kmeans.pyx:29:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.
warning: kmeans.pyx:30:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.
warning: kmeans.pyx:30:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.
warning: kmeans.pyx:31:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.
warning: kmeans.pyx:31:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.
warning: kmeans.pyx:32:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.
warning: kmeans.pyx:32:32: Buffer unpacking not optimized away.

Error compiling Cython file:
..., means.T, out=dists)

        # Compute the squared norm of each of the centroids (necessary
        # for determining relative distances below).
        for centroid in prange(k, nogil=True):
            m_sqnorm[centroid] = 0.

kmeans.pyx:222:20: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil

Error compiling Cython file:
        # Determine the minimum distance cluster to each example. Note that
        # we are actually determining max(m'x - 0.5 * m'm) which is equivalent
        # to min(x'x - 2 * m'x + m'm), since the first term never changes.
        for example in prange(ndata, nogil=True):
            # Initialize the min and argmin to invalid values.
            argmin[example] = -1
... the errors go on like this for awhile

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t-bltg commented Feb 22, 2017

Hi, I updated this gist (see HERE) for cython 0.25 to compile, but did not check the results ...

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